
28 December 2012

The Christmas Celebration

Hello Dear readers,

How's you Christmas celebration so far? I bet it must be fabulous and fun! But at least we should realize that the reason of the celebration is the birthday of our Lord Jesus. Amen!

The celebration of Christmas this year so interesting. As usual it was very emotional thing for me as we get to see each other and family gathering is all I want for Christmas. Nothing can compare the family gathering moment, because as we grown up especially when you have your own family, it's really hard to hold a family gathering. So Christmas Day would be a perfect day to gather all family members. :)

24 December 2012

I Can't Wait To..

Here's our Christmas Tree. It was set up about 5 days ago.The color theme is purple gold. We bought new Christmas tree for this year. Hubby said he wants a new tree this year, a taller tree. Our previous tree is 5 feet height, and this new one is 7 feet.

22 December 2012

The Love of My Life's Birthday

Dear hubby's birthday was on 17th Dec. But I decided to celebrate with him the day before as his family might set a plan to celebrate the birthday with him. I wanted some privacy of only 3 of us to celebrate his birthday. Yes, it's only hubby, me and our dear lil son.

I gave a treat at Promenade Hotel for hubby's birthday. He really liked it. Ya la kan high-tea buffet..Makan sampai kenyang ma..hehe..! 

20 December 2012

My Birthday Pics

As I promise in my last post. I'll upload few of my birthday pics. And here they are :-

 Thank you hubby for the birthday treat. :D

19 December 2012

My Birthday Dec 2012

Hi dear readers, 
It's been a while. Been busy with family matters. I promise myself to update this blog as soon as possible before Christmas. Oh yes, Christmas is around the corner. I am really excited. I bet you must be excited too!

Today I went to Karamunsing Complex to shop for Christmas Tree (well I hope it's not too late, Christmas is only 5 days to go ) and few gifts to my niece and nephew. To my surprise I ran into a gorgeous blogger friend. Siapa lagi kalau bukan si Wyne haha.. :D She's really a happy go lucky person. The moment she saw me, she shouts my name..haha.. It was really nice to see her in person. I hope to see more of her soon together with other blogger friends too. :D

Okay, let's move to 'My Birthday' story. 

15 December 2012

Heartbreaking :(

I supposed to post about my birthday celebration. But I can't help to write about my feeling about this.

How can that particular people think about pulling a trigger towards those young children in school. The children must be terrified and crying during the scene.

My heart totally broken when I heard about the news. 20 young children become victims. The parents must be too shock to received the news and I can't even imagine how would they felt towards the tragedy.

My prayer with the victims and their family as well. Hope they gain strength to face the day, towards the tragedy. They lost their precious child towards that particular lunatic people. And I read that the shooter also was killed. He killed himself.

Full news, please read HERE

13 December 2012

Happy Birthday to Me (Sneak Peek)

It's 15 minutes before my birthday ends. Happy Birthday to me. :D
I had a great day today and thank you so much to dear hubby for being there on my birthday. He took a day off from his work to spend time with me and Gabriel.
I really apprecite it.

Thank you so much to all family members , relatives and friends for sending some warm thoughts, wishes and prayers on my facebook wall, sms's and even on Facebook message and email as well. GOD bless you and prayer for your health too. :D

Brownie with Vanilla Ice-Cream for Birthday eve treat.

Okay, I need to go to bed now. 
Will write more about my birthday in my next post. :D

12 December 2012


Wow it's a rare date. 12.12.12.
I know a blogger friend whom birthday is today. She is a blogger friend, Lydia Andrew. :)

Wah, this must be a very special date for her. Once in a lifetime. :)  
Ada celebrate besar-besaran ka tu Lydia?..hehe

By the way, good wishes and blessings for those who're celebrating birthday, getting married and engagement today. :)

Okay, it's 1.11am. I'm going to bed now. See you again.:)

Thank you for visiting here. 
Take care. :)

p/s:  I'll be a year older tomorrow. :)

11 December 2012

My Humble Pavlova

 My Humble Pavlova

This is my latest baking. My humble Pavlova, Birds' Nest inspired by Anna Olson. I don't have berries fruit, therefore I used any fruits that available in my refrigerator.

The recipe was so simple though. Except it was quite challenging to create the bird nest.
I will post the recipe soon. 

So how is your preparation for Christmas?.. It is 13 days until Christmas 2012. Exciting isn't it?.. :D

Till then, take care. :)

10 December 2012

Relaxing Place..

A friend, Ms Beverley gave us a gift that I never think of. She was my classmate back in secondary school, but we're still keep in touch on and off, mostly in Facebook. Yes, everyone is busy with their own things, and would meet again on occasions like birthdays or weddings. She gave us a gift during my lil son, Gabriel 1st birthday celebration on last August.

As usual, everyone would give birthday presents to Gabriel, however, to my surprise this thoughtful friend of mine rather gave us a gift. I was touched the moment I read her small note on a little cute card.

06 December 2012

Vanilla Lava Cake /Molten Cake

Hello dear readers, 
For this post I'll share the recipe of Vanilla Lava Cake. Several friends requested for this recipe, so here it is. I'll jot down here the ingredients and method.

I got this recipe from a friend, Ms Arlene. She got the recipe from internet and it was nice of her to share with me the recipe. However, I improvised it a bit due to my needs and comfort. Such as the butter instead of putting it all in one stick, I just added 6 tablespoon. And for the sugar, instead of 1 cup, I only used 4 tablespoon. 

First of all, I should send my thank you to Nadia too, a blogger friend who requested me to give a try to bake this cake. To my surprise it turned out nice and taste so good! My hubby really loves this cake. He can finish 2 vanilla lava cakes in a row..haha!

Ok, let us start now with the ingredients. :D

Sneak Peak of Our Wedding Anniversary Album

Here is a sneak peak of our wedding anniversary album. 
It will be done in 2 weeks time. :D

Credit to Life Bridal

We paid a wedding anniversary package from Life Bridal on last February, did the fitting and shooting on October and the album will be completed in 2 weeks time; it would be before Christmas. 
Excited and can't wait! :D

04 December 2012

My Favourite Month of The Year


Indeed. December is my favorite month of the year. In fact it's my favorite month for every year. Well who's doesn't?.. I bet most of you will be the same isn't it?.. :D Most of our friends might booked for holiday destinations or had sent their leave applications. Well whatever it is, it's for the very holiday season. Everybody is exciting. The HOLIDAY mood is in the air.. :P

I'm counting days for CHRISTMAS celebration. But not only that, I'm counting for BIRTHDAYS and ANNIVERSARY too. (yeay!) 

9 DAYS until my Birthday and 13 DAYS to hubby's Birthday. 24 DAYS to our 5th Wedding Anniversary.

Wow! It's SO exciting. :D

30 November 2012

I Burst Into Tears on Friday Morning

I burst into tears this morning. That was after I watched a short video on Youtube. Actually it was posted on FB. As usual I would scroll down my FB feed wall to update myself about my friends and family as well as current news too. I came across this short video posted by a very strong mother. I respect this mother for opting a right decision ever in her life.

Please watch the video below. See it yourself on how GOD really works in a mysterious way.

24 November 2012

My Humble 'Mee Goreng'

A week ago hubby decided to cook fried noodles by using dry curly noodles. Lol i don't know what to call it. He craves for that type of noodles and decided to cook it by himself. 

 This is the dry noodles. Any brand should be okay..

But somehow, a few days later, I cooked that noodles for him and gabriel. It turned out hubby really loves it. Even our lil' gabriel likes it too.:D

22 November 2012

My 1st Birthday Cake

Hello dear readers,
Wow.. it's been a long. I haven't blogging for the past 2 weeks. Indeed there were lots of things happened. And you bet, I have missed a lot of stories from dear blogger friends too. Well, I guess I have to do some blogwalk after this to catch up on what I'd missed.

I've been busy with helping my husband on his photography works. Yes, a lot of couple decided to tie knot towards the end of the year. Been busy, but at the same time enjoying. I could see a lot of couples, and every wedding  have their own styles and colors. :) 

07 November 2012

Bloggers Meet Over Choco Fondant

Sounds funny isn't it? Bloggers meet over choco fondant haha..
I made 2 boxes of choco fondants last Sunday ordered by Michelle Sung and Nadia Richard. 

I went to Sunday Mass in the morning and on the afternoon, I managed to baked the choco fondants. This was my 1st time to make 2 boxes of choco fondants in a row. I started to prepare all the ingredients at 1.30pm and finally done at 3.30pm.

I made a deal to meet Michelle and Nadia at CityMall at around 4pm. I managed to take photo with Michelle but unfortunately I couldn't take photo with Nadia because she was only stopped by at the outside of CityMall building. 

02 November 2012


Yes, I'm tempted to bake cupcakes. (Oh my..baking is addicting!)
I really want to bake cupcakes today but hubby said wait until tomorrow, because if I bake cupcakes tomorrow I can bring them fresh from oven to my parent's house. 

Well, we're going to visit my parent tomorrow and I'm thinking of bringing something for them. Yes, I want to let them to have a taste of my cupcakes! hehe.. Hope they'll like it. It is more like practicing for the coming of Christmas Day.  

So, I hope I could manage time to bake cupcakes tomorrow. It would be chocolate cupcakes. Of course it'll be chocolate flavor because I love chocolate. I guess you'll see more and more chocolate flavour (recipes) from me..haha..

Okay, that's it for now. 
Take care.

A Photo A Day

I saw CheguCarol posted about 'A Photo A Day Challenge' for the month of November in her Instagram. It looks interesting and I decided to do it too. I missed 'October's A Photo A Day'. So now I'll go for the month of November. 

This 'A Photo A Day' comes with title of a photo for each day. Take a look at below pic.


I posted mine for Day 1. Supposed today is Day 2. I missed the day 1 haha. Never mind i'll post Day 2 too today probably on late afternoon.

I posted this photo on my Instagram, Day 1: something beginning with 'c'.

Collagen rice mask. This face mask was introduced by a friend few months ago. I really love this mask. It suits my skin.

Okay that's it for today. I probably will post a photo a day in this blog too, as similar with my photo in Instagram. 

Well, it's just for fun. If you like to follow my Instagram, look for stellaclaire_richad.

Have a great Friday.

01 November 2012

1st November, The All Souls Eve

It's 1st November. Time flies.
And I'm in Christmas Mood.. :) You know, it's 53 days to Christmas Day. :D

By the way, it's 10.34pm. Now I remember, it's All Souls Eve. Tomorrow is the feast of All Souls Day. By mentioning this, my heart turns into sadness out of sudden. Remembering those who were gone before us. My prayer with them.

I pray may they rest in peace and enter to Heaven. May they always in the hands of GOD.

My grandfathers and grandmothers at both my mom and dad side passed away long time ago, when I was still a kid. I always think that how would they be if they're still alive until today..

And my prayer goes to my baby Andrea too. Yes, most of you wouldn't know about this. It's happened about 3 years ago. Yes, Gabriel's actually had an eldest sister.

My baby Andrea now rest in peace with GOD. Oh my heart now in sorrow out of sudden just by the thought of her. I wish to see her face one day.

Okay. That's it by now. I'm going to bed now. My prayer tonight is deeply dedicated to all souls..

31 October 2012

Wordless Wednesday: My 1st Order

My 1st order of choco fondant. Thank you Ms Feronia. I hope you really like it. 
By the way it was fun chit-chatting with you today. :D

30 October 2012

Chocolate Fondant / Lava Cake Recipe

Chocolate Fondant / Lava Cake Recipe was my 1st baking after I bought an oven on last Friday (26th October 2012). I decided to bake this cake after I saw a friend posted about it on Instagram. It's look tempting and I told myself why don't I bake it myself?.. So i decided to bake choco fondant on the next day. Most of the ingredients are really easy to find. You can find it in any bakery shop that are selling baking ingredients as well as baking utensils.

Here's the recipe:-

28 October 2012

Praise to GOD for all the good things.

Just to share with you what is happening lately for the past 3 days. My husband really wanted to treat me nice meals during this holiday season. I'm so happy to hear that. 

I don't know what is his reason for him of doing so out of sudden, but I am sure maybe this is one of his way to appreciate me for taking care of our lil son and of course for being with him until the very this day. And hoping for more to come. :D

 I am so thankful for what I had and for what I'm having now.  Praise to GOD for all the good things. :D

25 October 2012

14 Months

Happy Thursday everyone. I am sure most of you are now in the mood of holiday as tomorrow is a public holiday. Some might have a half day leave today. Yes, tomorrow is a public holiday in conjunction with Raya Haji. So, I want to take this chance to wish Selamat Hari Raya Haji to all Muslim around the world.

Well today is our little Gabriel special day. He turns 14th months old today. Time really flies. I can't imagine I have been a mother to him for 14th months now. I thanked GOD. He gave me this priceless opportunity to become a mother. Indeed it was such a great experience especially in taking care of our little boy for full time. I guess all SAHMs out there would agreed with me. :)

23 October 2012

No Bake Chocolate Cheesecake

This is my 3rd cake. I decided to make a chocolate cheesecake after my 2nd cake which is plain cheesecake.

It's very easy though. There is no oven required. You just chill it in your fridge. This is my 1st time to make a chocolate cheesecake. Fortunately it turn out nice.

I got the recipe from HERE.

Go and visit the link above to get the recipe ok.. ;)

Here are the pictures of preparation of my chocolate cheesecake. ;)

22 October 2012

New Dress *Happy Mode*

I received my new dress on Saturday. I'm so happy that it fits me well.

I seldom buy online dresses. I guess this would be the 1st time for year 2012. I bought it from the Curves Boutiques.:)

Here is the dress with 4 types of color. I actually wanted the purple color. Since it's out of stock, I chooses the dull pink.

20 October 2012

My 1st Cake

Hi everyone,
It's been a while. I was so busy lately with the moving things. I mean i am sure most of you knew it already. I moved to KK on last Sunday. Yes that was our final day in Kudat. Well, I definitely will blog about it later.

For the time being, let me share with you about my 1st cake. My first cake was Steamed Chocolate Moist Cake. The recipe was introduced by Vera Peter.

Here's the recipe:- (Vera izin sya kasi share ni resipi aa hehe :P)

13 October 2012

No-Bake Cheesecake

Hello dear friends,
for those who're asking me for the no-bake cheesecake recipe, now i write it down here in this post. :D

I received this no-bake cheesecake recipe from a friend, Ms Conchita. She's handy with baking. She's also the one who influences me to bake cheesecakes. 

I didn't ever know that you can bake a cheesecake without oven. Yes, you can just put it inside your refrigerator. Thanks to Conchita for telling me this and for the recipe! :)

12 October 2012

Facebook Page: A Paint of Life

It was hard for me to make this decision. 
 I took an effort to think a lot about this before deciding to create a Facebook Page. 

With the support and encouragement from hubby and friends, 
I finally decided to create Facebook Page for A Paint of Life

 Feel free to like this page (if you really following this blog). 
 I might post the latest entry of this blog on the the page wall. 

Thank you for your support.
 I really appreciate it.
 GOD bless you.

11 October 2012

Things that have happened lately.. :)

Aside from the good news that we received about 10 days ago, these are the things that have happened lately. I wish I can write all in one entry but it might end up with a long post. Hence, i should separate them in merely different post. 

Before I do so, I put up some pictures just to let you see the whole view on what is happening lately. These could be my references too for my next post cause I'm afraid that I might forgot those things later.

All good things.. Just to share with so that the happy vibes would spread in your heart too. :D

09 October 2012

The Good News :)

Wow, it's been a while. I didn't have that opportunity to post some entry in this blog for about more than 10 days. I've been so busy. A lot of things happened lately. Plus with our little boy always wants to get attentions over me. I didn't get that chances to write a post even for a second. No, i don't blame all those things. I feel blessed. All are good things. Nothing to blame on about.

Nevertheless, i miss blogging and blog-hopping. I am still have that spirit to write. No, i would never ever abandon this blog.. ever. :)

Things change over times. And so are people. I would say i feel blessed that our prayer has finally answered. 

28 September 2012

This is How I got My New Passion.

This is how I got my new passion.
A warm support by friends.
Indeed I'm very blessed to have such supportive friends. :)
Okay let me mention their names, Felix Jaimin, Vera Peter, Avila Edwin and Arlene Andrew.

And not forget to dear hubby too. 
See his comment towards the end of FB conversations below. :P

Thanks a lot friends! And hubby too :)
GOD bless all of you.

27 September 2012

My New Passion

I didn't know a status on Facebook would creates a new passion in me.

It was really the first time ever I do this. I never do it for the whole of my life so far.

I was nervous the first time i do it. 

And what is my new passion about?.. Well, it's about BAKING. Interesting topic isn't it?.. Of course it should be interesting topic when it comes about FOOD, DESSERT or EATING.. haha.. 

26 September 2012

Wordless Wednesday: My New Obsession

p/s: You figure it out..hehe :P
Well, will write about it though in my next post. :D

24 September 2012

Phuket Vacation: Day 3 (Last Part)- Phuket Fantasea, Bangla Road

This post would be the last post about our trip in Phuket.I'm going to move to another topic soon and it will be an interesting topic. You want to know about it?.. Stay tuned to next post.

So for today I will share with you a few infos and some pics of Phuket Fantasea and Bangla Road.

Okay, I start with Phuket Fantasea.

Phuket Fantasea is actually a place of theater, located at Kamala Beach, 9km from Patong. It is indeed a huge theater. Thousands of tourists around the world came to this theater every evening. The shows are about Thai cultural dances and legends. I found it was quite interesting. If you really eager about this shows, make sure don't lost the opportunity to buy a ticket to enter the theater. The cost is 1400bath per person including transfer from hotel.

You are not allowed to bring camera inside the theater. You need to queue up to a counter to put your camera there.

Phuket Fantasea operating hours is 5.30pm-11.30pm (local time). To know more about Phuket Fantasea, visit HERE.

Scroll down for some pics. :)

21 September 2012

Phuket Vacation: Day 3 (Part 1)- Phi Phi Island

This Day 3 of our vacation in Phuket would be about our tour to Phi Phi Island. Just like James Bond Island, you could see the amazing view of the sea, beaches and the island itself. 

This Phi Phi Island tour includes Maya Bay and Khai Island. Maya Bay is a place where the movie 'The Beach' starred by Leonardo d'Caprio was filmed. The view was really amazing. What a beautiful God creation. Unfortunately we didn't get to stay for a long time here. We were given only 30 minutes time to view the surrounding. We didn't even manage to swim or snorkeling here.

Meanwhile Khai Island was our last destination. We were relaxing there for about 2 and half hours. The weather was too hot. I put on a lot of sunblock, but my skin still burnt the time we went back to hotel. But hey, forget about sunburn, enjoy to the fullest first..haha!

In between Maya Bay and Khai Island, we passed Phi Phi Lay, Loh Samah Bay, Pileh Cove and Viking Cave for sightseeing. The scenery indeed was very beautiful, we took a lot of pictures. :)

20 September 2012

Phuket Vacation: Day 2 (Part 2)-Simon Cabaret

Hello dear friends,
Today i want to post the Part 2 of our day 2 in Phuket. 

I have to post about our trip in Phuket again. I really want to finish the entries about our vacation as soon as possible. Probably there's about 2 or perhaps 3 more posts about our Phuket stories. I hope I can finish them by this week because I have a lot more other things to write, to share with you. :)

Ok, here is the Part 2. This part would be the Simon Cabaret. I assume most of you heard about it before. Or maybe I should tell you what Simon Cabaret is actually all about.

19 September 2012

Phuket Vacation: Day 2 (Part 1)- Phang Nga Bay/ James Bond Island

Here is the Day 2 of our Phuket Vacation.

On the 2nd day, we (hubby and I) altogether with the other family members went for islands hoping at Phang Nga Bay. We managed to joined with our family members this time for the island hoping. It was indeed the more people, the merrier it was. 

We were picked up from hotel at around 8.30am to the Ao-Por Pier Jetty. 

18 September 2012

Phuket Vacation : Day 1 (Part 3)- Big Buddha, Wat Chalong, Phromthep Cape

Before I start over, just to let you know that a blogger friend Aki Borneo has just came back from Phuket too. I am sure he will blog out about his Phuket trip anytime soon.So don't forget to blog-hop to his awesome blog these 1 or 2 days. :)

Okay, here is the Part 3.

Upon entering our room, we felt so tired. We didn't even get proper sleep the day before. That was the cause from an overnight at LCCT. Therefore we took a little time for a nap before we start our tour in the afternoon. Just to restore a little energy for the touring later hehe..

Actually this Phuket vacation also includes my mother in-law, father in-law, my hubby's eldest brother with his wife and my hubby's eldest sister with her husband and their 5 years old daughter. It can be considered as family vacation. But they arrived at Phuket earlier than us. Therefore, we missed the Phi Phi Island tour with them on the first day we arrived in Phuket. That means we have to do things on our own on the first day.

16 September 2012

Royal couple ends visit on eve of Malaysia Day at magical Danum Valley

On the eve of Malaysia Day, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge ended their four-day whirlwind visit to the country by taking in the beauty of North Borneo's tropical rainforest.
They spent their last day in Malaysia observing nature in the primeval jungles of Sabah's Danum Valley.

14 September 2012

Huge Welcome for Will and Kate at KLCC Park

 Prince William and Catherine Middleton, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, waving to the crowd during their walkabout at the KLCC Park on Friday. 14 Sept 2012

12 September 2012

Phuket Vacation : Day 1 (Part 2)- Aspery Hotel

Okay, this is the Part 2 of our Day 1 in Phuket.

We reached at the Aspery Hotel at about 10am. The lobby area was neat and nice. Upon entering the lobby area, you can see on your left hand side would be the cafe lounge and on your right hand side is the cybercafe. For an info, this hotel offers free wifi throughout the whole area in this hotel. Free and fast wifi connection in your room too. 

11 September 2012

Phuket Vacation : Day 1 (Part 1)-The Journey to Phuket

Hi, it's been a long time. :)

Today,  i would like to share with you about our ( hubby and I) recent vacation in Phuket. Some of you might want to know a little bit about Phuket and what are the things to do in Phuket. Well, i will write about it as well as few tips when you coming there.

There is no direct flight from KK to Phuket. Therefore we have to take a flight to KL then afterwards a flight to Phuket via AirAsia. Our flight to KL was about 8pm and the flight to Phuket was the day after, at 7.30am. We did an overnight at LCCT Sepang as our flight was early in the morning the day after.

05 September 2012

Gabriel 1st Birthday Celebration

I should post an entry about my trip to Phuket, but I guess, I should post about this event first. I'll proceed with the Phuket story soon, after this post. :)

Gabriel 1st birthday party was held at Tasty Kitchen Lounge in Putatan on the 26th August 2012. It was really just a simple birthday celebration. We were indeed feel so blessed and grateful that Gabriel is now reached the age of 1 year old. He is not so baby anymore. He is entering to a toddler world and I am sure he is having fun to explore his surrounding.

So, here I share with you some pictures from the celebration:-

25 August 2012

Happy 1st Birthday to dearest Gabriel

A year ago , i was over the moon, such a bliss to be granted to a healthy baby boy. Despite the suffering and pain to bring him to the world, it all vanished just by looking his cute tiny face. That is the magic touch of a baby and a mother's experience that nothing can compare. It's indeed a blessing. Thank you God for the greatest gift ever.

Today, 1 year old Gabriel Aiden, his cheeky smile always melts mummy's and daddy's heart. Growing up day by day, discovering new things and eager to explore and to learn. Showing us funny things everyday through his learning process. That is really priceless moment. :)

May his journey to explore the world and to a growing up process will be blessed and always in the path of God has made. I pray may God always be with him, to guide and to protect and bless him in everything he does. Still long way to go. Thank you again oh God that you make us to care this special gift so far with full of caution and love.

Happy 1 year old Birthday my dear Gabriel, mummy's apple of eyes. Grow up and go explore the world. Be a kindhearted boy, generous and respect to others. And most important is keep faith in GOD, cause without Him life would be meaningless. :)

Mummy and daddy love you so much Gabriel.. :)

22 August 2012

August, A Busy Month

August is really a busy month for me.

So much things to do but worth it. I am still in vacation mood. I just returned from Phuket on last Thursday. 

A week before I fly to Phuket we celebrated the birthday of my father in-law. And a day before fly to Phuket, we celebrated the 31st wedding anniversary of my parents.

Now, just about 5 days after returned from Phuket, I have to complete the task of organizing a birthday party for Gabriel which will be held on this coming Sunday. I prepared a door gift and a slideshow, followed by thinking of preparing a little corner for Gabriel on that party.

I hope everything will goes well. I pray..

Okay that's for now. Thanks for dropping by here. Perhaps i should write about my Phuket vacation in my next post. 

And oh ya, i hope it is not too late to wish Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslims around the world. :)

15 August 2012

2nd day at Patong, Phuket

I'm writing this post all the way from Phuket.

Today is our 2nd day here in Patong, Phuket. In fact we are entering to the 3rd day already because it is 12.37am now.

We're having fun and our day occupied with a lot of activities.The scenery of the island is really fantastic and mesmerizing.

That's it for now. Will update more details about our vacations soon. :)

13 August 2012

Touchdown at LCCT

Here i am, updating this blog from Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT), Sepang. Touchdown here at about 10.30pm (12/8/2012). 

Fly from KK at about 8.30pm. The flight from KK should be at 8pm, but delayed for about 30mins.

It's hard to walked out from the house door. It's hard to say goodbye. I hold my tears while saying goodbye to Gabriel. Thank GOD, he didn't cry anymore when he saw me went out of the house. Before this, he was so into me. He can't separate with me for even a second. He will cry out aloud, and I will carry and hug him right away, because I couldn't bear to see him in that situation. But today is different. I guess GOD has answered my prayer. Things become easier when he's not crying anymore, although deep inside my heart it's hard to leave him behind.

Hoping that Gabriel will always fine while I am not there with him. My parents are taking care of him. My mother took 5 days off just to take care of Gabriel.

We'll be heading to Phuket in 5 hours time. Therefore, hubby and I spending our night here. I thought we were the only people who doing overnight here. There are a lot more peoples spending their night here. I guess their flight almost same like us too.

Ok, it's 2.20am. I'll end this post here.
 Will update more soon.

GOD bless.

08 August 2012

I am so worried :(

Hello dear friends.. How is your weekdays? I hope all is fine. My weekdays so far so good.

As i mention in my previous post, we ( hubby and i) will be leaving on a jet plane soon. Yes, we will leave this coming Sunday evening.

My heart can't hardly wait for the vacation but deep inside my heart really worried. I don't know what to say. I couldn't say to cancel this vacation to dear hubby as he himself excited for this trip. I admit i am excited, but my motherly insticnt really put me in dilemma.

Gabriel really so into me. He really can't stay far away from me. My heart aches everytime he cries to see me far from him. But i stay in positive and let he learn no too 'manja' with me.

This week started from last Monday, i stayed with my parents. Thinking of to let Gabriel to get use with his grandma and grandpa. I guess he have been in Kudat for a long time, that is why he really not use to see my parents and he will cry aloud whenever my mother or father carrying him. Oh poor Gabriel, how could I leave him in that situation. I was worried till i don't have ideas what to do anymore.

Hubby said, that is why we let him stay with my parents so that he will slowly adapt with the environment and get use to my parents as well. We've been here since Monday, and i observe he is starting to get use slowly. But i am still worried.. I don't know. Maybe that's because i never leave him for a such long period. For an info, we will be on vacation for about 5 days.

Dear parents out there, i am sure you had such experience. Please share how you overcome the problem. I need your help. Your opinion might make me feel ease, and solve this matter. Sharing is caring. :)

Thank you for reading my humble post. See you again in my next post. Perhaps i will write about my vacation.. :)

03 August 2012

It's August and I Broke Into Tears..

Hello dear friends,
We were on our 3rd day in August and it's Friday. Yes, weekend is on the way. So what is your planning for weekend?.. I am sure most of you really like Friday cause it's the beginning to weekend isn't it?..hehe..

Well, for us (the 3 of us), will be on our way to KK today. Most probably will head to KK by 2 pm. Yeay!.. after about more than 3 weeks in Kudat, feels like missing KK so much.Hubby's ex-colleague will celebrating his big day tomorrow in KK, so that's the reason we go back to our hometown today. :)

So, what is happening on August?.. Actually I've been waiting for August. Gabriel will turn 1 year old on the 25th. And did i mention that my father in-law birthday also is on August?..yes, it's on the 9th. hehe..

We're planning to do Gabriel's birthday celebration. Not that really a fancy one. Only a simple and humble celebration. The venue is still in discussion. The date would be on the 26th August, at about 1pm. You're invited. Please leave a comment in the comment box if you could make it. :)

And oh ya, hubby and I will leave on a jet plane in 1 week time. It's a vacation! yeay! Can't wait.. :) So, i will update you more on that matter soon. :D

By looking at the title at this post, you must be wondering what was the 'broke into tears' all about.  Here's the story. 

It was right before August, Gabriel called me ' Mama..Mama!' with a loud and clear voice for the FIRST TIME. I was shocked. Surprisingly, he could say Mama with that convincing and clear voice at 11 months old. For an info, he sometimes say words seem like 'Mama" too but not that clear. Without i realized, my tears dropped. I broke into tears. It's a lot of tears! huh.. What an emotional moment. And a memorable one.. :)

He was calling me to asked me to carry him. With that begging face and open arms... Maybe that's the reason I broke into tears too. I was really touched, followed by his calling me 'Mama..' , that's the greatest feeling ever for a 1st time mother like me. Indeed i'm a proud mother.. :P

 With the apple of my eyes :D

Okay, that's it for now. 
Have a great Friday.. ;)

30 July 2012

Gabriel's Playroom-continues

I wrote about Gabriel's playroom few days ago. Unfortunately I couldn't upload any photos on that post due to the bad internet line. You can read the post HERE.

How I wish to make a playroom just like the photos below. I Googled on how to decorate a playroom and here what I got. Please take a look a the photos below.

Really nice isn't it?.. I wish I could decorate and create a playroom for Gabriel just like all above. 

Well, I made a playroom for Gabriel. It is not as fancy as the photos above. It just a simple room. But I think it is still lack of decorations and cabinets for the toys. Perhaps I should add more toys?..

Here it is:-

Tada!! Just a simple room. Enough for Gabriel to crawl here and there. 

Maybe I should buy the one like a tunnel thing, because Gabriel likes to crawl under a chair and between his daddy's leg..haha! 

Okay that's it for now.

Thanks for visiting here. Any recommendation for the playroom?.. Leave a comment. ;)

My Baby's Cutest Pose Contest

The MumCentre Malaysia Facebook Page is conducting 'My Baby's Cutest Pose' Contest. 
I sent a photo of Gabriel to join this contest.

Here is Gabriel's photo:-

Isn't he cute?.. :)

Entries are not solely based on votes/threads alone. The winning photo will be judged with the following criteria:
Pose and Cuteness- 50%
Likes/Shares/Threads to entries- 50%.

 Closing date is August 1, 2012.

 So, will you do me a favor to vote Gabriel's photo?.. 
You just click this LINK and vote for Gabriel's photo by clicking 'like' on his photo. 
And by the way, you must log in to your Facebook account first before you do so.

Thanks! :D
 GOD bless. Have a blessed week ahead.


27 July 2012

Gabriel's Playroom

Since our little boy is going to become a toddler soon, I was thinking of making a playroom for him. It is quite difficult for me to create one. For an info, we are staying in an old wooden house, that is a government quarters here in Kudat. So, there is quite hard for me to think about decorating a fancy toddler playroom or something like that.

The wall also too old and the idea of painting the wall again is a bad decision. I was thinking to just wrap the wall with a wallpaper with plastic kind of material. The old wooden wall is releasing some sort of fungus (especially for that too old wooden house). Hubby is trying to get a claim to repair the whole house but the management just ignore it, and instead they informed him that the house is not deserve to get a reparation works. 

I was quite pissed off about that. Nevertheless, we couldn't just sit there and wait. Poor Gabriel, he still don't have a playroom.

Few days ago, hubby put some effort to clean and wrap the wall as well as the floor in the other room. It's quite simple and I was about to broke into tears as I saw it. Yes, that was because Gabriel so happy wandering, crawling here and there. His smile and cheeky laughs really made my day. :)

The next step is to put toys and mattress in there. Perhaps a small furniture too to keep Gabriel toys.

Okay that's it for now. I really want to put some pictures in this post. Unfortunately the internet line is in bad condition now. I tried to upload several times but it fails to appear.

Have a great weekend ahead. 
Take care.

Standing Abs Workout

I've been working out on several parts of my body especially on my abs. I came across this abs workout video on Youtube by Jillian Micheal. She was a professional fitness trainer in The Biggest Loser show. 

She always inspiring me. I wish I could turn my body into just like her. Could I ?.. Nothing is impossible. Faith and effort as well as workout routine with proper diet should lead to a body just like her ( i guess). Yes, it should be true.

Here is the video:-

Jillian Michaels: Standing Abs Workout is a short abdominal exercise circuit that is designed to sculpt six pack abs, strengthen the core, burn calories, and tone the oblique muscles. Blast belly fat, slim the waistline and get shredded for summer with America's Toughest Trainer, Jillian Michaels. Try this unique ab workout anywhere and transform yourself for swimsuit-ready results! 

Okay, that's it for now. You may try the workout too. It looks easy, but not that easy though. The most important is you should do each workout pattern with frequent repetition then you can see the good result. :)

Happy Friday