
07 May 2013

KL Trip April 2013 (continue)

Hi dear friends!

How are you today?.. The weather was so hot this morning but now it turns to heavy rain. But it's okay. At least we don't have to gone through the hot weather for the whole day.

Now, i'm going to share with you another (continuation from the previous post) short post about my trip in KL. On the 25th April 2013, we (Hubby,son and I) then moved to 3K Inn in Subang Jaya. This inn was near to my hubby's conference at Summit Hotel. He had to attend a conference for 3 days. The day we moved to 3K Inn, we took an opportunity to have a walk at Sunway Pyramid.

Sunway Pyramid was just about 15 mins-20 mins car ride from 3K Inn. Taxi rate RM7 - RM10. (To know more about 3K Inn, please click HERE.)

Never been to Sunway Pyramid after almost 7 years. And there's a lot of changes. We were amazed that the shopping mall now expanded to more outlets and spaces. And of course you can see a lot of people from different countries walking and hanging around there. 

Hubby was so excited to see his fav hero. There's an ironman figure that really huge, i think it was an actual human size. There's a shop selling superheroes shirts and masks. Kids would enjoy this shop so much especially boys! Fortunately, Gabriel is still a lil toddler. I wonder if he already knew about these superheroes things. He might want us to buy something for him, definitely! Nasib juga haha..Mahal2 ba barang dia. One shirt is Rm2++.

Ok here are some pics to share :)

Capturing pics for remembrance. Ironman, Captain America and Superman

That Batman figure looks real. Gabriel wants to shake hand with Ironman haha

Bought red velvet cuppies at La Boheme for the 1st time. Belum pernah makan yg kedai punya. Hubby ckp yg sya buat lagi moist..haha! 

I love this walkway view. The design was so nice! This area where outlets like boutique from Arab, China and etc were located.

 Ice skating at Sunway Pyramid. Haven't try this before. Takut jatuh! hehe

 That backpack was so convenient! :)

Having breakfast with my hubby's sister with her kids :)

Okay that's it for today. KL trip story ended here.

Take care! :)


  1. Mesti bah wife punya kek lagi lebih sedap...mana boleh lawan yang wife bake sendiri kan...hehe

  2. Wife's touch is different compared to the ones sold.. Mesti la yg ko punya lagi bagus :)

    Btw, tolong sa.. Cuba ko comment di blog sa.. Dpt ka? Hihii... Kalau ko ada masa la k.. ;)

  3. kembang kempis tu hidung owh kan stel.. hahahah... buli laini buka bakery! :)
    Nasib baik kami teda p sana.. kalau nda, menangis2 laitu c rayyan mau minta bili tu superheroes pnya brg2.. pingsan!

  4. Hello, blog hopping and stumbled onto your beautiful blog.

    Awesome posts...!

    Best of luck and continue blogging...

