
20 December 2012

My Birthday Pics

As I promise in my last post. I'll upload few of my birthday pics. And here they are :-

 Thank you hubby for the birthday treat. :D

 My small family. I love every inch of it. Thank you GOD..

 Candid. As you can see, mom and son are so busy..hehe

And here are pics of our lil boy. He really enjoy walking. Luckily there wasn't lots of people dining there during that time. :D

Hubby brought us to Grand Borneo Hotel for dinner. Yes, this was my birthday treat. It was a buffet dinner. That's mean you have to eat until you full. Phew.. of course I ate until I was full that night. (Okay, I skipped my diet regime :P) I thanked GOD and hubby for the treat. Thank you GOD for giving me a chance to live until the very this day.

There wasn't lot of people dining there during that time. Seems like the place were booked only for us. We had our quality time together and thanks to Gabriel (our lil boy), he wasn't that cranky that time. I'm sure he wants to give Mom a small space of peace to celebrate birthday with daddy and with him as well. :D

Okay, that's it for now. See you again in my next post. :D

 p/s: Our Christmas tree is up. Oh really excited.. Will blog it out soon. :D


  1. Sadapnya buffet!
    If I want to have quality time for myself, I wouldn't bring my kids along because they're super active.. ha3!
    Anyway, happy belated birthday Stella!

  2. Mcm best saja tempat dia tu...Enjoy lah kamu celebrate kan..x ada org...:-) happy belated birthday to you...

    1. Ko try la p sana Jue. But the food and dessert dia x blh lawan Promenade la..

  3. Yayyy.. siok kalau teda urg! Cute2 tu kek!

  4. rindu mau mkn sana..hari tu kmi p pn xramai org..puas mkn oh..dessert la plg byk sy mkn..

    1. Ya ba..tapi dessert dia x blh lawan promenade la.. :)

  5. Happy birthday lagi sis~ Hish.. no need la bah diet regime tu, I see u slim ja pun.. hehe ;p
