
30 December 2013

Christmas Eve 2013

Hello everyone!
Yesterday supposed to be my 6th wedding anniversary but i'm not gonna write about our anniversary for now coz i'm going to post about our preparation for Christmas this year. I'll post about our anniversary soon, of course.

For the 1st time in our life, we celebrated Christmas that are thousand miles from our hometown. With just a simple dinner on Christmas eve and attended Masses as well.

29 December 2013

Our Birthday December 2013

Hubby threw me a surprise birthday gift again. This time he put the gift above my head while i was sleeping. To be honest, I didn't expect any gift. All i want was, he always be there for me on my birthday. Unfortunately, he has to attend class for the whole day during my birthday. Therefore, i think that was why he threw me a surprise gift at exactly 12am on 13 Dec. 

I was quite sad actually that he couldn't spend time with me on my birthday. But, then we could celebrate again 4 days later.

10 December 2013

December 2013

December 2013.

The most memorable December in my life after December 2007 ( my wedding). 

I cherish everything. I'm grateful for everything. I thank you God for everything.

I couldn't thank God enough.

Sometime i didn't pray to God for an easy life, but i pray for courage and perseverance. Sometime when there's seem no hope, God is really there. 

 Me in King Dancer's Pose / Natarajasana

Patient and perseverance are worth for those who trust in the Lord. I did not came from a well-off family. But i'm grateful for everything that God has planned for me and for my family.

Praise to God.


06 December 2013

I am on

Hi dear readers,
Just to let you know that I am Been on since 27 November 2013. So what is actually?.. is actually an application that enable you to blog right away from your smartphone. Some called it as microblogging because you can blog your daily stories directly from your smartphone and not only that, uploading photos and videos on your blogpost are so easy too. It looks like is very convenient for the bloggers.

From now on i can blog out wherever i am, at anytime anywhere as long as there is internet line/ wifi. With blogging life much more easy. 

Just the thought of transferring photos to laptop sometime makes me lazy to update my blog. Therefore, is much more easier at the moment.

So if you happened to sign in to, please follow me at I've posted 8 posts so far in there.

Thank you for your time. 
Take care.. :)

29 November 2013

My 1st Green Smoothie

The hubby went out yesterday to shop for blender. I couldn't believe at first that he was that serious to buy a blender. The reason to buy the blender was, to make a green smoothie.

It was my first ever in my life to make a green smoothie yesterday. I saw a recipe from simplegreensmoothies on Instagram. They shared quite variety of green smoothies recipe.

26 November 2013

It has been 5 months

It has been 5 months today. Yes, 5 months of being a yogi. I've been practicing Yoga since June. And it's amazed me to see progress along my yoga journey.

Thank you GOD that I found yoga and of course other yogis friend. They are really inspiring and motivating that drive me to practice yoga everyday. 

Well, nowadays, I couldn't keep my pace to everyday due to the weather and my lil' boy. My yoga practice will always be done when my lil' boy taking his afternoon nap. However,  I definitely make sure myself to practice 5 times a week.

  • flexibility
  • strength
  • calming effect
  • positive thinking
  • health
  • body posture
  • to maintain body shape
  • reduce back pain 
  • yoga community, inspiring and motivating

I see progress in all of above. Enough said. :)

Thank you for visiting here. Have a wonderful day ahead.

P/s: Yes, the lady in the photo up there was me. :)

22 November 2013

The 1st Touchdown Flashback

I can't describe the feeling when we touched down at London Heathrow Airport for the first time. Been away from my hometown for almost 13 hours journey and 6990 miles away from Kota Kinabalu, made me nervous and excited at the same time, so did hubby.

Here are the things that happened upon we reached at the UK:-

15 November 2013

Recalling Back the Beginning & The 12 hours Journey

Hello dear readers,
Now that I have the chance to share about my life here in the UK. I would like to share the beginning of our journey to a place that is really unfamiliar to me.

It was exactly 6th of April 2013, the hubs received a good news about his application to further study. I was trembling to hear the news at first. Yes, trust me. The feeling of excited and happiness are at the bottom list. I was trembling because I have never been in my life to fly as far as to the place like UK. The farthest I'd been away from hometown are Beijing and Korea, and that was only for 10 days trip.

And why should I afraid and trembling to hear such news?.. haha. I don't know! Maybe it was because i myself couldn't believe it at first?.. And of course the mind began to think about all the things in the new place. People over there?.. culture?.. language?.. weather?.. and so on.. But deep in my heart, I'm so happy for my hubby.

14 November 2013

A Come Back

Wow it has been almost 3 months since my last entry. What a long pause. I'm so sorry for the long missing.

The moment you read this post, I'm in the North West England and the time now is 4.09pm. I know the time right now back in my hometown (Sabah, North Borneo)  is 12.09am. Yes, it is 8 hours later than here.

I am sure most of you/ my FB's friend and Instagram's followers aware that I'm now residing in the UK. Yes, i'll be staying here until next year. My hubby is furthering his study here for a year, therefore here we are with our lil' boy who turns 2 on last August.

We've been here since 12th September 2013 and until then i didn't have the chance to update my blog, because we didn't have internet line in our house. Now that, internet line/wifi installed at our home, I could at least post few entries in a week. :)

Okay, that's it for now. I'm so happy that now I able to post some entries on my blog. I miss to blog again. Will blog out more soon.

Till we meet again. :)

Take care.

26 August 2013

Gabriel 2nd Birthday, 25th August 2013

Yesterday was the birthday celebration for our precious son, Gabriel Aiden. Time flies so fast. Feels like he came to our life yesterday.

We decided to do just a simple celebration for him. Inviting only family members. Yes, an event only for immediate family. 

The birthday celebration was held at Jack & Pot, Penampang on afternoon. I am glad that most of family members came to attend this birthday celebration. Although it was only a simple celebration, it was fun. It feels great for the family to meet each other.

This family event was attended by two part of families. From my side and hubby's side. They didn't meet each other for a long time, and this is a good catch up, during events like birthday. 

23 August 2013

Kundasang Trip August 2013

I decided to have a one day trip to Kundasang on the 3rd day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Feels like it's been a long time haven't visit there. In fact it has been 2 years since we visit there. Hubby agreed. He said that was a good idea, to spend the quality time together since it is a public holiday.

21 August 2013

The KL Trip on Last July

Hello dear friends,

I just wanted to share some pics of our trip to KL on last July.  We've been there for a week. As i stated in my previous post, we travel to KL to settle the Visa things and a short trip to Malacca as well to attend the engagement ceremony of my hubby's youngest brother.

13 August 2013

KL & Malacca Trip July 2013

Hello dear friends,
Wow it's been nearly a month I didn't post anything here.

I didn't realize it has been a month. There were so much things happened in that time of frame. 

So i pick up the story about our trip to KL and Malacca from 23rd-29th July 2013. 

It was actually unplanned trip. We bought air flight ticket at last minute since hubby's youngest brother getting engaged with a sweet girl from Malacca on the 27th July.

So, at first we bought air flight ticket from 26th-29th July. But something came up. We have to apply our Visa in KL so hubby dragged backward the date to 23rd July. 

Our Visa is done by now. Everything is in plan. Thank You GOD. (will blog it out more later about that Visa thing.. :P )

18 July 2013

My 1st Princess

Hello dear readers,

I just wanted to share with you my first Princess Cake. I never do this before. And i never think I could do such deco. Thank GOD i managed to complete this. 

 A birthday cake for a 3 years old Madelyn.

Miss Oly (the customer) actually wanted a Minnie Mouse's head but I couldn't found it around KK so I replaced it with the princess doll. She suggested me with princess doll by the way if in case I couldn't do the Minnie Mouse.

It turn out nice actually with this pinkish cake and princess doll. 
Hope to do more of this kind of decorations. 

The cake is a butter cake, provided with yam filling with fresh cream frosting, a special request by Miss Oly. 

Okay, that's it for today.
Have a great Thursday. :)

17 July 2013

My Latest Progress

Hello dear readers,

I haven't update my blog for about 2 weeks. Wow.. it is quite a long period. I've been busy to complete my baking assignments. Thank you GOD for so far I managed to complete the baking works well.

And I discovered new poses in yoga too. I am so happy that I could perform few poses which I think it's really hard to do the first time I saw the pose.

The latest progress is the Mermaid Pose and One-legged King Pigeon Pose.

05 July 2013

My New Passion after Baking

I am currently practicing Yoga. The art of yoga is really beautiful. I fall in love with it the moment I did few of its pose.

I was actually invited by a friend to do yoga almost 4 weeks ago. She's really into yoga too. My friend, Ms Lydia explained to me how yoga is not only for physical appearance, it is actually good for your internal body, such as improves the digestion, blood circulation, breathing and so on. 

03 July 2013

My June Baking

Hi friends, 
We're in the month of July already. How time flies, isn't it?.. So, this would be my first post for July 2013.

Today i would like to reminisce back the cakes and cuppies that I had baked on the last June. Sometimes, it is good to view back the good things that we had done in the past. 

I like to view again my cakes and cuppies photos that I baked in the past. Sometimes, i tend to forget to where I'd begins in this baking line. GOD is great. I am proud of myself for being able to do these, for what I have achieve so far. 

26 June 2013

Wordless Wednesday : Yoga

Trying to do yoga everyday. I am a beginner. :)

24 June 2013

Mango Cheesecake (Baked)

Hello guys!
Happy Monday. How's your Monday so far?.. I hope it shall be great, though we're in the midst of bad air condition. The haze is getting worse day by day. Just make sure you stay at home, shut the doors and windows. For those who're at outside, just remember to put on face mask, ok..

19 June 2013

Father's Day 2013

Father's Day this year was quite special for me, although we celebrated the event over only a simple lunch and dinner. Yes, we celebrated over a lunch for my daddy, while dinner for my hubby's daddy.

This year was a special because I get to baked cuppies for my daddy for the first time. I mean, I baked for the first time for father's day. I never bake anything before for Father's day. All these years, i would buy cakes from my fav cake shop in Damai.

12 June 2013

Aiskrim Goreng (Fried Ice Cream)

I'm so happy my fried ice cream was a success! :)

I made fried ice cream for the first time today and i was amazed how the ice cream still hold its originality without melting or changing in shape. It didn't spills out from the bread too.

11 June 2013

Chocolate Cake Pops

Chocolate Cake Pops

Hi dear friends, this is my 1st time to do Chocolate Cake Pops. Quite interesting and it's fun. I used the Moist Chocolate Cake Recipe to do this cake pops.

09 June 2013

Butter Cheesecake Recipe

Today I'm gonna share with you Butter Cheesecake recipe. I baked this for the first time and glad it turned out good. I love the texture and the taste was just nice. :)

I found the recipe HERE and decided to bake it. The recipe was quite simple and easy to follow.

07 June 2013

What a Surprise!

Hi dear friends,
I am sorry if I keep you waiting for this post. Some of you might dying to know what it's all about. Friends keep questioning and guessing about the 'surprise'. 

Well, as usual i was busy with baking and taking care of my active toddler. Trust me, I myself can't wait to spread the happiness. But due to other important task, I have to hold the news for a while. Ya.. ya.. some might say why don't I just burst it out on FB and Instagram, well i choose to blog it out..haha! :P

04 June 2013

I'm Getting Better

Honestly year 2013 has been never good for me in term of health. I was attacked with flu, fever, sore throat and cough since early of this year. 

I was just recovered from flu and cough a week ago, when 2 days ago i was attacked again with flu, cough, sore throat and this time with short breath and chest pain.

01 June 2013

Mother's Day Cake Ideas

Hello dear readers!

How is your holiday/ kaamatan celebration so far?.. I hope it's a fun festival with a lot of food and memorable family and friends gathering throughout the celebration.

31 May 2013

Kotobian Tadau Tagazo Do Kaamatan

Kotobian Tadau Tagazo Do Kaamatan. (Happy Harvest Festival)
Us in Kadazan Traditional Costume.

The Kadazan Dusun Murut ethic will celebrate Harvest Festival on the month of May every year. And the celebration is at the peak on 31st of May.

So, I take this opportunity to wish Happy Harvest Festival. Remember to not drink too much. Drink in moderation only ok..

Happy Holiday. And take care :)

p/s: pssst gambar lama bah tu.. :P
mau pigi ambil gmbr pakai baju kadazan tapi tidak sempat suda hehee 

27 May 2013

Moist Butter Cake Recipe

Hello dear readers,
How is your last weekend?.. I hope all was good and yes i know today is Monday. Most people will say about Blue Monday and things like that.  But it's okay, life is like that. Just move on and you'll see what the rest of the week brings you.

Well, today I would like to share a recipe, in which a friend requested from me. I posted a butter cake photo on Instagram and she asked for recipe. To make things easy, I'll definitely share the recipe here on my blog so that most of my friend will get the recipe. Oh that was generous enough, right?.. haha

25 May 2013

A Blogger Friend's Wedding & Mother's Day 2013

Hi dear readers,

This post was supposed to be posted about 2 weeks ago. Due to busy with my lil boy and baking projects, I have to hold on this post for a while until today. :D

So, today I like to share with you these photos of a blogger friend who had tied knot  on 11th May 2013.

18 May 2013

More Pics of Ladies Blogger Gathering May 2013


Here are more pics of our gathering on 11th May 2013. No, i wouldn't put all of them here. I mean i'll pick the best to share with you. In fact there were about 176 photos altogether. There wouldn't enough space for all of them here hehe.. 

So here are they:-

 cutting cake.. :)

15 May 2013

Ladies Blogger Gathering May 2013

Hello! It's been a while. 

I really miss blogging. I'm too busy nowadays with these baking projects. I have to bake another rainbow cake this evening. Because of these baking projects, I seldom blogging/bloghopping, Insta-ing, Fb-ing and Keek-ing. But I still do have time to chatting/whatsapps-ing/ viber-ing with my close friends. :)

07 May 2013

KL Trip April 2013 (continue)

Hi dear friends!

How are you today?.. The weather was so hot this morning but now it turns to heavy rain. But it's okay. At least we don't have to gone through the hot weather for the whole day.

KL Trip April 2013

Hello dear friends,

As i promised, I'm going to put a post about my trip in KL. As i mentioned in my previous post, we went there for a week. It was only a few days walking around a few place in KL and Selangor as hubby was actually attending 3 days courses in Subang.

30 April 2013

New Header

Hello dear friends!

How is your day today?..I hope all in right condition.
Just a short update here. I have to put short update because my lil' boy will wake up from his afternoon nap soon, so I have to put a fast post here hehe.

Yes, it was about my new blog header. I decided to put my name there and a photo. Just a simple one. I hope it looks nice. Some friends do not know that it was my blog, and some of them thought it was others blog. So StellaClaire's Blog it is! :)

I just came back from KL yesterday. I've been there for a week. I miss baking and blogging so much! So now back to track hehe ( fikir2 suda apa mo baking ni hehe..). Will blog about my KL trip soon.

Okay, that's it! Have a great week ahead! :D

24 April 2013

A Week In KL

Hi dear readers,
How is your weekdays so far?.. I hope it's a great week for you and your family.

I just want to do some short update here as now I am right here in KL for a week. We ( hubby, gabriel and I) arrived here yesterday at around 2pm via AirAsia flight. It's not really a holiday but it's actually just to accompany my hubby as he has course to attend in Subang Jaya.

18 April 2013

Throwback Thursday #3

Me during my kindergarten graduation day. My parent sent me to Stella Maris Kindergarten Tanjung Aru, KK.

I remember a sister (nun) that used to be our headmistress, she always pinched my cheek whenever she passes me. I hate it because it was painful you know!..

And I do remember, my dad was the one who used to walked me to school. We walked together very early in the morning; our house located not so far from the school. I think it's about 10 mins walks.

Oh how i miss those moment, where as a child you never worry about anything..hehe. :)

15 April 2013

Rainbow Cake Recipe

Hi dear readers,
Today I'm going to share with you a rainbow cake recipe. To be honest I got this recipe from a good friend. Her name is Daphne. Thanks a lot to her for the recipe and tips. She is really nice and generous enough to share the recipe with me and she has given me green light to share this recipe. Kan Daphne?..hehe :P

I was actually fell to sick for almost more than 2 weeks. I got this recipe but I couldn't proceed myself to bake it. But Praise to GOD, i managed to bake a rainbow cake for the 1st time on last Friday. I can't believe it was a success. I overjoyed and hubby really amazed with the end result too! haha.. Baking is really a THERAPY for me hehehe.. :P

11 April 2013

Throwback Thursday #2

This photo was taken during my first Holy Communion 
at Sacred Heart Cathedral. I was primary 4. This was my very first time wearing white gown with a veil. And the white gown was custom made. My mom booked a tailor somewhere in KK to sew a special white gown for her daughter.  Macam org kawin kan haha

Those were the days. Sweet memories. I remember there were plenty of us wearing white gowns with veils. 

Receiving the Holy Communion was such an important part in my life. A mark of completion of me as a Catholic. I received my Confirmation later at age 13 at the same church.

04 April 2013

Throwback Thursday #1

This photo was taken on year 1988. My mom captured this photo. We travelled to KL for the first time and here we were at Zoo Negara.

During that time there were only 3 of us. My mom later delivered the rest of my brother and sisters on July 1988, September 1989 and March 1998. That makes us 6 siblings all together. 

Oh how I miss this moment. I was a thin little girl back then.

p/s: This is my first Throwback Thursday segment in my blog. I'm going to do this every Thursday starting today. :D

03 April 2013

Caramel Pudding (Eggless)

Blessed Easter everyone. I guess it's not too late. We are still in the week of Easter though. I couldn't post some entry earlier because I was occupied with the Easter gathering and attacked by sore throat. 

I think it was more than 3 days now I still in throat pain. I hope this pain will be gone soon. (So that I can proceed with baking again..hehe :P)

29 March 2013

Blessed Good Friday

Remembering Christ died for our sins. His love was so great till He sufferred and died on the cross. This day should be a weeping day. Imagine you as a mother seeing your son suffered and was killed on the cross. Mother Mary must be such a strong mother then. Her heart was broken into pieces when she saw Jesus Christ died. But because of Faith, she let it all be done according to the scripture.

The death of Christ means the death of death itself. The death of Jesus Christ means victory over death for those who trust in Christ as their God and Savior.

Let us remember the greatest Love of all, Jesus Christ Died For Our Salvation. Blessed Good Friday to Christians all over the world..

28 March 2013

Blessed Holy Thursday

Blessed Holy Thursday to dearest Catholic friends and family

After He had washed their feet, had put on His robe, and had returned to the table, he said to them, "Do you know what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord—and you are right, for that is what I am. So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you. Very truly, I tell you, servants are not greater than their master, nor are messengers greater than the one who sent them."
John 13:12-16 

26 March 2013

Blessed Holy Week

Blessed Holy Week to dearest Family and Catholic Friends..

On Palm Sunday, we celebrate the first joy of the season, as we celebrate Our Lord's triumphant entrance into Jerusalem where he was welcomed by crowds worshiping him and laying down palm leaves before him. It also marks the beginning of Holy Week, with the greatest tragedy and sorrow of the year.

19 March 2013

Red Velvet Cupcakes

As i mentioned in my previous post, my hubby requested for Red Velvet Cake. I granted his wish but this time I baked Red Velvet Cupcakes. 

I got the recipe from annaqawina blog. I can say this recipe much more tastier than previous one (if you still remember I posted Red Velvet Cake recipe few weeks ago). Hubby really like this cupcakes, me as well. To be honest, I'm not really eating the cakes that were baked by me. But this one is different. I eat a lot. Oh my it ruins my diet routine! haha..

So, let's proceed with the recipe. :D

18 March 2013

Dark Choc Brownies & Banana Choc Chips Cake

Hello dear friends,
I've been so into baking lately. I'm so sorry with that a lot of baking stories. I hope you enjoy the recipes. I really love baking and is actively baking cakes recently. And my list of baking is still so long and looking forward to share with you the recipes. 

16 March 2013

Green Tea Cheesecake

Hubby requested for Green Tea Cheesecake. To be frank, I'm not a green tea fan. But green tea is my hubby's fav. He actually requested for green tea cheesecake since few weeks ago, but I only managed to do it yesterday.

I Googled for green tea cheesecake recipe and stumbled upon Rahel's blog. It's quite a simple recipe and easy to follow. Therefore, I choose this recipe to fulfill my hubby requests. 

14 March 2013

Red Velvet Cake Recipe

I baked a Red Velvet Cake for my brother's birthday on last February. His birthday falls on Valentine's Day. And indeed it would be a double celebration, thus i decided to bake red velvet cake. Valentine's Day is not only for couples, it can be celebrated with your friends and family.

My dad would buy a cake for every birthday celebration since we were kids, but this time as he knows that I could bake a cake, he asked me to bake instead. When I asked what flavor, "Apa-apa saja lah asal sedap.." he answered. Well it is easy for me since they put it up to me to decide hehe..

13 March 2013

Which Zodiac Are You In?

I stumbled unto this zodiac character in Facebook. Kind of interesting. I'm a person that not really to read this zodiac-thing. But as I read on, i found it almost true. I was born on December. Most of the characters that being mentioned here is so me.

How about you?.. It's written there 97% person found it true. Even Wyne ( a blogger friend) found it true too. She was born on September.. :) As i read the September character, it is so her!.. :D

Okay, here I share with you the character according to your birth month. Read it, you might find it true too. :D

12 March 2013

Oreo Cheesecake (Chilled)

I decided to make Oreo Cheesecake (chilled) for my sister's birthday. Her birthday was on 4th March. She actually requested for ice-cream cake, but I seem did not find the ice-cream recipe on the net ( i saw the recipe though just few weeks after her birthday :p). She loves cheesecake too, so she agreed with Oreo Cheesecake as her birthday cake.

08 March 2013

Please Keep Praying for Sabah

I am sure the bloodshed incidents at Lahad Datu and Semporna still haunting Malaysians especially Sabahans. Our fallen heroes were killed in a most cruel manner. Our heart was broke into pieces the moment we heard about the bloodshed and it does put us in a lot of pain to see these things happened.

04 March 2013

I'm Too Worried, Please Pray for Sabah Safety

After the incident in Lahad Datu, the incident then still going on and this time it took place in Semporna where there were reported 6 policemen killed. I just can't believe that this thing become worst. I thought the situation is in controlled and there will be no more bloodshed.

02 March 2013

Lahad Datu Tragedy

I think all of us aware with the recent tragedy in Kapung Tanduo, Lahad Datu.

Two of our of our commandos were dead in the tragedy. Condolence to the families of the victims. I could not imagine the feeling of the family members when they received the bad news

28 February 2013

Banana Cake Recipe

I baked a banana cake on the 3rd day of CNY

My heart urges me into baking a cake. I went to the kitchen and saw 3 ripe bananas. So, i decided to bake a banana cake. I Googled for simple recipe of banana cake and I found this recipe from

Indeed it was really a simple recipe. Luckily all the ingredients can be found in my kitchen. So, i baked this banana cake during Gabriel & his daddy taking an afternoon nap. Yes, they didn't know I'm into baking that day. It was kind a surprise for them haha..

Unfortunately the moment I pour in the cake batter into a cake tin, my hubby when to the kitchen. No surprise anymore haha!..

He smile and I remember I made him guess what cake I'm baking that time. He answered, "Banana Cake!" with a  wide smile.. haha! He really could read my mind or maybe dia nampak hilang suda tu pisang..? hahaha.. :P

Okay, scroll down for the recipe. :)

26 February 2013

My February Baking

Okay enough with the LBLG stories, now moves to my February 2013 baking. :D

 As you know I am so in love with baking. It's so addicting. Couldn't agree more with Vera Peter. She's so into baking too. It was her who dragged me into this baking world. I just ventured the baking world last September 2012. I'm still new. There are still a lot of things I have to learn.

25 February 2013

More Pics of LBLG

Here are another pictures of our last LBLG. I don't have much pictures as I was using iphone only that time. I forgot to bring my camera haha.. 

Most of my pictures were blur and got noise. So I share with you here the least I got for you to view. :)

20 February 2013

Ladies Blogger Lunch Gathering 2013

The Ladies Blogger Lunch Gathering was held on last Saturday at around 12pm at Airways Putatan. Honestly, I was so looking forward to the gathering.

I actually baked a birthday cake (red velvet cake) for my bro the night before. I went to bed at about 1.30pm and woke up the next day early in the morning to finished up the decoration of the cake. Deep in my heart, I was thinking to bring my moist chocolate cake to the gathering as my humble gift to fellow bloggers, but i didn't manage to bake it. I feel slightly bad about it. Well, never mind. There's always next time.. isn't it.. :D

17 February 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

I suppose to post about the Ladies Blogger Lunch Gathering which was held yesterday. But i think i should post about V-Day first before proceed to the LBLG post.

Our Valentine's Day this year wasn't as fancy as years before. I decided to only stay at home rather to dine out. After all, it is Lenten Season. Therefore, I don't want to celebrate it with too much food or at some expensive restaurant. The Lenten season is all about less food and living in a modest life.

13 February 2013

CNY 2013

How is your Chinese New Year Celebration so far?.. It's the 4th day of CNY. I bet it must be fun and wonderful. Kids and youngsters must be so happy too with the angpows and fireworks. The adults busy with the family gathering and eating, eating and eating. Talking about eating, I think I gained few kgs because of the eating feast. Oh my gosh!

Our CNY celebration this year is not that really huge. Honestly, we don't really celebrate CNY. A simple lunch on the 1st day of CNY just to mark a family gathering on CNY. I do have the blood of Chinese but it is from my great great grandfather. My great great grandpa is purely from Hong Kong. His daughter (my grandma) married to my grandpa who is a Kadazanese from Papar.  And his granddaughter (my mom) married to my dad who is from Tuaran. That made me KadazanDusun.

06 February 2013

My 1st Cheongsam

Yay, finally I got my 1st Cheongsam. It's really exciting. I am so happy that finally I got a Cheongsam for the gathering. And honestly, I can't wait to wear it.. :D

Oh, I guess you must still remember I posted about Cheongsam with the titled Cheongsam oh Cheongsam! few days ago. I reviewed the place I searched for Cheongsam, prices range and the reason I want to buy a Cheongsam. 

I went to Megalong yesterday evening with hubby and lil' gabriel. Hunting for Cheongsam on this final week before CNY was never easy.  At last, we went to 2nd floor and found this two Cheongsams. It's pink and the other one is purple-white color.

05 February 2013

Moist Chocolate Cake (New Recipe)

I was trying to find a new recipe for Moist Chocolate Cake. I googled for it and I found this one blog, Love2cook Malaysia.  Looking at her recipe, it looks tasty and tempting. The recipe and the method looks quite easy to follow.

Therefore, I baked a Moist Chocolate Cake for my brother as he celebrate his 30th birthday. I was nervous at first to get the respond from the whole family, as this is  my 1st time trying this recipe.

To my surprise everyone was like " Punya sedap... macam mana ko buat ni?.. Sedap oh.. boleh jual suda ni..".. was funny to see the reactions of each of them. Even my mom said," Boleh ka buat lagi saya mau kasi father..".. And I said.. "Bulih ba.. ".

To be honest this recipe is far more better than the moist chocolate cake recipe i baked before. The taste is just there, sweet and moist. No wonder everyone likes it. I like it too eventhough i am the one who baked it. Feels like it was baked by other people haha.. 

Okay here's the recipe.

04 February 2013

The Hair Color

I'm tired with my current hair. Mau ubah style konon and mau kasi kaler.

Well, I guess I let my hair getting longer first then I'll change the style. For the time being I decided to color my hair.

I am planning to color my hair since December last year, but I shifted the plan to this year. Rambut tahun baru kunun. Rambut baru, azam baru?..aiseh hehe 

31 January 2013

Cheongsam Oh Cheongsam!

Today I'm gonna write about Cheongsam. Eh why Cheongsam?..haha

Well, as today is the last day of January, we will be entering the month of LOVE. Yes, we're welcoming February with warm heart.

As we all know, Chinese New Year also falls on February. Wyne, our fellow blogger has conducting the Ladies Blogger Lunch Gathering and she invites me and I guess most of the ladies blogger in KK too. I think she conducting this gathering together with another fellow blogger, Just.

The criteria of the gathering, you have to wear Cheongsam. 

30 January 2013

Instagram oh Instagram!

Ever since I introduced with Instagram, I hooked with it. Oh i tell you, it's really addicting. I started to use it in early 2012 and I find it really interesting.

I saw a blogger friend, Wency posted about Instagram. It moves me to write about it too.

What is Instagram actually?.. I know most of you who are using Android and Iphone/Ipad would know it. Well actually it is an application where you can share your pictures to your friends and family. It's up to you to share your picture publicly or only in your friendlist. There is a setting where you can set up your picture to be private or public view.

29 January 2013

Strawberry Lava Cake/ Strawberry Fondant

Hello dear readers,
How is your week so far?.. I hope everything is good.
Today I would like to share about this new recipe. This is my 1st new recipe of the year. 

Actually it is not that new. It is a lava cake with strawberry flavor instead of chocolate. A blogger friend, Lydia requested for lava cake with strawberry flavor. Honestly, I haven't bake a Strawberry fondant before and this would be my try an error recipe.

28 January 2013

Les Miserables

Les Miserables, the first movie I watched for 2013. It is a British musical drama film, and it was my very 1st time to watch a musical film too. Hubby and I watched it at GSC Suria Sabah on last Saturday (19th Jan ).

I was actually planning to watch The Impossible, which I saw its poster in Michelle Sung's Instagram. She even wrote a review about it in her blog. And from it I understand that this movie has a touching storyline and for sure you will shed tears while you watching it in the cinema hall.

So, to avoid the shed tears, I told hubby "Let us watch Les Miserables instead".. 

18 January 2013

Reminiscing 2012

Hi, it's been a week I didn't post any entry here. I have been so occupied with my little boy. Feels like he growing up so fast. And it led me to focus more on him. 

He doesn't want to play with his toys alone. He always pull my hand, asking me to play along with him (if hubby aren't around). He always seeks attention to me and his daddy.. Now, as he's taking his afternoon nap, I like to slip in this little time to update my blog. 

Well, this is my 3rd post of the year 2013. So, i would like to do some reminiscent of the year 2012. 

10 January 2013

A Short Trip to KL

Hi dear readers,
I think it's been a while since my last post. Today I would do some update. Just a short update.

Actually now I am at the Precint 3 Putrajaya. Yes I've been in KL since yesterday. Hubby got an interview in Putrajaya. In fact, now he is on the 6th floor for the interview while here I am at the ground floor waiting patiently for him. So to kill time, i think i should do some blog update.

04 January 2013

First Post for 2013

Hello dear readers,
How are you?..How was your Christmas and New Year celebration? How is your New Year so far?.. 

Today we are in the fourth day of the year 2013. Thank you GOD that we are actually still can breath and live happily here on earth. The Mayan calendar and the prediction of  'the end of the world' somehow freaked out a lot of people. Well, for me as a Christian, it's hard for me to believe things like that. I actually believe that only God knows the actual date of 'the end of the world'. No human, or even angels know about the date, only GOD himself.