
06 February 2013

My 1st Cheongsam

Yay, finally I got my 1st Cheongsam. It's really exciting. I am so happy that finally I got a Cheongsam for the gathering. And honestly, I can't wait to wear it.. :D

Oh, I guess you must still remember I posted about Cheongsam with the titled Cheongsam oh Cheongsam! few days ago. I reviewed the place I searched for Cheongsam, prices range and the reason I want to buy a Cheongsam. 

I went to Megalong yesterday evening with hubby and lil' gabriel. Hunting for Cheongsam on this final week before CNY was never easy.  At last, we went to 2nd floor and found this two Cheongsams. It's pink and the other one is purple-white color.

Tadaa!..So which one is nice?.. Which one suits me?..

I posted the photo above yesterday on Instagram for voting. And looks like everyone opts for Pink. Yes, most of friends suggest to take the Pink color. 

How about you?.. Do you think Pink color really suits me?.. There is even one friend says Purple color look old for me haha..

Most of friends vote for Pink Cheongsam..

So do you think I bought the Pink Cheongsam?.. As everyone said Pink suits me, I would buy that Pink Cheongsam. Unfortunately, I prefer for red Cheongsam. I was looking for red Cheongsam and found this one..













  Yes, I bought this one. Teda yg warna merah semua, so asal ada warna merah la sya beli la..hehe. No, i won't reveal the whole Cheongsam now, not until the Ladies Blogger Gathering. :)

Hubby said this one looks nice on me. So i trusted him. I followed his taste. Dia cakap lawa, ok la ba kali tu kan.. hehe. I was thinking to go to another shop to find for another red Cheongsam but as the day getting late, so I ended up bought this Cheongsam. The price is below RM100.

So Wyne would be Blue-White color, Just would be Maroon-Black, Jue would be Pink and mine is this Red-Grey-White-Black Color (odoi, baru saya perasan banyak color pula haha..).

Okay, who else want to share about Cheongsam?.. Please do so. I really want to hop to your blog. :D


  1. Wah, love seeing ladies in cheongsam! I like d one in pink too. Can't wait to see d rest!

  2. Yeah! Finally, you got it! Your Cheongsam ada tarikan yang cantik. Stunning look ni. Can't wait to see you in our Cheongsam-gath!

    1. Oh really?.. ada tarikan meh.. alala..bagus juga gitu haha.. Yours pun ada tarikan tu Wyne. :)
      Can't wait to see you and the rest too ! :)

  3. eh, mcm sy ada dress gini oh..hehe

  4. wah dua-dua cantik owh, tapi kalau suruh pilih yang pink lagi menarik hehe

  5. Waa..Banyak color cheongsam ko stella...But never mine...It look nice...:-)

  6. Nice, menonjol tu color merah hehe.. i think any color will suit you anyway :)

  7. Hmmm... sa jeles ma kamurang bcos kmu dpt sdh cheongsam. Sia masi tunggu sa pya top hehe... Kalau ada sdh nti sa kasi post juga :)

  8. orang yang berkulit putih kemerahan macam kamu memang sesuai sangat pakai pink. selamat tahun ular :)

  9. tia sabar sa mo tingu gambar2 blogger brcheongsam :)

  10. wish i had a cheongsam that's suitable for a girl wearing tudung. hehe. the pink is sweet, but the one that u chose is more beautiful, i love the pattern & color. maybe i can't make it to the gathering, got something to do with my family. regards to everyone ^^

  11. I really hope I could come..mcm km xplg kk ba time tu.. can we change the date? huhu...

  12. the pink is sweet bh stelle. erm sa inda sure dapat pigi ni.. sb ngam2 ada event juga ni

    1. Pink sweet kan. Tidak apa beaty, nxt time ada lg tu :)
