
04 March 2013

I'm Too Worried, Please Pray for Sabah Safety

After the incident in Lahad Datu, the incident then still going on and this time it took place in Semporna where there were reported 6 policemen killed. I just can't believe that this thing become worst. I thought the situation is in controlled and there will be no more bloodshed.

I could see the situation is getting worst. People could see the situation is getting seriously bad. I couldn't bring myself to sleep since yesterday night because of this incident. Six lives were taken from the war between police in Sabah and that Sulu terrorists. And how could one still can sit relaxingly by hearing this bad news?

Oh GOD please save Sabah and its people.

Now I heard a lot of news about these Sulu people will invades to few more places in Sabah. Oh policemen and armies out there, we're depending on you. Please do a good job. Don't ever give any chances to those terrorists! They had taken 8 lives of our policemen so far. Obviously it shows that they're nonnegotiable people at all!

I'm sure this thing hasn't ended yet. It is still going on out there. We should be ready in any means, in any unpredictable things to happen. Stock up foods, lock up your doors and keep on praying. Pray hard may Sabah always be a blessed State and its people will be safe. GOD please protect our polices and armies too. Let them do a good job to fight for our countries. Amen..


  1. And I just got a message in my FB asking people to spread the news that THEY had reached KK and planned to invade few places around here. I didn't send it to any of my friend tho, it could be just rumor and there is no point in scaring people over some base-less info.

    God Bless us all especially the one that are fighting for our safety. Amen.

  2. This is the time for us to truly unite. Let's pray to God for the safety of our heroes and also for us.

    1. yes, unity is so important at this time... Amen!

  3. I was relax in frond of my sarawakian friends but inside I was boiling but just keep praying that all will end soon and no bloodshed. We here in ipg gaya alsa have curfew suda

    1. Yes, everyone is praying.. these incidents were so scary

  4. Jangan takut Stella, we will be fine..mana2 pun kalau sampai ajal mati just continue praying...
