
29 January 2013

Strawberry Lava Cake/ Strawberry Fondant

Hello dear readers,
How is your week so far?.. I hope everything is good.
Today I would like to share about this new recipe. This is my 1st new recipe of the year. 

Actually it is not that new. It is a lava cake with strawberry flavor instead of chocolate. A blogger friend, Lydia requested for lava cake with strawberry flavor. Honestly, I haven't bake a Strawberry fondant before and this would be my try an error recipe.

To my surprise it turned out good. Hubby said it was nice. I even brought to my family members back in Putatan to get feedbacks. Obviously, they're chocolate fan, so having a strawberry cake is not like their favourite flavor, but they did say the lava cake is good though.

I gained slight confident in that, and with that I baked again the Strawberry Lava Cake for Lydia.

Here's a batch of Strawberry Lava Cake I brought to my family back in Putatan..

And here is the recipe:

110g white milk chocolate
6 tbsp butter
2 large eggs
2 egg yolks
3 tbsp castor sugar
6 tbsp flour
1 tsp strawberry essence/flavor
2-4 small drops of red colouring (depend on you)

1. Preheat oven to 160 degree. 
2. Melt together white chocolate and butter using double boiled method. Whisk until both completely melted. Add in sugar, eggs and yolks. Whisk until all combined well. Fold in strawberry essence, and whisk until combined.
3. Add in flour. Whisk until well combined. And after the mixture well combined, add in red coloring suit to your need. Whisk until they blend well.
4. Put the batter in greased ramekins or muffin cups.
5. Bake for 15-18 minutes at 160 degree.
6. Take out from oven and decorate it with your own creativity before serving them. Best serve with ice-creams.

 Fresh from oven :D

 And here with the lava..

A box with four cups as requested by Lydia.

Ok, that's it for now. For strawberry fans, go try this recipe. You can add some real strawberry fruits too in the recipe if you want to.  It is definitely a simple recipe to do. :D


  1. Sweet ja warna pink kan.. mau try balik bake fondant la cake.. :)

  2. Thank you Stella, sedap ba.. nda rugi sya order ;D

    1. Welcome Lydia. Thanks juga, kalau ko teda request teda juga sya terbuat strawberry flavor ni :)

  3. Okay lah tu kalu everybody said it is tasty. I'm not a strawberry lover too.

  4. Nice..... will try this out for CNY....... the colour is very suitable for CNY mood..... Thanks dear...... try out more.... hope to get more recipe from you my dear..

  5. mesti sedap tu kalo byk yg bagi feedback bagus. Buli sdh ni buat order..hehe
