
05 July 2013

My New Passion after Baking

I am currently practicing Yoga. The art of yoga is really beautiful. I fall in love with it the moment I did few of its pose.

I was actually invited by a friend to do yoga almost 4 weeks ago. She's really into yoga too. My friend, Ms Lydia explained to me how yoga is not only for physical appearance, it is actually good for your internal body, such as improves the digestion, blood circulation, breathing and so on. 

She even said, the human head has a strength that it could hold the whole body upside down. It made me thinking how this yoga can do such thing, until i experienced it myself. (No, i still haven't have a gut to do the head stand pose, cause I am a beginner ;P)

Well, I didn't start practicing yoga right away after Ms Lydia explained to me about that yoga thing. But i still keep in my mind that i would practice it someday. I even amazed seeing Daphne Iking, a Sabahan celebrity who posted her yoga poses almost everyday on her Instagram. She able to stand upside down and did a lot of yoga poses that you can't ever imagine of. :)

And it had happened that, Sis Wyne Mouren also practicing yoga and started to post her yoga poses on Instagram last week. it was inspiring and I was amazed how she really flexible at her age. She could stretch her leg and body. She invites me to do yoga and asked to post on Instagram too.

I wasn't sure at first whether i can do this. But as i remember, I could do the downward facing dog pose during my university days. Hubby even did bought me a yoga cd about 9-10 years ago, but I didn't put commitment in it. I guess i don't have much idea what is yoga about back then. That's why i didn't take it seriously.

Downward Facing Dog Pose with variation poses

Nowadays, I do yoga poses almost everyday. It is now become my routine. It becomes my passion recently and my body begins to use with it. I remember the first day (last week), I did the downward facing dog pose with pushing hard the floor. It affects my lower back. I feel pain at my lower back and I stopped practicing yoga for 3 days. On the fourth day, I never feel pain again instead my body began to flex. I burp and a lot of wind came out from my body. (faham2 lah tu kan apa maksud tu wind flushed out from body hahaha.. bnyk angin pula badan saya..)

Amazing! How yoga can flushed out the wind from your body. I guess it is because as you stretch your body and your tummy began to stretch too and improving your digestion and your intestine began to stretch and it allows the wind to come out.. haha it was only my theory.. :P

Okay, that's it for now. See you again in my next post.
Have a great Friday.. :)


  1. Ngam tu theory ko Stella..bcoz u r not alone haha if you know what i mean..the 'angin2' bah haha...

    1. Ngam ka tu theory saya?.. Hahaha.. Oh ko pun sama ka moi.. Ada 'angin-angin' juga keluar dr badan hahaha :)

  2. chayo cayo!! time baking, tidur pun beryoga jg kan.. hihihihi

  3. ya..lots of angin2 kuar..depan belakang..hehe. but today mcm teda sdh sa sendawa pula..kali the angin makin kurang..:)

    1. Bagus la tu kay.. Kurang2 suda angin di badan :)

  4. Mcm best pula buat nie Yoga kan...Mcm execise juga bah kan ni yoga, stel..kasi stretch tu body kan...

    1. Ya Jue. Terus flexible tu badan kalau ko buat hari2 :)

  5. Sy pun try for 1st time semlm. Trus macam pening2, mau muntah haha.. Biasa ka tu?

  6. Thank you for the 'pujian' and I am so show off now haha! Ko pose gambar Wheel pose ko juga bah. Adalah trus rasa mau patah pinggang hihihi!

    1. Hihihi.. Blm perfect lg bah wheel pose sya tu hihi

  7. Makan-yoga, tidur-yoga, kerja-yoga, baking-yoga kan stel..hahaha!
    Siuk kasi keluar angin2 di badan..
