
04 June 2013

I'm Getting Better

Honestly year 2013 has been never good for me in term of health. I was attacked with flu, fever, sore throat and cough since early of this year. 

I was just recovered from flu and cough a week ago, when 2 days ago i was attacked again with flu, cough, sore throat and this time with short breath and chest pain.

I was a quite healthy girl and I never been too much with sickness until this year. I guess my immune system is getting weak. It must be because of I'm getting older?.. and my immune system getting low?.. Oh no, I have to do something with my health. I'm gonna take a lot of food supplement and Vit C even though I'm not sick. Seriously.. yes this thing getting serious lately.

I went to Permai Policlinics on last Sunday and guess what medicines did the doctor prescribed me..

Seriously! What is 'Kurang Inflamasi' is all about?.. I asked hubby, and he said it must be my throat. Maybe doctor found a bit swelling there. Okay, i hope it's nothing serious. 

Yes, it wasn't that serious as I am getting better now. The medicines that doctor gave me work wonders for me. I get recover so fast, as the next day after i took the medicine, I could feel the different. Thank GOD for that. Thank GOD for the blessings. Indeed.. :D

So dear friends, how have you been lately?.. Please take care your health okay. Yes, I mean it. 

Okay, before I end this post. I leave you with these random pics of cakes/cupackes that I baked for friends on last May. Enjoy.. :)

 Ordered By Ms Yats

 Ordered By Ms Daphne Hee

 Ordered By Ms Nadia Richard

 Ordered By Ms Michelle Sung

 Ordered By Ms Presse

 Ordered By Ms Esther Jawing

 Ordered By Ms Nang Ibrahim

 Ordered By Ms Yats

 Ordered By Ms Lisa Ambrose

 Ordered By Ms Dyana Red

 Ordered By Ms Laura Andrew

 And last but not least choco cake balls I did for the first time for the family to have. Glad they like it.. :)

Okay, that's it for today.

Thanks to those who wish me getting well soon. Indeed I'm recovering. 
Thanks again for your prayer. God bless each and everyone of you.

And before I forget, Thank You sooo much again to those who ordered cakes/cuppies from me. I feel honored to be part of your celebration, even though with just a cake. ;)

Till then. See you in the next post. :)


  1. telmpau baking kali ba tu... ;p nyway, siok tgk semua tu kek..

    1. Ko tau Just i made a theory kan maybe tu icing semua terbang masuk hidung sya time sya baking, tu la sya sore throat.. Hahaha. Next time sya pakai face mask lah ni hahaha

    2. stel, sorry for interupting here... not just wearing face mask, but also apron n the topi putih mcm songkok yg chef slalu guna tu... alaa baker pun guna tu kalo d kitchen... kidding :) @Fero

    3. Itu utk yg pro saja tu fero. Sya ni kampung2 seja hahaha

  2. Haha, teori yang sangat bagus tu sis. Tu Choco cake ball...aduii, sa buat lagi ni. (^_^)

    1. Betul bah kali teori sya tu kan sis haha
      Bah apa lg, this weekend buat lg sis..

  3. Thanks to God, Stel..Baik sdh ko dari sakit..heheh..take care ya...Waa..banyak sdh ko buat Cake kan Stel..cantik2 nie deco dia...:-)

  4. Get well soon :D
    Wah sedap2 semuanya kek tu...

  5. as always super-delicious... ur talent cannot be denied anymore.. get well soon! (FERO)

  6. Cakes and cuppies everywhere!

    Bah moi, kesihatan penting juga mah. Get well soon and capat bah kasi post apa si hubby mu kasi surprise ko heheh..

    1. Ya kesihatan penting bah hihi
      Kijap lg sya blog it out. Besa2 saja bah tu hehe

  7. Gara2 tlmpau rajin mbaking ba kli ni moi..hehehhe..

  8. Sya pun slalu sakit2 ni this year..mau beli supplement juga kali. mari2 hehe.. sya paling suka yg cake ada kit kat tu..feeling2 mcm cake yg sesuai utk engagement? hihi

    1. Ko mau engage suda ka Michelle?.. Haha
      Ya mari lah kita makan supplement kasi kuat tu antibodi badan hehehe

  9. Ooohhh I love all your cakes ^_^ anyway, me oso getting better now tulah tu flight delayed terus sakit berabis lol

    1. Thanks Vera. Ko lg terrer dr sya tu. Ko lah yg kasi inspire saya :)
      Ya musim sakit bah skrg kan

  10. Hello stella. I'm Nor Ezani. I would like to order cake rainbow cake from you and pick it up on next Monday (17th June) My contact number is 0195356235. :)
