
19 December 2012

My Birthday Dec 2012

Hi dear readers, 
It's been a while. Been busy with family matters. I promise myself to update this blog as soon as possible before Christmas. Oh yes, Christmas is around the corner. I am really excited. I bet you must be excited too!

Today I went to Karamunsing Complex to shop for Christmas Tree (well I hope it's not too late, Christmas is only 5 days to go ) and few gifts to my niece and nephew. To my surprise I ran into a gorgeous blogger friend. Siapa lagi kalau bukan si Wyne haha.. :D She's really a happy go lucky person. The moment she saw me, she shouts my name..haha.. It was really nice to see her in person. I hope to see more of her soon together with other blogger friends too. :D

Okay, let's move to 'My Birthday' story. 

My birthday was on 13th Dec. Hubby planned a surprise for me. He booked a room at Grand Borneo Hotel for us to spend during my birthday. However, I requested not to stay at a hotel. A dinner would be enough. Yes, indeed. I let him to save the money for dinner instead. 

Oh no, it's not that I didn't appreciate what he has planned for me. It was just I wanted something simple this year. Yes, just a simple dinner would be enough, and the most important is that he be there for me, on this special day. All I need is JUST him, being there for me. I'm glad as he really never fail to do so every year. 

Thank you so much dear hubby. He's really sweet and never fail to fulfill my request. Yes, just a simple request, every year. JUST BE THERE FOR ME. :D

Oh, it's 11.37pm. I think I should go to bed now. Been busy lately, and I feel tired all the way. But I still have this urge to update my blog. :D

Will upload few of my birthday photos in my next post. :D

Till then have a blessed week ahead and blessed advent. :)


  1. Happy belated birthday Moi...:-)

  2. Happy Belated Birthday Stella. Uh, I wish I can meet you in person too :) how great it is hah?

    How is ur little ones?

  3. Nnt CNY kita atur aa... mau jg jumpa ko ni stel.. :D psst.. sia msh buli imagine Stella in SMSM's uniform! hehehe..

  4. Lambat sa datang melawat sini yaii! Don't worry about meeting with other blogger...sedang diatur juga ni. hehe!
