
12 March 2013

Oreo Cheesecake (Chilled)

I decided to make Oreo Cheesecake (chilled) for my sister's birthday. Her birthday was on 4th March. She actually requested for ice-cream cake, but I seem did not find the ice-cream recipe on the net ( i saw the recipe though just few weeks after her birthday :p). She loves cheesecake too, so she agreed with Oreo Cheesecake as her birthday cake.

For an info, I got this recipe from a friend. She is also so into baking (satu kepala la kami ni hehe). And she's generous enough to share with me her signature recipe. Unfortunately, i guess she forbid me to share the recipe with you.

However, I found this Cookies 'n' Creams Cheesecake in Catherine Lau's book. The recipe is quite similar with my friend's recipe though. So I share with you the recipe

Here is the ingredients and method.

It's not hard to make Oreo Cheesecake. But, make sure you use Spring form pan and crush the cookies by using blender. Trust me, it will make your life easier haha.. :P

 Oreo cookies. There are few brands that similar as Oreo Cookies. Make sure you use Oreo's as per my friend, Oreo much more tasty than other brands. I use 2 packs of Oreos.

 The crushed oreo cookies, blends with butter and pressed into a spring from pan.

 This is how the batter looks like. Then you just put it in the spring form pan at the top of the pressed oreo. Then chilled it for over 6 hours or the whole night.

 Fresh from refrigerator.

 I put crushed oreo on top and tap it at the side.

 And here is the finished touched! :D

Yummy! Trust me, it was soooo tasty! :P

Okay that's it for now. 
Have a great week ahead. :D


  1. Astaga Stel terus saya terliur mah nampak itu cake. Sounds easy to do but if I try, mengkali inda jadi laitu. Hehe.. Tangan saya tiada aura buat cake bah..

  2. byk resepi o di blog ko..:) buli jadi references ni bila mau masak kek..:)

  3. Sa bulih rasa itu cheese masuk dlm mulut sia hihi...yummy :)

  4. sia mau try bake ni la for next project. hehehe.. tp oven sia mcm ada prob sdh. kena bakar lama sama kasi besar sikit suhu dia. hmmm..

    1. Just, yg ini senang ni. No need oven. Chilled seja d esbok hehe

  5. Waaa..betul2 yummy oo kan...

  6. Look delicious! jangan salah baca recipe ah nanti macam si Ongkor..hehe

    1. hahaha..kalau si Ongkor entah resipi mana pula nanti dia baca hahaha

  7. Order dari ko lah ni hehe...

  8. Nyums! It's my fav cake lagi tu.. :)

  9. jadi housewife ni memang kena kreatif bila memasak atau membuat sebarang juadah. baru lar cool gitu.. :)

    1. haha..kadang susah jg kan kalau dgn anak kecil.. but hv to smart in time management..

  10. Sedap itu kek tau...
    hello follow here...

  11. Wow, looks so easy! Saves energy lagi. Thanks for sharing :D
