
17 February 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

I suppose to post about the Ladies Blogger Lunch Gathering which was held yesterday. But i think i should post about V-Day first before proceed to the LBLG post.

Our Valentine's Day this year wasn't as fancy as years before. I decided to only stay at home rather to dine out. After all, it is Lenten Season. Therefore, I don't want to celebrate it with too much food or at some expensive restaurant. The Lenten season is all about less food and living in a modest life.

As usual hubby plan a surprise for me. And everytime i always forgot about it. I mean i didn't expect he would give a surprise for me again for this day. But it does feel good to know that he still remember this day, a day to show love and appreciating your loved one.

I was like ????? when I received this voucher. A surprise V-Day gift from hubby. All this while i was complaining about my figure.. Mungkin malas suda dia dgr.. Nah trus bg ni voucher as a gift haha.. And it was involved with quite a lot of money and I said to him no need to spent a lot of money on a thing like this. (Bagus lagi simpan dalam asb.. dlm hati sya ckp lah) But never mind lah..once in a while. As it was a gift, I should appreciate it. 

And on a morning of V-Day, i was planning to bake a surprise cuppies for hubby while he is away at work. Yes, I was planning to deco the topping of the cuppies with LOVE figure and something like that.

Oh my, it was like.. I was a SUPERWOMAN. Baking with my lil' boy wide awake wasn't easy thing for me. All this while, I never bake a cake without hubby at home. He will take care of Gabriel, while i'm baking at the kitchen.

In order to throw a surprise gift to hubby, I strengthen my heart to bake despite of all the difficulties. Oh my... my lil' boy was so afraid to hear the sound of the electric handmixer. He was crying out aloud and hugging my feet, pulling my shirt to ask me to carry him. And you know what?.. my left hand carrying him while the other hand doing the mixer..Phew!.. 

But thank GOD. All things were done well. Although not as I planned to. I can't do the exact deco for the cuppies as my lil' boy keep dragging me and pulls my hand to bring me to play with him. 

And here's the result. My humble V-Day Vanilla cuppies with buttercream topping to dearest hubby. Baked with lots of love. Despite of all the difficulties, I am quite satisfied with it. Glad hubby liked it and finish it fast. He said "sedap oooo".. Not bad for a 1st timer like me. Yes, I did the deco and Icing for the 1st time.. :P

The funny part is, once I done with the deco, I snap few pics and uploaded it on Instagram and tagged my hubby. And as he reached home, the moment i opened the door, he was like ,"Mana suda itu cupcake.." with that wide smile. He said he was really shocked to see the cuppies pic on Instagram. Yeay! I was jumping in my heart because my surprise plan is a success! :D

And at that evening we just having simple meal and the cuppies together with our lil' Gabriel. That was our Valentine's Day for this year. Nothing much, but I guess it was the thought that counts.

How was yours?.. :D

Take care,


  1. Wow! The gift voucher!! I loike it. But you already slimming pun. Your figure is perfect!! Now, now, which part actually you don't like. Okayyyy bah semua..bulih pakai Cheongsam lagi tu ^_^

    1. Haha.. Nmpk slim suda pun masih bising2 oh kan.. Doi haha.. Tummy and hip and thigh.. Area plg susah mau kasi shed lemaks haha.. Ko lg ba wyne ada 3 kids suda tp slim and sexy berabis ni haha..

  2. U may need that voucher when u have more than 3 kids macam sya hehe... Ko masi maintain slim bah stella. Tpi klau ada opportunity pigi slimming session bagus jga kan. Sia pun mau, esp sia pnya tangan ni mo kana kasi kici hehe...

    1. betul tu edith hahaha..tgu 3 anak bah kan.. ba suda kena bg sya pakai ja la dulu hehe

  3. wow romantiknya kamu berdua hehe.. valentine day tidur makan ja haha!

  4. Yes it is thoughts that count :) Very suka wife-hubby yg still celebrate V-day to show their love to each other.

  5. kami pun inda sambut stelle. he he makan2 biasa ja.. ah ketara ni ur Boss mau makan suda tu cuppies..

    1. Ya la this year sambut biasa2 ja. Ngam2 lg lent kan hehe. Ya ba dia x sabar ni. Terkejut dia kena tagged gmbr cuppies haha
