
30 December 2013

Christmas Eve 2013

Hello everyone!
Yesterday supposed to be my 6th wedding anniversary but i'm not gonna write about our anniversary for now coz i'm going to post about our preparation for Christmas this year. I'll post about our anniversary soon, of course.

For the 1st time in our life, we celebrated Christmas that are thousand miles from our hometown. With just a simple dinner on Christmas eve and attended Masses as well.

Here is our family portrait on Christmas eve.

I baked gingerbread man the day before Christmas eve. It was my first attempt. I'm happy that all done well. Hubby even helped me with the deco. We were excited doing it together :)

Here are the decos at our living room. Just a simple decoration at the fireplace. It was quite hard to convince our lil boy to not to pull those lil flower ribbons, until at one time the ribbons couldn't stick onto the fireplace's frame anymore. Lol.
We decided not to buy Christmas tree because our huge Christmas tree is waiting for us back in hometown. Yes, Christmas celebration would be in KK next year. Hooray! 

  So on Christmas eve morning we went to church for Christmas eve mass. It was sad to see that there weren't many parishioners attended the afternoon mass. I guess most of them were busy shopping for Christmas gifts and Christmas eve dinner preparation.

 And later at night we had dinner at home. Simple dishes on Christmas eve dinner. Deep in my heart, i miss my family back in KK during this festive season but hey, embrace it Stella! I told myself. Because next year it would be in KK.

Yes, i let myself to embrace these new surrounding, new place and new culture here. Praise to God. ❤️

 Happy faces except Gabriel. Lol. He was quite blurr of what is going on. Mommy and daddy just want to take family pic by using self timer haha.. This was during Christmas eve dinner ❤️

Our lil Gabriel with his Christmas gift. Our lil cutie pie. I got him a wooden puzzle and a winter jumpsuit. :)  

The jumpsuit fits him well. And he likes the wooden puzzle as well. He could solve the puzzle less than 1 minutes. Good job boy. I amaze with his ability. He even solves the puzzle the first day he got the present. 

And this is my Christmas gift. A cream color long coat. I ❤️it so much. Glad that hubby knew my taste and size as well hehe

As for hubby i got him a 1 terabyte portable hard disk as a Christmas gift. He love it! The reason is he likes to download songs, movies and keep softcopies of photo a lot, so his laptop is running out of storage. Now i notice, I bought him something very useful, right? Lol!

We had a simple Christmas celebration this year. The most important is we bear in mind the real meaning of Christmas. Praise to God❤️

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2014. :) 


  1. Simple celebration but I can feel the warmth. Siok bah celebrate sama-sama family.. Can enjoy the together-time to the fullest! ^^ Panjang sudah rambut Gabriel oh.. Hehe!

    Anyway, Happy Anniversary, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your beloved family!

    1. same goes to u n ur family :)

      ya pjg sda rambut si gabriel hehe

  2. yeah stelle mcm sa mau christmas lg o... siok ni sm family...hi hi hi hi
