
14 September 2012

Huge Welcome for Will and Kate at KLCC Park

 Prince William and Catherine Middleton, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, waving to the crowd during their walkabout at the KLCC Park on Friday. 14 Sept 2012

KUALA LUMPUR: Prince William and Catherine Middleton arrived Friday at the KLCC park for a cultural walkabout and received a huge welcome from the crowd that had gathered from early morning to greet the royal pair.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge smiled and shook hands with the public through the barricades.

Kate, in a white dress and her hair up in a cool chignon, received flowers from her fans.
They had arrived at 10.30 to tremendous cheers and screams from the huge crowd lined up along the roads.

Both the UK and Malaysia flags fluttered proudly as the royal pair smiled and waved to the crowd as they rode in on a buggy.

Some fans had even prepared banners to show their love for the couple.
A big group, including school children and tourists, had gathered much earlier at the park to see the royal pair.

Will and Kate witnessed several cultural performances, including traditional Malay dance and silat during their cultural walkabout.

They later had lunch at KLCC with representatives of UK businesses where William joked that he was glad durian was not on the menu.

He said he had some durian at Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's house on Thursday and feared for the safety of the people he met afterwards.

The royal pair then left for the Diamond Jubilee Tea Party at the British High Commissioner's residence.

Source: The Star 

Stella says:
I heard they will come to Sabah by today. I wish I'm in KK to see them hehe. But I am sure the crowd will be tremendously huge. 

Hey friends, please share some pictures if you manage to see William and Kate live in KK. :)  


  1. Can't wait to see the pix too :) Ismart oh si Kate :)

  2. sy tgk d tv pn berdiri bulu roma..apalg klu jumpa ni..pingsan kali..ahaha

  3. dekat ja ba tu KLCC dr ofis sia. tp apakan daya.. waktu karaja! hahahaa.. lgpun, malas la mo p berimpit2 d sana. Suka dressing c kate!

  4. wow.. sa mo jumpa durang da, tapi durang balik kampung sa.. hmm, next time la.. :D

  5. welcome to Borneo~ harap semua ok ya Prince

  6. Cantik o Kate sia. Wakakaa jk. Ya ba, sia tunggu-tunggu ni gambar-gambar diorang di KK. Sepa la bloggers sana, harap diorang ada pigi.

    Happy Friday btw!

    1. Tu la.. sya pun nda pasti sepa bloggers sana.. kan bgus klu ada hehe

  7. i love kate. she's so beautiful... ^^
