
04 December 2012

My Favourite Month of The Year


Indeed. December is my favorite month of the year. In fact it's my favorite month for every year. Well who's doesn't?.. I bet most of you will be the same isn't it?.. :D Most of our friends might booked for holiday destinations or had sent their leave applications. Well whatever it is, it's for the very holiday season. Everybody is exciting. The HOLIDAY mood is in the air.. :P

I'm counting days for CHRISTMAS celebration. But not only that, I'm counting for BIRTHDAYS and ANNIVERSARY too. (yeay!) 

9 DAYS until my Birthday and 13 DAYS to hubby's Birthday. 24 DAYS to our 5th Wedding Anniversary.

Wow! It's SO exciting. :D

I'm so excited, I even bought a NEW DRESS for Christmas. It's in purple color. Yes, our color theme for this year would be PURPLE. (oh I revealed it.. No, i'll revealed the dress later..hehe) As for Hubby and Gabriel haven't bought yet.. Doi! mama duluan kan haha..

Our lil' Gabriel would be 16th months old on 25th Dec. Time really flies. He'll gonna reaches 2 years old in 8 months time. I really miss when he was a baby.. :(

As there are a lot of celebrations on this month, of course I'm thinking of baking more and more cakes and cuppies. I'm excited and still thinking of  what would be the designs and flavors. 

Oh I Love CHOCOLATE so much. I could bake chocolate cakes and chocolate cuppies again and again haha.. And definitely with different topping or I might slip in various types of filling. Hmm.. wait and see.. I hope I can work this out. :D

 Well, here's my 1st baking for December. Vanilla White Chocolate Cuppies with Blueberry topping, Chocolate Chips, Mixed Color Strands and Chocolate Strands.

 And here's Vanilla Lava Cake for the closing of the month of November. Will bake more of this soon. 1st try was success. Recipe will be posted out soon too :D

Okay, that's it for now. Have a great week ahead. :D

p/s: Could you feel the excitement vibe?..hehe :P


  1. bln kita ni stel! hehehe... uii.. itu lava mmg buat sia kobihis! mau try buat lg ni tau.. hehhe..

  2. Hai Stella,

    Merry Christmas in advance.. nda lama lagi kan.. saya sudah rasa kehangatannya dari sini...

  3. I also like December..but my blogging ni macam malas sudah...aiyaa...

    1. jgn malas2 ba gunsirit..saya suka blog ko yg comic2 tu..buat lg ba..

  4. December is special month for my youngest. This Friday he will be officially 6 years old. Like you, I'm also miss his 'babyhood'.

    Wahh! banyak celebration ko this month!

    1. Wyne, oh December baby pula ur youngest kan.. Ya bnyk oh.. :)

  5. Wah semua dalam satu months o kan

    1. Iya, semua dlm satu.. except Gabriel punya bday on August hehe

  6. Passionate in bakery just like my sister. I did saw all your photo in Instagram and makes me wanna try all your cakes and cuppies. Wishing you happy birthday in advance and also Merry Christmas to you and your family =D

    1. Thanks. I am just a newbie in baking.. Dont know why it become my passion lately. :)

      Merry Christmas to you too Diana :)

  7. Hi Stella, wow, cantiknya your cuppies. I really like your presentation macam sedap trus haha.. and I am sure they are sedap :).

    Looks like your fav month December is gonna be a busy time for you. Banyak program ni.
    Ehh, tidak sedar kan, macam baru juga baby Gabriel lahir.. skali now already coming to 16 months. Doii, cepatnya masa berlalu.
    Ahemmm...tidak sabar mau tengok baju kau Girl.. hehehe

    1. Aunty, itu dress sya yg simple2 saja..Yg sesuai di bawa ke church hehe.. Thanks.. I really love baking lately. Buat masa skrg sya teruskan dgn ini hobby.. :)
      Ya sibuk ni bulan ni.. yg penting dpt celebrate sama2 family :)

  8. sa pun suka December sbb ada krismas..hehhe..but the thing is sa xsuka januari..

    wa byknya events ko dlm bln ni..o ya cuppy sa mcana hehhe

    1. Ko x suka January?..why?.. hehe.. blog it out la..:)
      Ba, bila ko mau?..

  9. well, december also my fav month of the year. my birthday month, christmas lagi :)

    moi, campin suda ko membaking ooo...
