
12 September 2012

Phuket Vacation : Day 1 (Part 2)- Aspery Hotel

Okay, this is the Part 2 of our Day 1 in Phuket.

We reached at the Aspery Hotel at about 10am. The lobby area was neat and nice. Upon entering the lobby area, you can see on your left hand side would be the cafe lounge and on your right hand side is the cybercafe. For an info, this hotel offers free wifi throughout the whole area in this hotel. Free and fast wifi connection in your room too. 

 Hubby at the front desk

 At the lobby area. Behind the big pillar is the cybercafe.

 Still at the lobby, waiting for our room key. Cam-whoring for a while..LOL. Oh ya behind me is the cafe lounge.

It was really a comfort stay. The staffs are friendly too. We stayed here for 3 nights. Aspery hotel could be considered as a great location to stay. 5 minutes walk to Patong Beach and 10 minutes walk to Bangla Road. Motorcycle rental also available at 200 bath just opposite the hotel. 

Spas, manicure and pedicure services located just next to the hotel.There are also laundry and dry cleaning service, mini retail shop and simcard shop just opposite the hotel blocks. Trust me, you might want to purchase a simcard so that you can connect with your family members back in your hometown. In our case, I have to call my mom to checked for Gabriel's condition back in KK. I was really missing him once we touchdown in Phuket. This is the 1st time we left Gabriel to his grandma for a vacation. 

Motorcyles for rent at only 200 bath per 24 hours.

Tour and Travel services available at the entrance of the hotel. Picture shows that these 3 men are discussing about tours offered by the agent

Travel and tour services available at the hotel lobby. Therefore, you don't have to worry about touring to Phi Phi island, James Bond Island, Big Buddha, Wat Chalong, touring around Phuket city and a lot more. It's all available at the hotel lobby, and it's cheaper. 

Avoid taking tour agent from the airport or from any taxi agents. They tend to allure you with their packages by making you believe that their packages are cheaper. Some taxi agent will stop by at their office before he drives you to your hotel. That's the way they promote their tour packages to you. A staff from their office will talk to you to convinces you about their packages. So I advice you to refuse to pay for those packages, because it's actually way expensive than those in Aspery Hotel.

 The Aspery Hotel

 At the entrance

 Our room. Just nice and comfy

The tv area. There is balcony at the left hand side. (Not in the pic)

What can I say. It's a great location to stay. And I would say it is a one stop centre hotel. It's all because a lot of facilities available there. :)

So, if you are planning to visit Phuket, it is highly recommended to stay in Aspery Hotel. The rates are also affordable. For us, we booked flight + hotel via AirAsia online, it's much cheaper. For more info, photos and rates of Aspery Hotel, please click HERE.

Okay, that's it for now. More story in the next post. I hope this entry really helps to those who are eyeing Phuket for their next vacation destination.:)

Sharing is caring :)


  1. Thanks for the hotel recommendation! :)
    Psst.. kalau p vacay lagi, inform la.. manatau buli plan p sama2.. :)

  2. Thanks for the informative info on the hotel, would be very useful for us as we might do Phuket on our next vacation :) Merci! :)

  3. wah berguna info ko ni. memang ada plan ni mo p phuket dlm tahun skrng boleh da servay2 hotel..:)

  4. Uii honeymoon again ka. Mau tau kos bah

    1. Honeymoon la kunun..ok, nnti sya post budget towards the end this phuket chapter hehe ;)

  5. Weeehoo seeing this post membuatkan i tak sabar with our trip! haha

    Oh phuket will be on the list. ceah kununlah hehe

  6. Mau dikasi bookmark entry ni tau. Manatau terlupa nanti kalau mau planning pigi Phuket. Hehe.

  7. Syok oh...nah mau kumpul duit dulu baru pi cuti2 luar negara hehehe... thanks for the sharing :)

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