
09 June 2013

Butter Cheesecake Recipe

Today I'm gonna share with you Butter Cheesecake recipe. I baked this for the first time and glad it turned out good. I love the texture and the taste was just nice. :)

I found the recipe HERE and decided to bake it. The recipe was quite simple and easy to follow.

Actually I got the idea to bake this because someone asked me whether I sell Butter Cheesecake. To be honest, I haven't bake it before. So now that I baked it, I might welcome orders for Butter Cheesecake. :)

Well, those who request for recipe, I'll share it here. Happy Baking :)

Butter Cheesecake


    170 g butter
    125 g cream cheese
    250 g castor sugar
    5  egg yolks
    210 g all purpose flour - (I used self-rising flour)
    1½ tsp baking powder - (I didn't add this because I'm using self-rising flour) 
    2 tsp vanila essence
    5 white eggs
    1/8 tsp salt 

1. Beat butter and cream cheese until fluffy and pale in colour. 
2. Fold in sugar gradually and beat again. 
3. Put in the egg yolks one at a time, beat well. 
4. Fold in flour and vanilla essence. Beat until combined. Set aside.
5. In other bowl, whip the white eggs until foamy. 
6. Add in salt, whip until the white eggs become thick. 
7. Then fold 1/3 of the mixture of white eggs into the cake batter. Stir gently.   
8. Fold the rest of the mixture again in the cake batter and stir gently until well combined.
9. Put the cake batter in a greased 22 cm rectangular tin. (I used 9 inch cake tin)
10. Bake at 170 degree Celsius for 1 hour or until cooked. (I baked it for 55 minutes)

Glad it turned nice. I love the texture too. ;)

The taste is just nice :)

Packed nicely to be sent out to family members :)

I didn't know my lil boy likes Butter Cheesecake so much. He eats a lot. :)

Okay, that's it for today. Try out the recipe ok..  :)



  1. Thanks stella for great recipe....

  2. stella, beat mo guna apa,whip guna apa? sorry silly question maybe.haha..and can u take a picture how fluffy the batter and how foamy the time la if possible.thx..hmm..siakan sdh sy sama kek butter cheese kek ko.nnt sy dtg kk lg

    1. Dyana bah nnti ko inform saja kalau mau hihi.
      Oh beat guna tu mixer yg machine tu. kalau whip pakai tgn seja hihihi
      Next time sya upload pic lah pa mcm rupa dia :)

  3. Bagus la c Gabriel suka makan sebab ko tau taste dia suda. Buat sendiri saja. ^_^

  4. Aduiii so sedap looking! Gonna try my hands on this recipe soon! Thank you for sharing, Stella! :)

  5. hi sis Stella,

    telan2 air liur ja sy tgk tu gambar kek. looks soooo tempting! your family's so lucky to have a chef like u. ^^

    with love,

    1. Thanks.. Ala kampung2 seja bah ni. Syukur lah kalau drg suka mkn kek sya hihi

  6. mom sy misti suka ni.. p beli foil dulu.. phm2 la oven uzur sdh. huhuhuhu..

  7. hi stella, many thanks for your great recipe, nice!!!

  8. Alooo Stella....baru hari ni ada masa surf Internet...thx 4 sharing d recipes... hope nnt sy buat dpt jadi mcm ko buat tu kannn...
    Yummyyyyy....Yummyyyyy..... ;D
