
02 January 2014

My 2013 in Review

Hello everyone!
Happy New Year 2014!

It's my 1st post for year 2014 and the moment i write this, our family members, relatives and friends in Malaysia has entered the 2nd day of year 2014.
  The year 2013 has been doing good to me and to my family, though there were flaws here and there, i believe God has strengthen our faith to face everything beyond us.  I must admit there were a lot of things happened in 2013 and how my life changed since then. 

  • The year 2013 was the year where i consider myself as a baker. I've been receiving a lot of order of cake for occasions like Mother's Day, Father's Day and Birthdays.  
  • In February, i have attended a blogger gathering for the 1st time hosted by sis wyne. The theme was Cheongsam Ladies. And it was the 1st time ever i'm hunting and wearing a cheongsam. Haha!
  • In April, we received good news which my husband has passed his interview and that opens a new chapter in his life to further study in the UK. Praise to God!
  • In May, i attended Ladies Blogger Gathering for the 2nd time and met more friends from virtual world for the first time. It was a fun gathering and few of us has been closed to each other since then.
  • In the last week of June, I started to practice Yoga. It was amazing how my life changed since then. Yoga has been part of my life, baking as well. 
  •  In July, I made Visa for UK for the 1st time in KL. Yes, it was my 1st Visa.
  • My first split pose was in August 2013. I still can't believe myself that i could perform split pose at the age 31. Lol!
  • In August, i was nearly shed in tears when my dream came true. I managed to bake a birthday cake for my dearly lil son for the 1st time on his 2nd birthday. That was my long dream since September 2012 which i started to discover my talent in baking.
  • In the midst of August i was kind of devastated to reject friends order for cakes due to preparations of our journey to the UK. But this is the path we chose, therefore I sacrificed my passion to make a way for my husband on his study. 'One door closed, another door opens.'
  • On 25th August, was the last gathering with my family before we fly to oversea.
  • A week before we fly to the UK, something happened to my dad that made me and the whole family worried. But at the same day, i thank GOD for there's still a good man exists on this earth to bring my dad home safely.
  • 12th September, touched down at Heathrow London Airport, Manchester Airport and Chester City for the first the time. And gone through a detail checking at London airport custom for the 1st time, made me think to be more well prepared for next time. If there is.. Haha
  • 3 days before we fly to the UK, Gabriel was attacked with coughing and flu. And we forgot to ask doctor for a prescription forcing us to convince the custom officer at London airport that the medicine was actually for Gabriel.
  • In October, i have to get used with the different time and weather between Malaysia and UK. 8 hours gap and freezing cold. And slowly getting used to it 1.5 months later. 
  • Towards October-December i achieved a lot of yoga pose. It made me reflect that nothing is impossible as long as we have the determination and daily practice is the key, patience as well.
  • In November, witnessing the hail/ freezing rain for the 1st time. Temperature dropped to 1 degree Celcius, the lowest so far.
  • I became officially a smoothie lover on November when my hubby bought me a classic blender.
  • In December, celebrated my birthday, hubby's birthday, Christmas, wedding anniversary and New Year at the UK for the 1st time.

Oh my, what a long list haha.. That is all I can remember. Happy New year once again. I hope the year 2014 brings us much more blessings and joy. God Bless!


  1. Banyak yg ko boleh ingat untuk tahun 2013 yang lalu kan......happy new year ! :D

    1. Maybe ada bnyk lg tp ini sj yg sya dpt ingat hrhr.. Happy new year sis

  2. I don't think I could wrap up my 2013 as good as you did :) Happy new year once again Stel :)

    1. Blh ba tu sis.. Hehe.. Sya cuba ingat melalui gmbr sj ni hehe.. Blessed new year :)

    2. sama la Edith! Plg sia nda pandai mau wrap2 ni... hahahahah... nyway, happy new year Edith and Stella! May our this year journey be wonderful always... :D

    3. hihihi..bnyk lg tu tertinggal Just. Ini ja yg sya teringat mau taip

  3. Wow sis, your 2013 has been great to you. Okay, let's see how is our 2014. God Bless us for everything.

    1. Ada jg yg part sedih2 dan bikin risau. Tp biasa lah ba tu kehidupan kan sis hehe.. Ya looking forward 2014 hihi.. Gbu

  4. Happy New Year...Stella...Waa..siok oo kan..New year d sana...:-)

  5. byk memori indah 2013 o kan sis..:) good luck in 2014..all the best!

  6. and on Dec, you've forgot to add that you've helped me alot during my hard days.And yet, we both are only strangers...hehe. This is a good list. Happy New Year. Hope to see you real soon.

    1. lexa, oh iyakan..baru sya ingat..ok bah kawan jg bah kita itu. virtual friend hihihi.. Happy new Year :) harap2 this year all is good for you :)

  7. Hi stella, I like to read ur blog & i also follow u via to see d nice photo of u & family...Btw, Happy New Year to u & family... ;)

    1. Kathleen..really?.. thanks!.. :) Happy New Year and God bless :)

  8. very nice..hope i can do that list. hehe. happy new year, sis..have a great year ahead :)

    1. blh tu Aemy.. hehehe.. Happy New Year.. happy n joy for u this yr :)

  9. syok juga when experience new life routine at new place kan but hey next year u guys r back in KK already ^_^
