
20 February 2013

Ladies Blogger Lunch Gathering 2013

The Ladies Blogger Lunch Gathering was held on last Saturday at around 12pm at Airways Putatan. Honestly, I was so looking forward to the gathering.

I actually baked a birthday cake (red velvet cake) for my bro the night before. I went to bed at about 1.30pm and woke up the next day early in the morning to finished up the decoration of the cake. Deep in my heart, I was thinking to bring my moist chocolate cake to the gathering as my humble gift to fellow bloggers, but i didn't manage to bake it. I feel slightly bad about it. Well, never mind. There's always next time.. isn't it.. :D

Though it was a bit tiring of me, I was very excited just by the very thought of the LBLG. I promised myself to show up at the gathering. This is my 1st time to attend a blogger gathering and wouldn't know how it would like.

Well, it was more like friends meet-up over a lunch. The different is, these friends are from the virtual world/ bloggers world. To be honest, I never met them before except Wyne. But it was just a coincidence, we passed by at Karamunsing. As Jue and Just were used to be my senior in high school but i never talk to them. Now as we're friends in this blogger arena, it feels like GOD has plan to make us meet up through blogs and social networks and finally to a gathering just like this. :D

I showed up at about 12pm and saw Wyne and Edith were already at the lunch table. I was amazed to see them closely for the very 1st time. Both of them has 3 kids and you can't even tell they are a mother of 3 kids. Look so awet muda ba! haha.. Jue and Just appeared slightly minutes later.

 Meet all the Cheongsam ladies, from left Jue, Me, Edith, Just and Wyne
There were only 5 bloggers. I think the more the merrier. Most of the ladies bloggers couldn't make it at last minute, but to be honest even though there were only 5 of us (plus Wyne's husband as the photographer and 2 cute lil kids of Just and Wyne respectively), the atmosphere at the restaurant macam kami yang punya hahaha..Punya kecoh ni..aduiyai..especially time photography session hahaha.. Seriously, I can never forget it.. :D

 With gorgeous, talkative and happy go lucky lady, Wyne from She is a mother of 3. Blessed with a husband who is always cook for her/ family. Dia bilang dia tidak pernah masak dari sejak dia kawin, punya untung! haha.. She told us his husband will asked her to go out from the kitchen when he saw her ready to cook, his husband will cook instead. I remember her husband said he used to be at kitchen since he was a kid. No wonder suda besar jadi pro suda memasak.. And he shared about the house of Baba Nyonya in Malacca too. Nice to know, indeed. :D  

 With the strong lady, brave and positive. A breast cancer survivor, Just from Frankly speaking she is like an inspiration for me. So positive and happy. You can never tell she's one of the survivor. Checkout her blog about her chemotheraphy journey. Met her for the 1st time. She's so healthy and blessed with loving husband and 2 cute lil kids. She brings along her daughter that day. Her daughter, lily is so cute!..Mcm mau pinch2 ba tu pipi hehe..

 With Edith from She is so sweet and soft spoken. She works at OBS. Blessed with 3 daughters. Her kampung is in Kinarut. I wonder if she related to me as my kampung also in Kinarut. She knows my 1st cousin. Well, i'll find more about this later. I have to ask my mom about this. :D

 With Jue from She's so lovely with that pink Cheongsam. She used to be my senior in high school. She has a shop at Megalong selling handbags and ladies attire. She is engaged to be married. Her wedding ceremony will be held on May. Can't wait to see her in wedding dress. Mesti lawa... :D

 And here's a pic with Just's daughter and Wyne's son. Kesian dorang, mama2 sibuk bergambar, dorang sana bawa meja tingu2 saja haha.. I wonder if I bring my boy, mesti kiut main2 sama dorang ni. But my husband made a promise to have a lunch over her parent house, so he brings gabriel together. By the way, this both lil girl and boy so adorable. They met for the 1st time, but so closed like brother and sister. They holding hands to each other while they're walking. So cute!.. I didn't manage to take pic though. Sibuk betul kan haha..

Well, it was so fun especially during the photography session. I remember masing2 sempat lagi touch-up before the photography session..hahaha funny! Ladies will always be ladies.. :P

We were talking about kids, family, works, other bloggers and etc during the lunch meet up. It was nice to share infos with these fellow bloggers. Things I couldn't ever imagine suddenly popped out there. Yes, it's about kids and how you observe your kids. Of course from the experienced Wyne and Edith. Thanks for the infos anyway. Sharing is caring orang bilang hehe..

I'm looking forward to such gathering in the future. Perhaps next time they'll be more bloggers could show up. Next time would be diff theme I guess. :D

Ok, that's it about LBLG 2013. I saw Edith posted her first part of LBLG story. Visit her blog for her version of LBLG.




  1. cantik!! you all look great in cheongsam...

  2. Detailed post bah this. I loike it. Next time lebih ramai mau datang gath kita ni. I'm so glad to meet all of you. Let's do it again!

    1. Detailed ka..Sya type ja apa yg sya terpikir hahaha. I'm so glad too. Yup! Let's do it again.Next time sya pun mau bawa sya punya photographer haha! :P

    2. Bawa saja bah 'bodyguard' ko. Senang trus mau mengatur begaya hehe!

    3. Ya Wyne, nxt time mesti bawa. Pandai dia tu kasi atur2 pose. Bah ready la kamu nanti hahaha! :)

  3. Sure is fun to get together and come together diacara this blogger can strengthen the fabric of friendship

  4. Waaa..utk women blogger saja ka? Patut pun teda muka lelaki sana hehe. Anyway very nice pics and write up. Please Visit my new blog ah, ada humor, ada moginum, macam2 ada...but update maybe twice a day ja..just click the link on my name..

    1. Update twice a day kira ok la tu. Ba tatap saya pigi lawat hehe..
      Thanks! :D

  5. yang di tunggu2 nie..Story about the LBLG... Satu persatu..kami kena kasi story oo kan...Great Stella..Nice to knowing you.....:-)

    1. Yg sya teringat2 la sya write-up seja pasal kamu hehehehe..Thanks! Nice knowing you too :D

  6. wow great ... it for blogger woman :) nice gathering

  7. smiling ear to ear while recalling those scenes during gath.. hehehehe... siok kan! :D thanks for the intro too. It's very glad to finally meet u in person stel! Till we meet again in diff theme! Hahahaah

    1. Yes, finally kan. Ba nxt time tgu ko blk KK lg Just. :D

  8. when is the next gathering? ? Let's have another one..

    1. Belum tau lg Wen. Mau tanya si Wyne. ni kali ko dtg aa..hehe!

  9. liang moi semua ni oh.... cantik betul semua

  10. Sioknya kamu!! Next gathering, me too want to join :D

  11. shiok...buli kana urat lagi ni semua..hehehehe..
    rupa si E'e (just's daughter) cam mirip anak sy pula ni...hahaha

    1. Buli di urat lg tu hahaha..Ya ka, mcm anak ko?..nah maybe dr angle laitu hehe

  12. Gorgeous bah semua! sexy stunning hehe...and a great post! haha lucu bah sempat lg touch up ah..

    1. Thanks! Nxt time ko join aa michelle. Ya ba masi g2 mau nmpk lawa dlm gmbr kn hihihi

  13. I met Edith once during last gathering.She is very soft spoken and very humble. Would like to meet her again. Siok kan gathering :)

    1. Dynared, ya tht's the right word. She is humble lady.. :) ya siok!

  14. Wah sioknya! Gorgeous and sexy bah semua! :D

  15. Everone is looking every inch gorgeous in your cheongsam!

  16. All of you looks stunning and gorgeous in cheongsam. I met Edith before but I can't believe she has 3 children. She's too young for that. Hahaha...

  17. hi, all beautiful ladies in cheongsam! phewittt ;)

  18. Oh my! Sangat seronok ah sa tengok! Hope I can join you ladies next time.

    Btw Stella, thanks so much for coming to my wedding reception. Sa happy betul nmpk ko and family ko datang. I wish I had time to have a chat with you tp tidak berkesempatan pula. Nice meeting you! Hope I can meet you again next time! :)

    1. Yup! Seronok!
      You're welcome Angel. Happy dpt dtg p wedding ko.. Nice to meet u too. Yeah..hope we can meet again :)

  19. Wow, finally got to see u in the cheong sam you've been talking about! Simply gorgeous & love those colours!

  20. Hai stella,
    Memmang best betul dapat jumpa rakan2 blogger macam lblg2013 ni.. nice photo also
