
27 May 2013

Moist Butter Cake Recipe

Hello dear readers,
How is your last weekend?.. I hope all was good and yes i know today is Monday. Most people will say about Blue Monday and things like that.  But it's okay, life is like that. Just move on and you'll see what the rest of the week brings you.

Well, today I would like to share a recipe, in which a friend requested from me. I posted a butter cake photo on Instagram and she asked for recipe. To make things easy, I'll definitely share the recipe here on my blog so that most of my friend will get the recipe. Oh that was generous enough, right?.. haha

By the way, this isn't my own recipe. I got it from A friend ordered a butter cake for Mother's Day and I found this recipe quite nice with plenty of good feedbacks. So i chose this recipe.

It's just an easy recipe; easy to follow and simple ingredients. :D

Moist Butter Cake

1/2 cup butter, softened
1 1/2 cups sugar
3 eggs
2 1/4 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt (i didn't put salt as i'm using salted butter)
3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/4 cups milk
1 teaspoon vanilla essence

1. Preheat oven at 180 degree Celsius. Sift together flour and baking powder. Set aside.
2. Beat the butter and sugar together in a mixer.
3. Put in eggs one at a time. Continue beat until well mixed.
4. Add in vanilla essence and continue to beat.
5. Fold in milk and flour mix gradually. Beat until well combined.
6. Divide the cake batter and put them in 2 nos of 9 inch cake tins.
7. Bake at 180 degree Celsius for 25-30 minutes each.

Here's the Butter Cake ordered by Ms Laura. She requested for roses deco at the side of the cake and with that particular words, a Mother's Day wish. :D

And here's her feedback. Thanks Ms Laura! :D

Okay, that's it for now. Have a great Monday and blessed week ahead.
Go and try the recipe. It's very simple and yet tasty. :)

Take care,


  1. klu moist2 ni sia slalu fail.. lgpun oven mcm mau sampai masa kena tukar sdh. huhuhuuh..

  2. Im so gonna try this.. I promise to bake a cake for our family's mothers day thinking to make cheese cake.. tngok dlu la mcmna.. mcm this one pn nice jg.. buat deco ba yg sa lgsg x pndi ni..

    1. Deco tu belakang Wen, yg penting sedap dulu hihi :)

  3. Haa, nothing left to tapau owh! Memang hit lah ko punya cake ni sis, hehe!

    1. I'm glad.. Takut juga kalau x sedap kan haha.. Thank you God..

  4. Love your new banner; nice pix! Fabulous cake :)

  5. You're always good in baking. I'm good in eating saja. Haha! Thumbs up moi.. Keep up the good work ^^
