
26 August 2013

Gabriel 2nd Birthday, 25th August 2013

Yesterday was the birthday celebration for our precious son, Gabriel Aiden. Time flies so fast. Feels like he came to our life yesterday.

We decided to do just a simple celebration for him. Inviting only family members. Yes, an event only for immediate family. 

The birthday celebration was held at Jack & Pot, Penampang on afternoon. I am glad that most of family members came to attend this birthday celebration. Although it was only a simple celebration, it was fun. It feels great for the family to meet each other.

This family event was attended by two part of families. From my side and hubby's side. They didn't meet each other for a long time, and this is a good catch up, during events like birthday. 

The birthday boy was very happy to meet his cousin, Ian. They played hide and seek, running here and there, chasing each other. I'm so happy to see them. I'm so happy to see Gabriel having fun yesterday. That cheeky smiles and laughing with his high pitch entertains me. 

And i managed to baked a birthday cake for my birthday boy. Just a simple cake. I put Mickey Mouse Clubhouse image as the cake topper because it is his favorite cartoon. Finally my long time wish has fulfilled. Teary eyes.. I never think I could do this when i first gave birth to him. It was an emotional feeling.. Yes, I'll do anything for my baby..

So here are the pics from the birthday celebration. Enjoy :)

 Happy Birthday Gabriel Aiden.. Gabriel treats the cake knife as a comb.. Haha funny!

 Group photo. Family members from hubby side and my side..

 Just a simple birthday cake for my lil boy. Mickey mouse clubhouse as the cake topper..

 Daddy feeds Gabriel with birthday cake.. :)

 My siblings. I'm so happy. All of them came.. :)

 Gabriel got kisses from grandma.. and got 'angpow' too.. :)

 Gabriel received a birthday gift from cousin, Ian. I'm sure when they grow up, they'll become good friends.. :)

 The food.. Very tasty! :)

 Daddy and Gabriel..

 Mummy and Gabriel..

 Gabriel had fun with Ian.. :)

 Gabriel had fun with Ian. Can you see how happy he is.. :)

Happy 2nd Birthday to you my lil Gabriel. May God bless you with good health and prosperous life..

Mummy and Daddy love you very much. Mummy and Daddy proud of you and grateful to have you as our child. Hope you grow up to be a kindhearted and generous person, faithful to God, respect to others and successful in career..

And last but not least, Thank You to all family members for coming to the birthday party. Thank you for the birthday gifts and 'angpows' too. :)

And not forget, my Thank You goes to all friends who convey their kind wishes and prayers through Facebook and Instagram. May GOD bless all of you.. :)

Till then, have a blessed week ahead. 


  1. Happy buffday Gabriel! 2thn sdh.. cpt kan..

  2. Family members saja pun meriah bah. Macam selalu sa bikin CNY and Christmas.
    (btw, lawa dress ko sis. Curve?) hehe...

    1. Ya betul sis..meriah juga walaupun family saja..
      Dress lama tu sis. X tau mana si richard beli tu. Surprise bday gift ba tu lama suda tp sya x pernah pakai sebab dulu x muat haha!

  3. Happy birthday gabriel.

    Restaurant look nice and ndak sibuk bah kan, penampang which area ah.

  4. Happy Birthday to your Son Gabriel...Cepat masa berlalu oo kan...huhu..Psstt..Stel..ko x mau tambah..kasi kwn sama c Gabriel...Mesti dia happy ada friend..mcm dia sama c Ian..heheh

  5. Hello Stella, thats a great looking kid you have. He's cute! Love his beautiful eyes.
    Good looking hubby you have too....
    I enjoyed looking thru all the well taken pics here. Very nice. Big family you have.
    Have a great week, and keep a song in your heart.

  6. Gosh, the Mickey cake is so cute! Awesome family pix! Seems every time I drop by there's a birthday celebration......

  7. Happy buffday Gabriel! moga di murahkan rezeki

  8. Immediate family members tapi big family wakaka. Ba kasi besar lagi family ko sendiri :D

    Happy weekend!
