
11 October 2012

Things that have happened lately.. :)

Aside from the good news that we received about 10 days ago, these are the things that have happened lately. I wish I can write all in one entry but it might end up with a long post. Hence, i should separate them in merely different post. 

Before I do so, I put up some pictures just to let you see the whole view on what is happening lately. These could be my references too for my next post cause I'm afraid that I might forgot those things later.

All good things.. Just to share with so that the happy vibes would spread in your heart too. :D

I received 2 parcels on last Saturday.
They're my books and my skin supplement. Bought them online.I bought the skin supplement for the first time. I hope it suits me. I might write a review about this product later.

 I bought a new pair of Sandals with high heels. Will write about it later on why I bought this Sandals.

 We took an anniversary package from a well-known local bridal shop. Will write about this too soon. I really like their services and their wedding gowns were absolutely gorgeous. :)

 Gabriel received gifts from his uncle. They met for the first time on last Saturday because this uncle is actually working in KL. He made an effort to came back to KK for few days to visit family members.

 A surprise visit. I was paid a visit by the in-laws on Monday. 
Hubby was shocked too.. haha

 I purchased a dress online. I was eyeing for purple color but end up with dusty pink. Purple color out of stock. :(

And lastly, I baked cheesecake last night as requested by hubby. He brought few slices to office this morning for his colleagues. Hope they like it. This would be my last cake here in Kudat.

That's all for today. I hope you have a great Thursday. :)


  1. stela, cantik tu dresses.... how much?? sia suka yg pink nude color... lawa ko pakai tu red dress with the flower on ur ear!!! (feronia here ya)

    1. Feronia, sya bought yg nude pink tu lah. Rm79 termasuk posting fee . :)
      Thanks for the compliment :)

  2. Waa...Nice oo you pakai dress merah tu...Ya..banyak berlaku sejak kebelakang nie kan..huhu...

  3. bg sy resipi tu cheesecake....

  4. byk jg kejadian ko ni stel. hehehe.. tp sia plg suka tu anniversary package with bridal shop. ada hati mau buat. hihhih... tp sia rasa sia suka lg d kk buat. teda hidden cost ba. sama sinang communicate. hehhe.. nnt ko blog out aa.. :)

  5. hi stela,can u describe the dress for me yg ko beli dr online tu... dia punya material mcm mana? jenis apa? stretchable?? tu waist? knp ko nda pilih yg red or black? :) (feronia)

  6. Mcm mana ko beli online tu buku? Sa pun mau ni :)

    1. Sya beli dari tu Books for charity. Cuba ko cari :)

  7. berapa lama sdh ko guna tu collagen tu? ok kah?

  8. stelle... ui ko p ambil d life bridal ka? cantik ni...

    n curves boutique tu pn sangat santik2 semua dress dia ni

    1. Yup! Eh ko tau oh beaty hehe..
      Ya betul cantik2 tu baju curves boutique kan..
