
04 January 2013

First Post for 2013

Hello dear readers,
How are you?..How was your Christmas and New Year celebration? How is your New Year so far?.. 

Today we are in the fourth day of the year 2013. Thank you GOD that we are actually still can breath and live happily here on earth. The Mayan calendar and the prediction of  'the end of the world' somehow freaked out a lot of people. Well, for me as a Christian, it's hard for me to believe things like that. I actually believe that only God knows the actual date of 'the end of the world'. No human, or even angels know about the date, only GOD himself.

Well, on top of that I still want to give thanks to GOD and be grateful that I finally recover from my sickness. I start to feel unwell on the 24th Dec 2012 evening. The next day (which is Christmas Day), in the morning I caught with sore throat. I can't open my mouth to talk. It was so pain and my body was beginning to weaken. However, I thanked GOD as I managed to prepare all the dishes during the Christmas gathering. The Christmas gathering was held at my house. And later that evening, we headed to Gaya Centre Hotel for a buffet dinner with my hubby's family.

The next day, I was attacked with flu, headache, fever and cough. My body was so weak, that I can't even stand to walk. I was lying on bed for the whole day. Yes, i was in that condition for about 7 days. I started to feel slightly better on 31st December. Although, I still felt weak, I force myself to walk and celebrate the new year eve at my parent house in Putatan. It was once a year, so I don't want to miss that celebration. 

The sad thing is I couldn't celebrate our (hubby and I) 5th wedding anniversary due to my illness. For the 1st time in our marriage life, we just stayed at home on the day of our wedding anniversary. I still lying on the bed on that day.. I was so sad, but beneath in my heart I console my heart, there's must be a good reason behind this.

Okay, here are some pictures on the Christmas Day:-

 Dishes prepared by yours truly. Ada lagi beberapa dishes tp ini saja yg sempat kena gambar.. lapar suda kan hehe

 Masing2 lapar suda hehe

 Gabriel unwrapping his Christmas gifts

 He got a jeep as a Christmas gift

 ..and a new jacket too! :)

 My family on Christmas afternoon

 Here is a photo with my husband's family on the Christmas evening

 Drawing number for exchange gift session

 Everyone happy with their gift :D

Okay, that's it for now. 

Thanks for dropping by. Thanks for your wishes and prayer too. I am now slowly recovering from my sickness.  Slowly but surely. Thank you GOD.


  1. happy new year!!! and please get well soon okay.

  2. Hope you recover fully soon. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. jgn2.. mau ada adik c gabriel stel! hihihih.. Psst.. shirley clement ka tu na tu..

    1. Just, bgus jg klu gitu hahaha.. Ya si shirley la tu :)

    2. owhh sdh planning mau tambah laini kan.. patut la sia rasa familiar betul sama ur hubby. adik shirley ba pula... heheheh

    3. ya..adik shirley la tu hehehe.. Lama lg ba plan tu :P

  5. Get well punya sakit baru mau jadi... nasib today last day of working can rest tomorrow :)

  6. Happy New Year.. banyak ko masak Stella, mesti sedap tu kan.. Yummy :)

  7. happy new year stella! me, down with high fever a week before christmas :( the whole week i'm not feeling well dan masa itu la my baby jaden kena demam campak. sandi butul sa rasa itu time. nasib ada hubby sa yg tulung sa jaga jaden.

  8. Feeling much better already now? Musim sakit 'beramai-ramai' bah ni. Thank God I only had fever for one day but that was on my last exam paper. Mau pengsan juga sa menjawab soalan exam tu...adui!

    Anyway, take care yourself and hopefully can meet you next month. ;)

    1. Ya ba ramai org sakit..musim ba kali tu.. Harap2 la kita dpt jumpa ;)

  9. happy new year stella :)
    wah meriahnya cristmas parti kamuorang.. saya dapat hadiah botol air saja hehe..

    1. Boleh2 la.. immediate family ja. Ish betul ba? takkan botol air saja hehe

  10. Ba hope ko fully recover la by now.

    My New Year is going on fine. But dunno why, like I feel I am missing something. Hahaa. Like something lacking. I didn't celebrate New Year like how I used to maybe. I only celebrated in my house watching the fireworks from the television. Hahaa.

    Ba all the best to us in 2013 yo. And hope your family is well. Especially si Gabriel. Hehee.

    Happy Wednesday!

    1. Arms, ish lain juga tu.. apa yg missing?..heheheee..
      Same to you! :)
