
28 January 2013

Les Miserables

Les Miserables, the first movie I watched for 2013. It is a British musical drama film, and it was my very 1st time to watch a musical film too. Hubby and I watched it at GSC Suria Sabah on last Saturday (19th Jan ).

I was actually planning to watch The Impossible, which I saw its poster in Michelle Sung's Instagram. She even wrote a review about it in her blog. And from it I understand that this movie has a touching storyline and for sure you will shed tears while you watching it in the cinema hall.

So, to avoid the shed tears, I told hubby "Let us watch Les Miserables instead".. 

Les Miserables
Genre: Musical Drama Film
Director: Tom Hooper
Running time: 157 minutes
Awards: Golden Globe Award for Best Film - Musical or Comedy, Golden Globe Award for Best Actor - Musical or Comedy Film, Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress - Film, Satellite Award for Best Supporting Actress – Motion Picture, Satellite Award for Best Sound, BFCA Critics' Choice Award for Best Supporting Actress, Satellite Special Achievement Award for Outstanding Motion Picture Ensemble
Cast: Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, Russel Crowe, Amanda Seyfried, Willia Nicholson

Les Miserables is actually a movie adapted from a French historical novel by Victor Hugor which was first published in 1862, the greatest novel of the 19th century.

The storyline portrays the life of the people in 19th centuries. Beginning in 1815, a man named Jean Valjean is just released from his 19 years imprisonment. He was convicted guilty for stealing a bread for his starving sister. He was released but with parole. He must return to the police station every month due to the parole.

                                               Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean   

His heart was full of hatred and anger towards government and policemen, especially at the ruthless chief policeman, Javert. Without mercy, Valjean was treated like a slave in the prison for 19 years. Valjean was convinced that there is no good-hearted men in this world. The way he was treated in the prison turns him into a man with full of hatred. He was full of darkness and negative thinking towards the world where in this era the poor will be pushed down and the rich will be on your top.

Russel Crowe as Javert

However, everything changed in just one night. Valjean was offered food and shelter by the Bishop of Digne, but steals his silver during the night. He was caught by the authorities, but instead the Bishop save his life by saying the silver was given to Valjean as a gift. Valjean was touched by the Bishop's generosity. He vows to start an honest life under a new identity. He breaks his parole. Meanwhile Javert swears will bring the escaped Valjean to justice.

Anne Hathaway as Fantine

Eight years later, Valjean has become a factory owner and a mayor. Fantine, a sweet lady is one of his workers, was discovered to be sending money to her illegitimate daughter, Cossette. She then was dismissed by the foreman. 

In a desperate attempt to support her daughter, Fantine becomes a prostitute. She was arrested by Javert after she attacks an abusive man. Fantine was saved by Valjean. While Fantine dying at a hospital, Valjean promised to her that he will look after her daughter.

Fantine was saved by Valjean

I sobbed at a scene where Fantine has to sleep with a man to earn for her daughter. She sang a song that was really touching. The song tells her sorrowful and how her life ended in that way. It was so touching until i didn't realize I shed a lot of tears. Can you imagine her life, a single mother has to earn for her daughter in that miserable way. I cried and the way she brought the song really made the scene alive.

I shed tears again when Marius, the future husband of Cossette (Fantine's daughter) was saved by Jean Valjean. Whereby all his friends was shot dead by policemen. They were actually planning for revolution war but ended in sad way, all his friends shot to dead. He was shot but didn't die, he was just lay unconscious and was saved out from the war by Valjean. Valjean decided to saved Marius because he knows that this brave boy will be Cossette future husband. As he was taking the responsibility in taking care of Cossette so this is also related to Cossette future.

Marius doesn't know he was saved by Valjean. All he knows that when he wake up, the war was ended but the price was his friend all are dead. I shed tears when he sang a song about how he and his closed friends planning for the revolution but finally without he's knowing, all of them were dead. He went to the place where he used to meet with his friends. Can you relate your closed friends were shot dead without you knowing, the next day you see they were died on the street?.. Oh it was so touching, I couldn't hold my tears anymore. I let it runs through my cheeks again.. :(

At the end of the movie, an emotional scene where Valjean fell to sick and he is now ready to face death. Cossette who treats him as her father cried and begging to his father not to die so soon. I cried. Yes, I cried again.. Aren't you cry when your father is dying on your wedding day?.. Oh it was so heart-breaking to watch this scene.

Overall of the story was so touching and there were a lot of emotional scenes. Oh my.. I remember I said to hubby to avoid shed tears, thus we didn't watch the movie entitled The Impossible, but ended with my eyes and nose turned red because all of the tears..haha.. Terus malu2 saya keluar dari cinema ni. I found out, I'm not the only one. A lot of people also 'tarik2 hingus' ni..sedih kan cerita dia haa..haa..

It was the best movie I watched this year. Those who haven't watch Les Miserables, go watch. I bet you'll not regret. But don't forget to bring a box of tissue haha.. :D



  1. Sya blum tgk yg ini oh..nanti sya tgk juga hehe..haha ternangis juga la kan Stel..
    nice review! :D

  2. I have downloaded this movie but haven't watch yet! :)

    1. Sabrina, go and watch it right now. Don't forget to bring a box of tissue with u. :)

  3. hai stella,
    haha.. ni yang saya tidak suka kalau lelaki tgk filem mcm ni, takkan saya pun mau tarik2 ingus =D
    saya pun belum tengok movie ni, hari tu tengok the last stand sangat kelakar lakonan arnold.. saya rekomen filem ni hehe..

    1. Donny, ko try tingu la dulu hihi.. Siok ka pula tu last stand. Nanti sya tingu la :)
