
23 August 2013

Kundasang Trip August 2013

I decided to have a one day trip to Kundasang on the 3rd day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Feels like it's been a long time haven't visit there. In fact it has been 2 years since we visit there. Hubby agreed. He said that was a good idea, to spend the quality time together since it is a public holiday.

I think the last time we went there was during the 8th months of my pregnancy to my lil boy, Gabriel. And, talking about my lil boy, it was his first time to visit Kundasang. Indeed, this was a new place for him to see.

I bring along my brother and youngest sister too. So there were 5 of us. It was a fun and relaxing trip. The weather was quite okay, although it was raining since early morning, but towards afternoon the rain stopped.

We arrived at Pekan Kundasang at around 11.30am. We then straight to the well known resort in Kundasang, the Dream World Resort. And then proceed to Dairy Farm and Philip Garden.

So here are the photos. Lots of photos, so i pick the best to upload here.. :)

 These are memorable pics.. :)

 Ok, as usual.. Yoga poses..haha! :P

 The crescent moon pose with Mount Kinabalu view.. :)

 I just love the view behind us..

 Our family pics..

 The wind blows so strong..

 I love this view.. calming and relaxing..

 Hubby said this is the place where the Hobbits live..haha

 At Dairy Farm entrance..

 Mini New Zealand hehe

People queuing for ice-cream and fresh cow milk. And i stumbled into a blogger friend, Nadia. That was my brother, holding 2 ice-creams hehe..

At Philip Garden

Okay that's it for now. Thank you for visiting here. :)
Have a great weekend ahead. :)


  1. Time2 mood kurang bagus d tempat kerja mmg ngam pigi kundasang ni haha...siok o kan. C gaman pun ckp mcm ur hubby..mcm tpt tinggal hobbit haha.

    1. Nah kan..macam tempat hobbit kan.. mmg tenang ni tempat.. sekali sekala p sana kasi relax2 pikiran :)

    2. Nice view of Mount Kinabalu kan..Ya best pi sini untuk relaxing...:-)

  2. Siok oh kan pi Kundasang! I love it whenever I get the chance to go there. :D

  3. Lama sdh sia mo pi dairy farm, tapi inda juga tepigi2 huhu...
    BTW, ko pnya 1st pic yoga pose...salute :)
    Happy weekend Stel xo

    1. bah nanti plan sama family p sana lah..:)
      Thank you btw :)

  4. Hey, sis! Wah sempat lagi kan ko buat yoga..anytime, anywhere, right? Haha. Nice! My friends & I also make a plan to pay a visit to Kundasang this September. ^^

    1. sempat saja kan hahaha.. Bah jgn lupa upload pics k.. :)

  5. aha ha ni tempat mimang siok kan stelle. sejuk2 bah.. juma lagi ko sama c nad
