
28 February 2013

Banana Cake Recipe

I baked a banana cake on the 3rd day of CNY

My heart urges me into baking a cake. I went to the kitchen and saw 3 ripe bananas. So, i decided to bake a banana cake. I Googled for simple recipe of banana cake and I found this recipe from

Indeed it was really a simple recipe. Luckily all the ingredients can be found in my kitchen. So, i baked this banana cake during Gabriel & his daddy taking an afternoon nap. Yes, they didn't know I'm into baking that day. It was kind a surprise for them haha..

Unfortunately the moment I pour in the cake batter into a cake tin, my hubby when to the kitchen. No surprise anymore haha!..

He smile and I remember I made him guess what cake I'm baking that time. He answered, "Banana Cake!" with a  wide smile.. haha! He really could read my mind or maybe dia nampak hilang suda tu pisang..? hahaha.. :P

Okay, scroll down for the recipe. :)

 The ingredients.


2 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp soda bicarbonate
1 cup castor sugar
3 bananas (make into puree)
1/2 cup of cooking oil (i use canola oil/ sunflower oil)
1 tsp vanila essence
2 eggs


1. Combine together flour, soda bicarbonate and baking powder. Grease the cake tin and heat oven at 180 degree Celsius.

2. Then, whisk the eggs and sugar until it become fluffy. Add in vanila essence and the banana puree. Whisk and fold in the flour.

3.Lastly, fold in the cooking oil and whisk until it well combined. Put it in the greased cake tin and bake at 180 degree celsius for 40 minutes or 1 hour. (until it really cooked)

4. Once finished baking, remove from pan and cool on a wire, ready to be served.

 Fresh from oven

Fluffy and tasty..

 Perfect for tea time. I like the texture too. :D

The final result wasn't bad at all. Go and try this recipe. All the ingredients are really easy to get. Just visit at any market or ingredient shop.

Till then, Good Luck & Happy Baking. :)