
25 May 2013

A Blogger Friend's Wedding & Mother's Day 2013

Hi dear readers,

This post was supposed to be posted about 2 weeks ago. Due to busy with my lil boy and baking projects, I have to hold on this post for a while until today. :D

So, today I like to share with you these photos of a blogger friend who had tied knot  on 11th May 2013.

I didn't manage to attend the Holy Matrimony at church but I managed to witness the wedding reception the next day. The wedding reception was fall on the same day with Mother's Day. Thus, I could not wait until the end of the reception session since I have to attend our own Mother's Day occasion after that.

Congratulation Jue on your wedding. You look so fabulous that day.. :D

With other blogger, Just and Tunung and a friend.

I went back home around 2.30pm and start to bake cuppies right away for our Mother's Day dinner. I couldn't bake the day before as I was fully booked with other orders for friends.

Thank you GOD, I managed to bake cuppies. They were butter cupcakes with chocolate ganache and creamcheese topping. It was rushing, but was considered good as I managed to do something for my Mom.

See?.. Ini lah keraja rushing ahahaha!.. Itu frosting lain2 suda bentuk dia. Tapi tidak apalah kan. It's the thought that counts bah kan :P

We had our dinner at Airways Putatan. Honestly the moment I get inside the place, it reminds me our ladies cheongsam gathering on last Feb. Hubby keep asking me, where did we sit on that day. He means the cheongsam gathering, and I told how we the only 5 ladies cheered up the place macam kami yg punya hahaha.. Throwback, sweet memories! :)

Okay, here are photos on our Mother's Day dinner. Just a simple gathering. The important thing is we appreciate our Mom who brought us into this world, and pray for her well health and long live. :)

 The whole family. Unfortunately my 2 bros couldn't attend that day. Look at Gabriel, he really knows how to pose right?.. haha

 My own small family :)

 Okay, here is my Mom.. She's a bit strict mom, talkative and friendly. You'll never boring when you have chit chat with her. And on top of all she likes to give a piece of her mind. I mean she is generous enough to give advice to young adults and youngsters.. :)

The food that day.. Quite okay but a bit pricey. 

Okay, that's it for today. Will come back again soon with my cakes post. :D
Take care and have a great weekend. :) 

P/s: Oh how could i forget?.. Today Gabriel turns 21 months old. God bless you my dear lil boy :)


  1. your mum looks so young!
    Macam mana mau order from you stella? Your deco on the cakes and cupies makin hari makin lawa oo

    1. Nmpk muda kan.. You just pm me at my FB inbox.. Nanti saya follow-up with the details :)

  2. hi stel, seems like i m the 1st one to comment... anything with cheese is my fav... liking the picture of u n ur mum... so touching... :) keep up blogging dear fren...... (fero)

  3. Untung mom ko dapat daughter pandai baking cake. Hihi!

    1. Baru2 jg sya tau baking ni.. Untung lah dia haha

  4. The cupcakes bah, rushing pun cute juga! :)

  5. No matter how busy you were, your cakes, cupcakes masih sedap Gila. Nak order lagi lain Kali :)

    1. Oh really?.. Thank you Diana.. So nice of u. Just inform me ok :)

  6. macam sa mo order ni tau cupcakes ko...hehe

  7. Happy belated Mother's Day to you Stel :D

  8. ur cake so order lg when I come down to KK

    1. Thank you so much Dyana.. Bah just inform sya aa.. So nice of you.. :)

  9. klu utk sendiri2 yg mkn, deco nda santik nda pa la.. yg penting itu taste kan! blm lg te-bake cake for mother's day ni tau.. huhuhuhu

    1. Ya bah Just, betul juga ckp ko. Adik sya ckp ,"ini kek kelamkabut ni sadap juga.." hahaha..
