
13 February 2013

CNY 2013

How is your Chinese New Year Celebration so far?.. It's the 4th day of CNY. I bet it must be fun and wonderful. Kids and youngsters must be so happy too with the angpows and fireworks. The adults busy with the family gathering and eating, eating and eating. Talking about eating, I think I gained few kgs because of the eating feast. Oh my gosh!

Our CNY celebration this year is not that really huge. Honestly, we don't really celebrate CNY. A simple lunch on the 1st day of CNY just to mark a family gathering on CNY. I do have the blood of Chinese but it is from my great great grandfather. My great great grandpa is purely from Hong Kong. His daughter (my grandma) married to my grandpa who is a Kadazanese from Papar.  And his granddaughter (my mom) married to my dad who is from Tuaran. That made me KadazanDusun.

Well, as for my hubby, he does has a Chinese blood too. I guess he has same case as me. But he really looks like a Chinese man. Some friend asked whether I married a Chinese man and I would say, he doesn't speak Mandarin..haha! Therefore, we didn't celebrate CNY that much. Tapi kalau makan2 tu ada tetap serbu saja haha.. :P

Ok lets look at what I have gone through on the 1st, 2nd and the 3rd day of CNY.

Well, as I said before, we had a family lunch on the 1st CNY at Promenade Hotel Kota Kinabalu. They called it high tea but it was more a lunch for me haha.. It was actually a high tea with the in-laws so it feels great to gathered with them. Gabriel is so happy too because he got Angpows from his grandma & grandpa and from his aunties & uncles too.

The 1st day of CNY. Ready to morning mass at Stella Maris Church and went to Angelina Albinus wedding reception later.

 At entrance of  Angelina Albinus's wedding reception, a blogger friend. I like their wedding portrait so much! :)

 I managed to take a pic with her. I met her for the 1st time. What a gorgeous bride! Her make-up and hair-do was done by my ex-classmate, Claire Tony. What a small world! :D

 And went to Promenade Hotel for high tea buffet afterwards.

 3 of us on the 1st day of CNY :D

 The food.. Burppp..Opps Sorry :P

Group pic..

While on the 2nd day of CNY, we (gabriel, hubby and I) spent the whole day at my parent's house. But right before we went to my parent's house in Tmn Bersatu Putatan, I managed to meet CheguCarol at CKS Donggongon Penampang. She ordered a Moist Chocolate Cake for her niece birthday. So we met at Donggongon to pass the cake. 

 Moist Chocolate Cake ordered by CheguCarol. She whatsapp me, the adults like the cake for kupi-kupi..haha..

To my surprise CheguCarol gave gabriel angpow too. And Gabriel got angpow from his grandma & grandpa at Taman Bersatu as well. Look at him, so happy with the red packets. :D Thanks to all for the angpows. :)

We then stopped-by at Burger King Putatan for dinner before heading back to our home at Jln Bantayan-Minintod. Here's the mommy and son photo. :D

The 3rd day of CNY, we didn't go anywhere. My left eye turned red out of sudden. I don't know what's the reason. So, we didn't go out as I don't want people to stare at my eye hehe. But hubby got an invitation to a steamboat dinner from his photographer friend, so he went out later at evening. Ada org belanja kan, so pigi la..hehe.. :P

I managed to bake a cake on afternoon. Oh it was addicting. My heart keep on urging me to bake something. So as my hubby and gabriel having their afternoon nap, I went to the kitchen and start to bake Banana Cake! :P

My 1st Banana Cake. Turn out nice & tasty. I will share with you the recipe soon. :) 

 Okay that is all for today. Thanks for visiting here. Happy Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai.. :) 

Have a great day ahead. 

p/s: Pssst... to Catholic friends, Lent season has started today. Kena kurang makan suda la tu and rajin2 sembahyang k.. :)


  1. Mixed blood/ cultural in Sabah is very unique! i don't have Chinese blood but hey, Christmas celebration in my sister's house, Hari Raya celebration we fly to Sandakan to my brother's house and of course for CNY, my rumah kana serbu lah! So yeah, semua pun kita bulih celebrate hehe!

    Moi, I'm starting to eat less especially meat. I'm thinking to eat vegetarian saja ni during Lent season. Nda bulih tahan kah tidak hehe!

    1. Colorful culture oh kan family ko Wyne. Mmg unik ba Sabah. Bnyk yg mix2 ni tp blh aramai tii sama2. Aih bukan mmg x blh mkn meat ka the whole lent season?.. Sya pun x sure ni blh thn ka tidak haha

  2. ..I'm back again because I love your Chocolate Moist cake! Aduss..sedapppp...

    1. Ba nanti kalau ko mau ckp saja nanti sya bake for you hehe.. Si chegucarol sama nadia richard suda pernah rasa hehe

  3. Omg, ur Gabriel besar suda oo! Happy CNY! Kami x celebrate at all. Sya suda 3x buat banana cake, baru merancang buat hr ni lagi but tiada pisang d rumah..looks yummy la the choc cake!:)

    1. Besar suda kan hehe.. Isabel lama ko tdk visit sini oh kan. I went to ur blog the other day tapi tdk blh masuk. Mcm kena restricted to the approved email saja ka kalau tdk silap saya. Pls add my email ok.. Oh 3x suda ko bake banana cake?.. Wah mesti fav kamu tu kan hehe.. This is my 1st time, nasib jg jadi ni Isabel hehe

  4. I've always thought that u're a Chinese! Nice getting to know u better. Happy CNY, sweetie!

    1. Hi Shirley. Got mix but i think that mix quite far already. My great great grandpa is pure from Hong Kong. :)
      And now I am a Kadazandusun lady :)

  5. banana cake kami main steam punya jak hehe...Your family always went to have meals at hotels kan.. berapa buffet sna?

    1. Oh main steam..saya mals ba mau steam..saya x pandai agak itu heat or temperature hehe.

      Itu promenade punya high tea buffet actually kalau hari biasa rm40++ but on CNY jadi RM65 ba..hehe

  6. CNY saya di rmh ja tapi still bagi ang pow to my nieces n nephew. Saya x celebrates but nothing wrong to give ang pow to kids. biar dorang gembira..:)

    1. Ya ba kay..Nothing wrong ba bg angpow sama budak2.. mesti drg happy :)

  7. The beauty of our culture here in the east borneo. bukan cina pun tatap buli celebrate juga cny :)
    we didnt do much on this cny as well since my PIL are busy with keeping the pirit away from the padi field. by the time pulang dari danau, penat sudah mau rehat :D

    1. Ya betul juga.. ada lg ba nxt year.. :)
      Ya itu la unik nya borneo :)

  8. Sama lah kita sis.. pembahagian darah cina kita sama.. hee.. then walaupun yg not chinese, still celebrate the culture kan.. Happy CNY! and Oh, husband sis mg nmpak macam cina, itu family dia pun...

    1. Sama pula kita aa..hehe! Ya looks like Chinese kan dorang.. :)

  9. A lot of Dusuns are Muslims. Officially you follow your father's race. Therefore you are a Kadazan. The Dusun thingy is because you don't want to lose your proud Dusun heritage. It is just like Sino Kadazan or Kadazan Sino. If you Dad is a Kadazan, you are a Kadazan. If you Dad is a Sino aka Chinese, you are a Chinese. Many mixed Chineses do not speak Chineses. Many pure Malaysian Chineses do not open their houses because all the eatables and drinks are so expensive. A small tin of biscuit already cost RM 10. Who want to waste money on all that ? They only have reunion dinner and that's all. Reunion dinner is important because it tells you that you have a big family. Imagine no family to have reunion dinner with ? You will be just like an orphan. I was reading Sasa T's blog about the old MA. Actually medical assistants are only good in Malaysia. They have no prospects elsewhere. They might as well be male nurses or female nurses because nurses are required worldwide. She complains about her working hours. She is still young and should be positive and happy she has a secured job. Imagine if she is just a salesgirl. You don't know me. I don't know you. I have just stumbled into your blog and decided to leave a comment. Still new year. Have a Gong Xi Fa Cai and may you be blessed with lots and lots and lots of angpows.

    1. Hi,
      first of all THANKS for dropping your comment here. :)
      For your information, my father is really a DUSUN from Tuaran. He is a DUSUN Lotud man from Kg Sawah, Tuaran. Yes, i can't deny there's a lot Dusun are Muslims but there are also Christians DUSUN especially in Tamparuli and Tuaran area.

      Reunion dinner/ lunch or gathering with family is a must on any celebration no matter CNY, Hari Raya or Christmas. It's the family bond that really important other than only for food feast. Because when all your brothers and sisters are now having their own family, it's really hard to meet each other. Therefore, on occasion or celebration like CNY, Hari Raya or Christmas or etc is the best day to do the reunion because it is public holiday and it's a celebration day.

      By the way, thanks again for visiting here and for the sharing from Sasa T's blog. Gong Xi Fa Cai. :D
