
26 February 2013

My February Baking

Okay enough with the LBLG stories, now moves to my February 2013 baking. :D

 As you know I am so in love with baking. It's so addicting. Couldn't agree more with Vera Peter. She's so into baking too. It was her who dragged me into this baking world. I just ventured the baking world last September 2012. I'm still new. There are still a lot of things I have to learn.

Yes, it is seriously addicting. My heart always urges me to bake something. I couldn't stop myself to try new recipes every week. But my most favorite cake is Moist Chocolate Cake. I could bake it once a month or even twice! Nope, i don't eat it all by myself, I always bring it along to my mother's house at Taman Bersatu to let my parent, brothers and sisters to eat for tea time/snack time. How generous I am ?.. :P

Well, it is Lenten Season. I have to refrain myself from baking. I have to eat less on this Lenten Season, but oh was so addicting and tempting when I saw all those recipes. God please strengthen me..haha!

I would bake only on Sunday though. (if to the extend tidak boleh tahan suda haha :P) After all, we wouldn't fast on Sunday hehe! 

Okay, here are the cakes I baked on February. We will saying good-bye to February in 2 days. I'll welcome March with warm heart though it still falls in Lenten Season. :)

Here, enjoy the pics! :)

 Moist Chocolate Cake for my Bro's Birthday 

 Cheesecake with Blueberry topping

 Moist Chocolate Cake for family just for tea time


 Vanilla Cupcakes as a gift on Valentine's Day.

 Banana Cake for tea time

 Red Velvet Cake with Creamcheese frosting for my another brother's birthday 

 And kuih tepung for tea time.. (eh consider baking jg ka ni?..hehe)

Okay that's it for now. Let us see what would I bake on March.. :D

Take care and GOD bless.


  1. uisss bnyk o dlm 1 month seja hehe..eee sya minta beli oven laini macam ni haha since ada si kawan sdh yg suka mkn kek juga haha oh my tu moist choc cake..very moist oh.

  2. Wow...sadap-sadap ni semua. Kalau saya kan, saya batal puasa ooo..bila kenyang baru puasa balik..hehehe

    1. Hahaha. Ada2 saja ko ni gunsirit. Ada ka batal puasa pula haha

  3. jeles nya sa..bila lah dpt baking cake ni..dont have time ba konon..haha..btw bilalah dpt rsa ur cake pa yg available utk diorder ni?

    1. Wen..Moist choc or lava cake pun blh hehehe..Ba nanti ko inform ja saya hihi

  4. hrp2 rajin la mau bake choc moist cake or brownies tomorrow nite! hihihihi

  5. My favourite will be Blueberry cheese and banana cake.

    1. really? Thanks Thomas! Thanks for visiting here too :)
