
01 June 2013

Mother's Day Cake Ideas

Hello dear readers!

How is your holiday/ kaamatan celebration so far?.. I hope it's a fun festival with a lot of food and memorable family and friends gathering throughout the celebration.

And, today is the 1st day of June. I would like to take this opportunity to wish 'Selamat Hari Gawai' to our friends in Sarawak and all Sarawakians wherever you are. :)

Well, today I'd like to share about my Mother's Day cakes ordered by friends. This was my very first time to welcome orders from friends.

Truly and deeply in my heart, I felt very thankful and really appreciate them for putting trust in me to bake a cake for this meaningful event. I didn't believe it at first, orders keep coming in one by one, but I accept that as a learning process for me to walk more in this baking world.

Honestly, I am still a newbie. I am still in learning process; I have tons of things in this baking line to learn. Nevertheless, I Thank You God.  You have given me hope and chances to learn more.

Here are the cakes I baked for Mother's Day. Scroll down to view. :)

 Rainbow Cake with Butter Cream filling and frosting ordered by Ms Janet Chee.

 Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese filling and frosting ordered by Ms Feronia.

 Chocolate Moist Cake ordered by Ms Esther Jawing.

 Rainbow Cake with Cream Cheese filling and frosting ordered by Ms Ruziah.

 Rainbow Cake with Cream Cheese filling and frosting ordered by Ms DyanaRed.

 Butter Cake with Butter Cream filling and frosting ordered by Ms Laura Andrew.

And last but not least 6 cuppies ordered by famous traveling blogger, Diana Teo which she intended to surprise her mother. How sweet!

So, that's it for today. Thanks again for those who asked me to bake a cake/cuppies for them. I feel honored. I am really glad too with their encouraging feedbacks. They lift my spirit to bake more.. haha!

Take care,

p/s: Pm me on my Facebook or just send email to to place orders. :)


  1. I love the deco you did for dyana. It could be a wedding or engagement cake! :D

  2. Thanks for featuring me. I really do love ur cupcakes and plan to order more next time. =D. In between, I am not famous lah. Just an ordinary blogger =D... Hahaha..

    1. Thanks! Indeed u're famous. I know a lot of people know u hehe

  3. Dear Stel, thank u for the yummy cake ya.. n your welcome too.. bila nmpk tu cake yg i ordered from u n u posted it here.. trus mcm teringat2 balik time mkn2 tu cake with a hot drink... hmmm so blissful :) (Fero)

    1. Haha i can bake u few cuppies if u want for tea time hehe. Thanks :)

  4. Cute2 ba sdh deco ni...eee sya siakan pula haha mau tggu ada event dulu baru sya order lagi hihi

  5. Creative. Keep on sharing with us. ^_^

  6. Wonderful round-up! So u're getting ready to bake for Father's Day too?

  7. wow, ko pnya baking hobby sdh jadi something yg berguna. Really inspired by you Stel :) Keep it up!

    1. Yes edith. I guess so. Thank you God for His blessings..thanks for visiting here edith :)

  8. Hi Stella, love the cakes...wish I have my mom to present her a cake too.
    I can see you have a black belt in baking. Wayyyy to go, Stella!
    Have fun and keep a song in your heart.

    1. Hi Uncle Lee,
      Thanks for visiting here. No lah.. Not yet black belt haha.. I'm still learning and yes way to go.. :)
