
31 January 2013

Cheongsam Oh Cheongsam!

Today I'm gonna write about Cheongsam. Eh why Cheongsam?..haha

Well, as today is the last day of January, we will be entering the month of LOVE. Yes, we're welcoming February with warm heart.

As we all know, Chinese New Year also falls on February. Wyne, our fellow blogger has conducting the Ladies Blogger Lunch Gathering and she invites me and I guess most of the ladies blogger in KK too. I think she conducting this gathering together with another fellow blogger, Just.

The criteria of the gathering, you have to wear Cheongsam. 

Honestly i don't have any Cheongsam and haven't wear it for the whole of my life. So, maybe this is my first time ever to wear it. Yes, this could be my chance to wear it haha.. 

It's haven't confirm yet whether I could attend this gathering. Unforeseen circumstances might appear on last minute. But let's say I'll attend the gathering.

I have surveyed Cheongsam at Suria Sabah and Megalong as well as at CityMall last week. Most of the price tags range are between RM100-RM300 and above. I saw this one beautiful red Cheongsam and fell in love with it the moment I saw it, but end up not buying it because the price is RM240. Phew!.. Hubby said, you just take it if you like it. But i don't want to waste money only for that one particular Cheongsam. Manatau ada lagi yg murah dan lawa.. :)

To my surprise, I read Wyne's and Jue's posts about their Cheongsam. They bought it at below RM60. Holy cheap!.. I thought there's no way I could get below RM100 Cheongsam and they got it below RM60?..

In the meantime, I stumbled upon a Facebook page which is selling Cheongsam at a very cheap price. Price range is below RM40-RM60. I am planning to buy it online if I haven't get Cheongsam for this coming weeks. But deep in my heart, I still want to go to any boutique shops out there to have a try. Bagus lagi ba yg boleh try di badan, puas hati.. :)

I do have few in mind if I happen to buy Cheongsam online, here are my list. I prefer pink, a few red and white color..

So which one you think is best suit for me?.. :D

Okay, that is for now.  Have a blessed week ahead. Definitely will give you a hint later once I bought a Cheongsam.. :)

Take care.


  1. Ada Ladies Blogger gathering? Best kamuorang. You believe or not although I am pure Chinese and celebrate CNY tapi saya sendiri tak ada cheongsam. Seriously pasal tak muat :(

    1. yes ada gathering. :)
      Aiya you can customized maa.. hehe.. kasi jahit ikut your size :)

  2. Eee siok...cantik and sexayy haha. Time sya di singapore haritu punya bnyak cheongsam murah2 tpi tiada pula terbeli hehe. Sya pun teringin pakai cheongsam oh. Bah belila tu yg the 1st pink cheongsam :)

    1. Oh mesti murah2 kan di Singapore. Sya pun suka tu warna pink tp dlm otak sya masi takut mo beli takut x ngam.. :(

  3. Semuaaaa nya cantik! And I'm looking forward to see you in Cheongsam outfit, yeah!

    1. Hahaha, rambang mata kan.. I'm looking for you too!:)

  4. I never wear it's gonna be my first time ever..btw pa nama tu fb yg jual cheongsam?

    1. Sama la Wen. Sya pun blm pernah ni. Nama tu fb Beautilicyous Closet.

  5. Stell..yg.gmbr no 1 sama 3...lawa....stherjaw

    1. Esther! Thanks for coming here. Lawa kan..sya pun rasa tu dua lawa :)

  6. white is definitely not in my list... nampak gemuk sia! huhuhu... ko cari colour lain.. c jue sdh pakai pink. heheheh.. mau jg colourful owh kan..

    1. Hahaha..ala.. kalau gitu nampaknya sya kena pakai merah la hehehe :P

    2. teda sia jumpa cheongsam yg menarik hati. ada pun mahal2 ni.. mcm nda sempat sdh mau cari ni.. sia pakai ja kali cheongsam sia yg for CNY day 1 pnya. maroon! ;p

    3. Okay la tu Just.. Maroon pun lawa ba.. :)

  7. ada ko pi check enoveal suria? last time i bought my cheongsam there under 100.

  8. the first picture looks super nice. itu ngam tu!

  9. sy suka yg 3rd pic but betul juga..mau yg buli try di badan baru puas hati..

    1. sya pun suka tu no 3, tapi itu la risau x ngam di badan..

  10. Hi there, vote for pic1 and the last one..mesti cute gila punya mana2 pun ko pilih hehe

    1. Haha..really?.. Sya pun suka tu yg last one. My hubby pun said itu lawa. Thanks for dropping by conchita :)

  11. The last pic cantik hehe... I really want to wear short cheongsam tpi masalah with my scar, bida.. huhu...

    1. Obvious sgt ka tu scar?.. Susa jg kan kalau ada scar..

  12. Stella, sia pick yg last punya pic :P
    Sia x pernah beli baju online lagi since my 1st & last time bad experience with online shop oo..
    Anyway, jiayou2 on your cheongsam hunting! :)

    1. Yg last punya lawa kan.. Oh ko ada bad experience pula beli online.. Nah tu yg sya risau beli online ni

  13. cantik cheongsam tu stella.. kalau kasi beli satu untuk bini pun ok juga tu nanti =D

  14. Love them all, my dear! I adore Cheong Sam & wear them every year without fail. They look good on Asian figures :)

  15. Kalo cheongsam bagus jgn beli online.. ;)

    Hopefully ko jumpa cheongsam yg harga dia reasonable ;)

    1. ya lydia, sya xbeli online.. sya beli sana megalong :)
