
03 July 2013

My June Baking

Hi friends, 
We're in the month of July already. How time flies, isn't it?.. So, this would be my first post for July 2013.

Today i would like to reminisce back the cakes and cuppies that I had baked on the last June. Sometimes, it is good to view back the good things that we had done in the past. 

I like to view again my cakes and cuppies photos that I baked in the past. Sometimes, i tend to forget to where I'd begins in this baking line. GOD is great. I am proud of myself for being able to do these, for what I have achieve so far. 

I am still learning and definitely will learn more. Thank you GOD for giving me this opportunity to experience the beauty of baking. Playing with flour, eggs, sugar and cream, it was really fun actually.. :)

And thank you too to friends that putting trust in me to bake a cake for them. I am truly honored and extremely happy that they were really appreciate my cakes and only GOD knows how happy I am to see they're happy with the final result of cakes/cuppies that I baked and deco for them.

So here are the pictures of cakes and cuppies I baked on June. Feel free to view.. :)

 Here are the cakes I baked for friends and some for family..

           Here are the cuppies and chocolate lava cakes I baked for friends..

Okay, that is all for now. Thanks for visiting here.
Have a great week ahead.  :)


  1. all da cakes are gorgeous!! terliur tingu! :D

  2. Wow, bermacam2 kek sdh ko buat Stel. Wish u best for your baking :) Sa mo order for my daughter 6th birthday in August ah.

    1. See if i can bake in August.. Mcm busy pula suda tu kami..
      Thanks edith :)

  3. Wow, nice! Nanti boleh buka cake shop, I'll definitely come :D

  4. waa...siok kan klu tgk balik

  5. Makin lawa ba deco cake ko Stella..bisnes pun manyak untung wo haha
