
22 November 2013

The 1st Touchdown Flashback

I can't describe the feeling when we touched down at London Heathrow Airport for the first time. Been away from my hometown for almost 13 hours journey and 6990 miles away from Kota Kinabalu, made me nervous and excited at the same time, so did hubby.

Here are the things that happened upon we reached at the UK:-

  • We lost Gabriel's stroller the moment we entered London Heathrow Airport simply because we didn't know the stroller collection point. Haha..funny. But finally we retrieved the stroller as we ran back to the door where we came out earlier and saw other people took their stroller there.
  • We have to take a bus to Terminal 5, for a next flight; to the Manchester Airport. It took 20 minutes ride.
  • The custom checking is so thorough. Trust me, their checking is very detail. They scanned and checked our baggage one by one. We stuck on Gabriel's medicine and milk in his bottle. The custom officer asked for prescription for Gabriel medicine and we didn't bring any. Luckily, the custom officer didn't confiscate the medicine. And as for the milk, hubby were asked to drink it. Tapi nasib juga bosou terlimpas haha.. Dorang tidak ternampak tu bosou.. Syukur Tuhan! :P
  • It took 45 minutes flight from Terminal 5 to Manchester Airport.
  • From Manchester Airport to Chester took 40 mins (on a taxi ride).
  • As we arrived in Chester, we stayed at Travelodge temporarily before we moved into our rental house. 

At the Manchester Airport 12/9/2013

That's it for now. I must say, grateful and praise to the Lord sebab tu bosou tidak kena tangkap haha.. and of course because we reached UK safely. Thank You GOD..

Thank you for stopping by here. Have a great week ahead. :)


  1. Bosou juga la bah kan selamat LOL!

    1. Paling penting itu hahaha. Maka sya risau betul suda tu

  2. stel,jauhnya journey kamu.brapa kali naik flight,bas n taxi with brg2 n must be tough baca pun sengsara sy rasa.thank God sampai jg kamu sana n selamat jg tu bosou kamu.haha...God bless Stel

    1. Ya rasa mcm jauh kan haha tapi tidak juga sengsara tu. Ok saja kami bah. Gabriel pun ok saja, tiada juga dia cranky. Good boy haha. Barang2 kami direct flight dr KL Airport to Manchester Airport. Yg kena checking sana London Airport tu hanya lah 1 handcarry bag dan bag susu si gabriel. So time naik bas pigi terminal 5 teda angkat bnyk brg sbb brg2 kami direct pigi Manchester. Naik bas 1 kali ja bah, teksi pun 1 kali haha.. But flight 3 kali lah kalau campur dr kk. Tp everything went well bah, no worries. Praise to God :)

  3. bosou la juga paling menang kan. haha!

  4. Haha...bau tu bosou bikin confuse drg pnya system bah tu :)

  5. It is still fresh in my mind when I arrived United Kingdom for the very first time although it was 5 years ago. I really miss that moment. It's kinda funny when I read your husband being asked to drink the milk. Hahahaha...

    1. Wow. Still fresh in ur mind though 5 years has passed by. Yes, he were asked to drink it. Must be for safery reason.. Sebab liquid kan haha

  6. suka saya tgk gambar2 you guys on beautiful & so awesome!

    1. Thanks Aemy. Semuanya direct dr phone saja tu. Senang kan zaman skrg ambil gmbr dr phone saja.. And maybe sebab pemandangan sini lawa2 tu la nmpk lawa d gmbr :)

  7. It's been a while since we last visited each other's blog. It's always nice to be on a vacation, isn't it? Have fun!

  8. Haha lucu jga husband ko kena sruh mnum susu kan..tpi paling nasib2 tu bosou la hahaa..siok o kamu dapat experience tinggal d negara org hehe

    1. Ya mungkin sebab faktor keselamatan kali tu dia kena suruh minum. Takut sgt betul drg kalau ada liquid kena bawa masuk pigi negara drg hahaha. Takut kunun kalau ada bio weapon kali hahaha. Tapi bosou juga lah terlimpas. Nasib oh haha

  9. Selamat juga bosou kan..syukur kan.. bh nnt blog lg kio

  10. I guess that stroller has sentimental value already after almost losing it wakakaa.

    Strict checking is better. Especially bags. Sometimes, the local officers don't even check my luggage when I enter the country hehee.

    But I don't support the idea of scanning your body and you can see your almost naked body on screen. lol.

    Ba, take care over there yo.

    1. Lol arms kalau scan badan blh nmpk lah segala tu kan hahaha.. Btw thanks for visiting here :)

  11. Na kan! Terbukti lagi di sini kehebatan bosou. Sampai pigi UK pun bosou itu satu kemestian. Haha. Lawala =) Gitu la Sabahan namanya... hehe

    1. Haha thanks #Bosou for visiting here. Actually tidak plan mau bawa tu bosou tp terbawa. Nasib juga limpas itu kastam :)

  12. sempat hilang pula stroller c gabriel! hahahah... abis sdh bosou kamurang stel?

    1. Ya sempat hilang kijap hahaha. Ya abis suda tu bosou just :)

  13. argh.. finally got the chance to read your posts. Enjoy ur life there and may God bless ur family abundantly :)

  14. Nice and fun to read this moi! Pingsan kali tu officer klu dia buka tu bosou kan? Hahahaha
