
30 November 2012

I Burst Into Tears on Friday Morning

I burst into tears this morning. That was after I watched a short video on Youtube. Actually it was posted on FB. As usual I would scroll down my FB feed wall to update myself about my friends and family as well as current news too. I came across this short video posted by a very strong mother. I respect this mother for opting a right decision ever in her life.

Please watch the video below. See it yourself on how GOD really works in a mysterious way.

God bless this family. Give strength to the parent and especially the boy, who they named he as Christian. May there's a lot of blessings and loves been poured into this family. I pray..

This is really inspiring. It reminds me to be grateful for everything I have. Always have faith in GOD and things will go smooth and better in the future if we really put trust in GOD.

People around you might give you a pain in your heart. Don't really bothered by them. Let them come and go. They do not you, and why you should care. They didn't carry and put themselves in your shoes. 

Send all your burden to GOD and let the positive vibe spreading in your life.

I thank you GOD for I stumbled onto this video. And thanks to Christian's mother too for spreading this video. Christian such an inspiring boy.

My tears keep dropping while I watching this. It was really touching and heart-breaking. I hugged Gabriel tightly and kissed him over and over again after I watched the video. How about you?..

Okay, that is for today. I love to share this because I care. Parents out there should watch this too.

Have a blessed Friday. :)

p/s: oh ya.. by the way here's the blog of Christian's mother. Feel free to visit her blog.


  1. Thanks for sharing moi. Saya baca article psal Christian pun bulih menangis, apa lagi tinguk youtube. Christian's mother said ' wasn't easy.'

    Imagine bah everybody staring at you and your child because they saw something is not right. Ah! Tahan hati...mau tahan hati dengan kuat.

    1. Memang mau kena tahan hati tu Wyne.. Sedih kan.. :(

  2. I've seen this.. mmg touching.. I can't imagine..
    Hope God give her family the comfort they need and always have hope that everything happen according to God's plan

    1. Yes, touching.. Its really hard to imagine. I know God has given strength to the mother..

  3. Gosh! Thks for sharing this warm-hearted clip! Here's wishing the best to them!

  4. Thanks for sharing...Mmg menyentuh perasaan...Mothers dia really strong enough sampai dia x sanggup menggugur kan kandungan nya.. Pray to her family...

    1. Welcome. A mother's love no one can beat isnt it..

  5. Sob sob sob may god bless this family with strenght and courage always...thanks for the share Stella

  6. Hi Stella, life can sometimes bring the unexpected. And often the innocent suffers.
    Then again God in his own way does come into our lives.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Keep a song in your heart.

    1. Indeed Uncle Lee. God works in His mysterious ways.

  7. Hi Stella
    dooii... thank you for sharing this inspiring video. Me too burst into tears, so touching and I really admire the parents especially the mother. It is an mother's ultimate unconditional love. May God continue to bless them and may they be an inspiration to others who are in the same position.

    Aunty A
