
11 June 2013

Chocolate Cake Pops

Chocolate Cake Pops

Hi dear friends, this is my 1st time to do Chocolate Cake Pops. Quite interesting and it's fun. I used the Moist Chocolate Cake Recipe to do this cake pops.

And it is super easy!.. Well, I mean for those who haven't bought oven yet or don't have oven at home, you can just buy chocolate cake from any bakery shop. 

Yes, seriously!..You can do cake pops on your own at home without oven, interesting isn't! And trust me sis Wyne also made cake pops for the first time few weeks ago for her kids. She's very happy to create cake pops on her own.. :D

So here's what you need to do cake pops. Okay, this is my version. You could always google a lot of other recipes/method of making cake pops out there. But this one is super easy and i found out it is super delicious too! Well, depends on type of chocolate cake you have to make your cake pops.

Chocolate Cake Pops


Any choc cake (you can buy it from any bakery shop or click HERE for recipe)
150g  Dark Chocolate Bar (chopped)
100ml Whipping Cream
Candy rice/ Chocolate rice for deco 


1. Make the chocolate cake into crumbs. 
2. Form the cake into balls shape by rolling it between your hands. Do it as many as you can. Set aside.
3. By using double boil method, melt the dark chocolate bar and once it melted, add in whipping cream. Stir until well combined.
4. Now you can coat the cake balls with the melted chocolate. Roll them until fully coated.
5. Sprinkle with candy rice/ chocolate rice for deco. Put them on paper cups and chill for an hour.

There you go! Super easy right! :D

Okay that's it for today. Make your chocolate cake pops today for tea time or maybe for weekend gathering!.. :)

Take care.. ;)


  1. Mcm senang saja kan ste mau buat tu Chocolate cake pops..heheh...

    1. Ya senang Jue! :)
      Version sya yg senang punya hihi

  2. Yes, super easy! Can't believe I did this and my kids requests me to make more. Ini kali laaa hehe!

  3. yeah..yg ini konfom sy bole buat (kenen).thans for sharing :)

  4. nnt sia try la buat ni.. buat sikit ja.. sia jg yg kasi abis ni. hahaaha
