
04 February 2013

The Hair Color

I'm tired with my current hair. Mau ubah style konon and mau kasi kaler.

Well, I guess I let my hair getting longer first then I'll change the style. For the time being I decided to color my hair.

I am planning to color my hair since December last year, but I shifted the plan to this year. Rambut tahun baru kunun. Rambut baru, azam baru?..aiseh hehe 

And my dearest husband bought a deal at Groupon without me knowing. He did that to throw me a surprise. He showed me the Groupon deal the other day through his Note II and I was like ' ee bagus oh kan, murah suda ni salon.. mcm sya mau oh kalau murah, mau kasi kaler rambut".. And he answered me "suda sya beli".. with that cheeky smile. Terus besar mata sya haha.. I am so happy. He seems could read my mind all this while.

The salon located at Megalong. My appointment is on 4th Feb means this coming Monday. Yes!.. Can't wait! :)

I'm eyeing those brown color. And I notice there are various series of Brown color. I goggled it and found as below:-

Beachy Borwn

 Caramel Brown

 Honey Brown

Golden Brown

 Chestnut Brown

So which one is suit me?.. all of them look nice isn't it?.. I am thinking of that Chestnut Brown on Victoria-Beckham. 

Hmm..let see if that Chestnut Brown suits me. Can you imagine if it's on my hair?.. :)

Well, will post on blog soon with my new hair color. :) *exited mode
Take care,


  1. Moi, you don't wanna consider ash brown? I looove that colour and will going to get my hair dyed with it ^^

    Macam hair dying season pula sikarang oh kan. My sis pun baru dye rambut this evening. My hubby's colleagues pun satu-satu dye rambut hehe..

    1. Ya kan mcm lawa jg ash brown oh.. Ya ka?..season pula warna2 rambut skrg ni aa..

  2. sy mau kasi panjangggg rambut dulu..
    sy pun suka brown oh..hmmm

  3. Chestnut Brown is a lovely colour, but make sure u get a lighter shade since your hair is black. Have fun!

  4. i love caramel brown ^^
    but its all up to u, yg penting it suits ur skin color.
    cant wait to see ur new hair ^^

    1. ya caramel pun lawa.. haha!
      ok..will blog it out soon :)

  5. sia pun suka2 brown2 nie. ada jg hati mau kasi brown rambut tp my mom nda suruh. dia bilang lawa lg hitam. huhuhuh... oh well.. ur hubby mmg full of surprise! ;p

    1. mummy sya mmg tdk suruh jg tp ko tau la nda mo dgr cakap hahaha. Lagipun hubby support sya kasi kaler rambut kan haha

    2. sia blm kastau c asai sia mau kaler.. kalau nda, mmg kena support jg.. tp nda kena kasi bili dye.. hahahaha

  6. Burgundy colour kebiasaan sa and my sister. Anyway, Chestnut Brown is a must to try. Bah, maarilah kita berkaler-kaler rambut ini tahun hehe!

    1. dulu sya suda pernah try burgundy...skrg mo try brown pula.. Ba mariii! :P

  7. Ya, chestnut brown cantik. Sia pun mo kasi kaler lah ni hehe... purple black kali :)

  8. Saya sdh buat new hair last year lagi..huhu..Saya kasi dye sm kasi curly lagi..heheh..Saya pun suka brown2 color nie...nampak sweet kan...

  9. Replies
    1. Hi, oh..thanks for visiting here. i feel honored. :)
      yes i opt for chestnut :)

  10. Masa sekolah sia selalu kasi kaler hitam rambut sia sbb ikut bapa sia ni..hihi
    sia rasa paling last sia kasi kaler rambut thn 2002 kali. Warna light brown kalu sia nda silap..hahaha
    Tingu kalu ada peruntukan, mo kasi kaler rambut la ni thn. :P
