
25 August 2012

Happy 1st Birthday to dearest Gabriel

A year ago , i was over the moon, such a bliss to be granted to a healthy baby boy. Despite the suffering and pain to bring him to the world, it all vanished just by looking his cute tiny face. That is the magic touch of a baby and a mother's experience that nothing can compare. It's indeed a blessing. Thank you God for the greatest gift ever.

Today, 1 year old Gabriel Aiden, his cheeky smile always melts mummy's and daddy's heart. Growing up day by day, discovering new things and eager to explore and to learn. Showing us funny things everyday through his learning process. That is really priceless moment. :)

May his journey to explore the world and to a growing up process will be blessed and always in the path of God has made. I pray may God always be with him, to guide and to protect and bless him in everything he does. Still long way to go. Thank you again oh God that you make us to care this special gift so far with full of caution and love.

Happy 1 year old Birthday my dear Gabriel, mummy's apple of eyes. Grow up and go explore the world. Be a kindhearted boy, generous and respect to others. And most important is keep faith in GOD, cause without Him life would be meaningless. :)

Mummy and daddy love you so much Gabriel.. :)


  1. Time flies kan. Setahun sudah si Gabriel ^^ Happy 1st birthday, ensemboi! Always be good to both mom and daddy yaa..

  2. Happy Belated Birthday to Gabriel! Cepat-cepat besar, nanti boleh tolong si mommy sama si daddy. ;)

  3. Happy buffday Gabriel! Nda sedar, ada sdh kawan ko bercerita tu stel! :)
