
29 December 2013

Our Birthday December 2013

Hubby threw me a surprise birthday gift again. This time he put the gift above my head while i was sleeping. To be honest, I didn't expect any gift. All i want was, he always be there for me on my birthday. Unfortunately, he has to attend class for the whole day during my birthday. Therefore, i think that was why he threw me a surprise gift at exactly 12am on 13 Dec. 

I was quite sad actually that he couldn't spend time with me on my birthday. But, then we could celebrate again 4 days later.

And here's the surprise gift. I was speechless. I thought it was a book. A yoga book or etc.. hahaha

Once i unwrapped the box i spotted the 'ipad mini' words on the box. And all i can say is "haaa...?? Betul bah ni??.." And he answered ," Kotak saja bah tu.." with a cheeky smile.

I believed him for a second and as i opened the box it was really an ipad mini. I grabbed him and hugged him right away with the words 'thank you' came out from my mouth..

As i mentioned before, we could celebrate again 4 days later. Yes, it was on his birthday. We celebrate together on 17 Dec morning, during our breakfast meal.

I baked a Birthday Cake for our birthday. Carrot cake with creamcheese frosting and fresh fruit topping.

Hubby loves it. He say thanks for the cake and later on afternoon we went out for a walk around the city.  

We had fun spending our time together. But as the weather getting cold, we went back home before 3pm. Sunset begins 3pm onwards.

Love to see our selfie together. I guess we should do that again in the future. All this while since Gabriel was born, most of our photos dominated by him haha!..

By the way, i hope it is not too late for me to wish Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2014. :)


  1. Happy Birthday to you!!!
    Sedap oo tengok ko punya kek......:D

  2. omg that is the coolest gift ever! happy birthday to your hubby and that cake looks wonderful ^^
