
05 September 2012

Gabriel 1st Birthday Celebration

I should post an entry about my trip to Phuket, but I guess, I should post about this event first. I'll proceed with the Phuket story soon, after this post. :)

Gabriel 1st birthday party was held at Tasty Kitchen Lounge in Putatan on the 26th August 2012. It was really just a simple birthday celebration. We were indeed feel so blessed and grateful that Gabriel is now reached the age of 1 year old. He is not so baby anymore. He is entering to a toddler world and I am sure he is having fun to explore his surrounding.

So, here I share with you some pictures from the celebration:-

The cake with BabyTV theme. Chocolate moist cake by Bake Me A Cake.

 Just a simple back drop and Gabriel's corner

Gabriel's corner

Birthday wishes for Gabriel by friends, relatives and family

Gabriel is cutting the cake

Mummy and Daddy help Gabriel to cut the cake

 With Uncles and Aunties as well as Grandma and Grandpa (the mummy's side)

 With Aunty as well as Grandma and Grandpa (the daddy's side) 

The 1 year old Gabriel Aiden

Gabriel surrounded by his birthday gifts

Thank you so much to those who can make it to the party, and those who don't , i am sure you had sent some sweet prayer and wishes for Gabriel, Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it. GOD bless all of you. :)

That's it for today. See you in my next post. :)


  1. Uiseh, banyak oh hadiah si Gabriel. Hehe. Happy Birthday Gabriel. Be a good boy, okay. ;)

  2. Happy belated bday to your boy... The cake so cute! :)

  3. Happy birthday gabriel yg comel! :) comel ni tu cake~ :)

  4. Kiut betul itu cake owh stel! And i wish i can arrange the same for my kids in KK! Hahahah... jauh betul mau buat d kk owh kan!!

    1. I hope so..then i can come to the celebrations hehehe :P

  5. Yo Gab!! Happy Belated Birthday!! :D.. he he he.. Makin comel.. nda sabar mo jumpa dia bulan 11.. :D

  6. Happy belated birthday to Gabriel! God bless u & ur wonderful parents :)

  7. OMG, he's so adorable! Happy belated Bday to Gabriel!!

  8. wow that is one big birthday bash! good job mommy for pulling this off without a glitch :) and for little Gabriel, happy 1st birthday little one and many many more happy birthdays to come :) Thanks for sharing with us those special momentos Stella :) the photos were awesome! ;)

  9. hi stella :) happy belated 1st birthday to ur son, gabriel. kiut o tu kek dia..baru kira2 mo kembali ke arena blogging ni..mcm byk mo update cerita ni..hihi...

    1. ba ok..rajin2 blogging..nanti sya lawat2 juga hehehe

  10. Gabriel 1st Birthday Celebrations look stylish and fun! You did a wonderful work summing up for his special party. I am inspired and would definitely be doing something like this for my twin’s first birthday that is coming soon. Would need some suggestions for rental event venues Chicago. Does anyone here have suggestions?
