
03 April 2013

Caramel Pudding (Eggless)

Blessed Easter everyone. I guess it's not too late. We are still in the week of Easter though. I couldn't post some entry earlier because I was occupied with the Easter gathering and attacked by sore throat. 

I think it was more than 3 days now I still in throat pain. I hope this pain will be gone soon. (So that I can proceed with baking again..hehe :P)

I baked red velvet cake and made a caramel pudding for our simple family Easter gathering at my house. Attended only by my immediate family members. It was just a simple lunch. I was too busy with baking and the pudding, therefore I asked hubby to just take away KFC for our Easter lunch. 

This red velvet cake; I used the recipe that is for cupcakes which I've posted on my blog few weeks ago. Please refer HERE for the recipe. For cake, you have to baked for 50-60 minutes at 180 degree Celsius.

Ok, let us move to Caramel Pudding Recipe. For this recipe I refer to CikEpal's blog. I wanted some pudding that without eggs. So here's the recipe.

Caramel Pudding Recipe (Eggless)

For Pudding
1 packet jelly powder (10g) - (I used 7g)
3 1/2 cups water
3 Tbsp Corn flour
2 Tbsp Custard powder
1 can evaporated milk
1/2 can condensed milk (depends on you whether you want it sweet or not)
1 tsp vanilla essence

For Caramel 
2 scoops of sugar
1/4 cups water


 For Caramel, melt sugar in a sauce pan, stir until golden brown. Once it starts bubbling, stir in water carefully and slowly. Stir until the sugar fully melt in water then remove from heat. You can transfer it in a cake tin. I used 7" cake tin. Set aside.

 Bring together corn flour, custard powder, jelly powder and water to boil at low heat. Stir until bubbling.

Once bubbling, fold in evaporated milk, condensed milk and vanilla essence. Stir for about 5 mins. Then pour the batter into the cake tin that contains caramel earlier.

Let it cool for about 30 minutes. Then put it in refrigerator for about 3 hrs. I let it chilled in refrigerator for the whole night. I took it out the next day. :D

                                    Here's my 1st Eggless Caramel Pudding

                                                         Simply delicious!

Okay, that's it for today. Have a blessed week ahead. 

Do try the recipe okay! If you want it sweet, you might want to put condensed milk slightly over half can.. Take care! :D


  1. kalau puding, sy kureng sikit..

    1. kami memang kalau dessert gini satu family suka hehe

  2. Oh dear! Air liur saya meleleh when seeing the caramel pudding. Boleh sudah buka kedai nie, Stella.

  3. Wah, progressing owh ko pnya baking ni :) Bila lah sia dpt spend time baking ni :)

  4. I love puding...Apa lagi klu dia kena kasi sejuk kan...mesti sedap kan..heheh

  5. Senang pula buat pudding kan, nnt sy mau try. Thanks for the recipe
