
12 June 2013

Aiskrim Goreng (Fried Ice Cream)

I'm so happy my fried ice cream was a success! :)

I made fried ice cream for the first time today and i was amazed how the ice cream still hold its originality without melting or changing in shape. It didn't spills out from the bread too.

Hubby request for fried ice cream since early May, but due to baking cakes/cuppies reason, I don't have much time to make it. Until I saw wency  (a blogger friend) posted her fried ice cream on Instagram 2 days ago and showed it to hubby, he urges me to make it. 

I myself found it quite interesting though. Wency said the method was so easy! So I determined to make my own fried ice cream too. 

Hubby likes it so much and he likes it when it soft inside and crunchy outside. Superdelicious! Perfect for tea time. You can try to do it at your home too! The ingredients are so easy to get. :)

So, here's the recipe.

Ice Cream (any flavour you like), 
An egg, 
Plastic bags, 
Cooking oil for deep fry (I used corn oil)

 Place ice cream at the center of a slice of bread.

 Put another a slice of bread on top of it and press the bread by using ramekin to make it round shape. (You can use a small bowl/cup too )

This is how they look. Two slices of bread stick up together with ice cream in the middle of it.

 Coat the outer part with beaten egg. And put the bread on a plate of breadcrumbs. Cover the whole bread with breadcrumbs.

 The whole bread now covered with breadcrumbs.

 Put each of them inside plastic bag. And chill for few hours.  
( I chilled them for the whole night. )

In a deep heavy pot, heat the cooking oil. Gently place the bread into the oil, be careful not to splatter the hot oil. (You must heat the oil until it is very hot!) Dip the bread only for few seconds, or until it turns in gold brown color as in picture below.

Remember not to fry the bread too long as it might melted the ice cream. So just few seconds will do. (I didn't managed to take pic during the deep fry session because I wanted to fry them quickly haha )

 Tadaa!.. Here are my fried ice cream!.. :)

 I cut it in two and amazingly the ice cream didn't melt. :)

Close up. Crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Okay that's it for now.
It's so easy right?.. So try it yourself. Trust me, it'll turn out nice too! 
Just remember not to fry the bread too long okay :)

Take care, 


  1. I love aiskrim goreng..make quite often too. . Yours look perfect ya! Anyways, just saw the moist choc cake you made...thanks for trusting and trying the recipe dear. Cake looks gorgeous :)

    1. Hi,
      thanks for visiting here. Ya i love ur moist choc recipe and now i stick with it :)

  2. I cant wait to bake this... TQ for the recipe!

  3. Akan dicuba n seperti besa lepas sa cuba share sana watsapp kita saja la hihihi..
    Anyway, memang sinang bah.

  4. blh taruh dlm kontena ka tu if x plastic bag?

    1. boleh juga ba tu..but jgn kasi dekat2 lah, takut melekat pula kan..

  5. Omg, they look so nyummeh! Tp sy blum pernah try lagi mkn aiskrim goreng ni. Hehe..

    1. Bah boleh try buat. Senang mau dpt juga ingredients dia hehe

  6. sedap kan? saya pernah buat ini walau bukan easy and sedap..:)

  7. klu x taruh breadcrumbs, mau chill jg ka dulu??

    1. kalau tidak taruh breadcrumbs pun blh ba tu. Mau kasi sejuk supaya keras ba tu eskrim dulu tu Just :)

  8. I always wanna try this when I tried in somewhere else - I guess I bought from Pulau ketam, selangor but I dont dare fry it. Scare the ice-cream terkeluar =P. So can we order this as well, Stella? Hahaha...

    1. can just try it. have faith senang! :)

  9. lepas ni blh try bt sndiri kalo da masa..hehe

  10. akan jadi project d uma la t nie haha.. pernah sy try beli rm5 ka for 1.. bgus buat sendiri

    1. Di mana ada jual ni Dora..bagus lg buat sendiri kan hehe

  11. Love these, so fun! Must be all gone in seconds. Nice work, Stella!

  12. Macam super easy hehe... First time sia try di Lahad Datu (many years back), bulih tahan sia bilang, rupa2nya sinang ja mo buat hehe...

  13. Tengo gambar macam senang pulak buat tu kan...hehe
    Nanti di trylah kunu ni...

  14. whooaaaa... nmpk sedap lah! Telan airliur saja lah, sa malas masak LOL

  15. Nice!!! Thank you for sharing the recipe! Mesti cuba ni tau. :D

  16. Hi Stella, I don't remember eating ice cream goreng....but looks good. I bet that finished real fast too.
    Have fun and keep a song in your heart.

  17. Misalnya klu goreng ni sblah pgi & simpan utk mkn tghri @ ptg, xmelt ka tu?

    1. Pandai melt tu.. Advisable lepas goreng terus makan :)

  18. Senang ba pula kan..tidak pernah lagi sya try o aiskrim goreng ni hehe

  19. mana ko beli breadcrumbs tu moi? or you made it urself?
