
24 November 2012

My Humble 'Mee Goreng'

A week ago hubby decided to cook fried noodles by using dry curly noodles. Lol i don't know what to call it. He craves for that type of noodles and decided to cook it by himself. 

 This is the dry noodles. Any brand should be okay..

But somehow, a few days later, I cooked that noodles for him and gabriel. It turned out hubby really loves it. Even our lil' gabriel likes it too.:D

Oh my, hubby requested me to cook for him for over 3 times now. I feel glad that there's someone who really loves and appreciates my cooking, though I didn't even think my cooking was that tasty. Haha.. but when I taste it myself..hmm..not bad. :P

This is my 1st time to cook fried noodles. I mean this type of noodles. And do you want to know what were the ingredients?..

There are the ingredients. Yes, just that 3. 

Of course, at first you should saute the slices of onions and shallots on a medium heat oil. Then put over the dry noodles and add together those 3 ingredients and stir until it cooks.

I didn't put in salt at all because the oyster sauce is salty itself. 

Now, here is my humble 'mee goreng'. Just a simple fried noodles hehe.. 
You can take it together with any side dishes. Or you can even eat it just like that, plus with kopi panas-panas lah.. hehe!

One happy lil' boy! He really likes it.. hehe

Sometime less is more. That's what I've been thinking. Now I've made my only beloved family happy. That made my day too. Thank you GOD for another great day. :D

Okay, that's for now. Have a great weekend ahead. 

p/s: Pssst.. i did another baking yesterday..hehe.. those lil' cute vanilla cuppies.. :P


  1. Gosh, your kid is adorable! Sometimes, simplicity is best & your mee goreng looks real tasty! Enjoy your weekend, Stella! Xoxo

  2. Siok kan when they really appreciates our cooking.. hihi..

  3. This is our family favorite too and as usual lakiku tukang masak bcoz dia tidak mau sa penat (^_6) hehe.

    BTW, hubby sa kasi tambah sesame oil sikit untuk kasi sedap lagi but depends it your hubby and son suka atau tidaklah.

    1. Ms Stella, this type of noodle you can try my recipe(my kids said chinese Spaghetti).. Boiled the noodle cabbage till soft, then drained. Mixed tomato sauce, chicken stock powder, light soy sauce, margarine, sesame oil and fried shallot mixed well... Serve hot...

    2. wah husband and wife put comments here. Nice! Thanks for the recipe. mau try itu nanti :)

  4. punya sadap tu mee udang tu. masak paling simple la sadap.. alalalala... terliur sy nampak mee ko... :D

    happy weekend to u & family ...

  5. ini pn kegemaran kami ni tp sy letak tu kicap n sos tiram ja or kicap masin n kicap manis...kami x MSG drumah..hehe

  6. My mum used to cook this for us too! But I never try to do it on my own.. Maybe I can try to do it with your recipe.. hehe

    ps: U motivated me to cook and bake sis! and even others I believe.. :)

  7. if i dont have oyster sauce, i'll go for ABC sweet sauce instead...omit the MSG tho if i am at my mom's place...takut jatuh rambut debilang hahaha

  8. hubby sa selalu tau request sa masak gini ni.. nasib baik skg sa buli masak suda ni.

    happy c gab makan masakan mumy dia

    1. ngam la tu bulih masak suda Beaty. Ya suka ba si Gabriel. Nasib dia blm pandai ckp, mo juga sya dgr komen dia haha..

  9. itu kicap ayam jg la paling manang! selalu kena tapau blk kl tu! mi guring kita mmg begini la kena guring. sedap seja ba. :)
