
16 March 2013

Green Tea Cheesecake

Hubby requested for Green Tea Cheesecake. To be frank, I'm not a green tea fan. But green tea is my hubby's fav. He actually requested for green tea cheesecake since few weeks ago, but I only managed to do it yesterday.

I Googled for green tea cheesecake recipe and stumbled upon Rahel's blog. It's quite a simple recipe and easy to follow. Therefore, I choose this recipe to fulfill my hubby requests. 

According to hubby the taste was not bad. (I feel relieve, it was a comment from a green tea lover you know..hehe). You can try it yourself. It's a non bake cheesecake recipe. :D 

Here's the recipe:-

Green Tea Cheesecake

1 Tbsp green tea powder, sifted
270gm cream cheese, at room temperature
260gm non-dairy whipped cream (I used UHT whipping cream)
70gm castor sugar
2 egg yolks, grade B
1 Tbsp lemon juice (I used artificial lemon flavor)
green food coloring (quantity depending on you)

1 Tbsp gelatine
2 Tbsp water - soak gelatine in the water for about 10 mins and heat it by using double boil method until it fully combined

Base Ingredients:
80gm marie crackers, crushed
2 Tbsp butter, melted

springform pan 7",grease the pan and place a baking paper at the base 

(I used 8" springform pan)

1.Put together the base ingredients and combine it well. Press the mixture at the base of the springform pan and put it inside refrigerator.

2. Beat the whipped cream until it become fluffy and stiff. Put inside refrigerator.

3. Combine together the yolks, castor sugar and the lemon juice. Beat them well by using hand whisk until it become creamy. 

4.Heat it by using double-boil method for 2 mins and keep on stirring. Set aside.

5.Beat cream cheese until it become soft, fold in green tea powder and beat again until well  combined. Add in the yolks mixture and food coloring and mix well. Fold in whipped cream and mix well. Finally, add the gelatine mixture, mix well.

6.Pour the batter in the springform pan which you pressed with base mixture earlier. Chilled for at least 3 hours before serve.

 The crust pressed into the base

 This is how the batter looks like

 Pour the batter on the crust. And chill for at least 3 hours

 My first Green Tea Cheesecake :D

Bon Appetit!

It was so easy, wasn't it?.. 
Okay that's it for now. Happy Weekend :)


  1. wow..looks yummy..i love green tea a lot but my boyfriend doesnt like rasa la stella...i am wondering mcm mana rasa dia ni....tapun la.

    1. Hi lexa,
      ok juga rasa dia.. aih terbalik pula aa..ur bf pla x suka green tea hehe

  2. Wah terliur saya nampak owh stela hehe

  3. Love green tea! This certainly look good :)

    1. This is my hubby's fav. I'm not a green tea fan :)
      Glad you like green tea :)

    2. Stella, replied your comments in my blog. Which giveaway r u referring to? Last Flenco giveaway didn't have your name......

    3. I think it was long time ago. Oh never mind.. :D

  4. wow... hijau!! hjg bln misti mau bili springfoam pan!

  5. very yummy owh stelle... punya siok kalau sa pandai bake mcm ko stelle

    1. Ba belajar la Beaty..senang jg ba mau rajin la hehe

  6. Waa..Perisa Green Tea...!
