
26 November 2013

It has been 5 months

It has been 5 months today. Yes, 5 months of being a yogi. I've been practicing Yoga since June. And it's amazed me to see progress along my yoga journey.

Thank you GOD that I found yoga and of course other yogis friend. They are really inspiring and motivating that drive me to practice yoga everyday. 

Well, nowadays, I couldn't keep my pace to everyday due to the weather and my lil' boy. My yoga practice will always be done when my lil' boy taking his afternoon nap. However,  I definitely make sure myself to practice 5 times a week.

  • flexibility
  • strength
  • calming effect
  • positive thinking
  • health
  • body posture
  • to maintain body shape
  • reduce back pain 
  • yoga community, inspiring and motivating

I see progress in all of above. Enough said. :)

Thank you for visiting here. Have a wonderful day ahead.

P/s: Yes, the lady in the photo up there was me. :)


  1. Wah..5 Months sdah..Congrats on ur Yoga journey..

    Sy masi lgi amateur ni..hahaha

  2. Your hubby owez join you do yoga ka, Stella? :D He got do a few times kalo nda silap sia. Saw some pics haha.

    Happy Wednesday btw!

  3. Awesome, Stella! Yoga is to tough for me. Gosh, you're so flexible!
