
30 January 2013

Instagram oh Instagram!

Ever since I introduced with Instagram, I hooked with it. Oh i tell you, it's really addicting. I started to use it in early 2012 and I find it really interesting.

I saw a blogger friend, Wency posted about Instagram. It moves me to write about it too.

What is Instagram actually?.. I know most of you who are using Android and Iphone/Ipad would know it. Well actually it is an application where you can share your pictures to your friends and family. It's up to you to share your picture publicly or only in your friendlist. There is a setting where you can set up your picture to be private or public view.

People who viewed your picture can drop comments and there is a 'LIKE' button too. There will be a notification too if someone has 'Like' or drops comment on your picture. It is really a bit similar to Facebook except this is only a pictures-sharing application. And i think you know it already that Instagram is now joined with Facebook, I guess that is why there's a bit similarity there. And oh ya, there is a setting too where you can share your pictures in Instagram directly to your Facebook and Twitter. And it's up to your too whether not to share them in FB or Twitter. Just set it up in the setting available. Sounds good isn't it?.. :D

And for me, I set my Instagram profile to private mode. If you want to follow my Instagram, look for Stellaclaire_Richard. You need to get my approval before you can view my pictures. Most of my pictures in Instagram would not be shared in Facebook or Twitter. I just select which picture that I wanted it to be shared on Facebook. So dear blogger friends, if you wish to see most of my pictures and what I do everyday, they're all kept in Instagram. Well most of the time I spend my whole day with my lil' boy and hubby.. :D

 This is my Instagram profile. Can you see the '1029' photos there? 
It's a lot of photos right? It shows how addicted I am haha.. :P

To make it more interesting, you can add filters and blurry effect in your pictures before you post it in Instagram. It is sure interesting and creating some sort of perfect and professional look to your pictures. I love to use those vintage-like filters and blurry effect. It creates different of depth and looks to my pictures. :) 

Oh my, it is really fun. I like to view friends pictures too. They always posted their up-to-date pictures. So, from that I know what are they up to. Good to know and I gain a lot of infos. From food, shopping, outfit of the day, products, fitness, motivation quotes and etc. You can exchange ideas and views too. Great isn't it!.. :D

I always view back my pictures in Instagram. Those pictures lead me to memories. Of course all is sweet memories. Yes, most of them.. :D

Okay, till we meet again. Take care. :D


  1. ko mau tau stel.. mobile fb (blackberry) sia nda dpt apa2 notification kalau kamu upload pic via insta... huhuhuhuhuhu... mau kena tukar hp kali ni pakai android.. hmmm

    1. sa mau beli blackberry ba b4 this tp ada SA kdai phone kctau sa..bosan dia blg guna bb..trus sa beli!byk apps bole pkai

  2. eh actually bkn notification ja nda dpt.. tp nda terpost pun d wall kamu kalau sia cek bb sia kecuali sia cek dr browser! sandi!!

    1. Oh kalau gitu mau kena tukar suda la pigi android tu Just haha. Let me know kalau ko suda join instagram ok

  3. Menarik kan Instagram...Kita boleh keep banyak picture...Album photo online not manually anymore..huhuu

  4. hai stella..
    bestnya ada ipad. tidak sabar mau beli nanti..

  5. I can feel your addiction sis.. I love it when you post about foods and gabriel. Hehe

  6. Addicted! Crazy but fun addiction. Haha!

  7. nice.....instagram can make picture be life..:)

  8. Se pun ter'addicted' dengan Insta already :)

  9. wah so many pictures! I was so active when I was at home where the wifi line is so fast.. after being back in the hostel I got lazy because it takes forever to load a single picture >.<

    1. Yes, me too. If the line was so slow, I'll end up not to upload any pcis in instagram

  10. tq for mentioning my name..hehehe..everybody loves it! bikin addicted kan..hihi

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  12. sejak android ada insta mmg addicted to insta bh sia... he he.. kalau buli apa2 pun sa mau post juga..

  13. mula2 dulu saya quite addicted jg ni sama instagram but lately jarang2 da berinsta..:)

  14. Sya pun addicted juga hahaha.. tapi kalo d beluran susah skit mau log in instagram.. line internet bikin panas ;p
