
22 December 2012

The Love of My Life's Birthday

Dear hubby's birthday was on 17th Dec. But I decided to celebrate with him the day before as his family might set a plan to celebrate the birthday with him. I wanted some privacy of only 3 of us to celebrate his birthday. Yes, it's only hubby, me and our dear lil son.

I gave a treat at Promenade Hotel for hubby's birthday. He really liked it. Ya la kan high-tea buffet..Makan sampai kenyang ma..hehe..! 

I tell you, December is really all about food, food and food! I think I'm not gonna step on that weight scale until end of the year. I want to enjoy food during this festive season. Diet belakang kira hehe.. :P I guess I'd gain so much already, but peduli lah..nanti pikir, enjoy dulu haha..

food, food, food! :P These were at Promenade Hotel's High-tea buffet

Later, on late night, I baked a birthday cake for him. As I complete with the baking, I force him to wake up to blow the candles..haha! He was really touched and tear nearly drops. Betul ka dear?..hehe.. Uhuhu..jgn la tear drops, nanti sya pun terjangkit.

Hubby with the birthday cake I baked for him. Baked with lots of love and care. 
Nampak tu muka baru bangun hehe.. :P

My first time to bake a cake for him. Especially on his birthday. That was really my humble gift for him.. :D

The year 2012 really produces something new for me. I mean this new hobby of mine really makes me feel special in a kind of way I never think of before. I never think of having this baking thing as my hobby or maybe I can call it going to be my passion.

Okay that's it for now. Oh, it's 1.24am after all, I need to go to bed now.

p/s: I seldom blogwalk nowadays. I'm really busy with current things. A lot of things happens lately, with the family matters and preparation for the festive season. For sure will blogwalk once I have settle everything. Thank you for reading my posts and leaving some comment in my comment box. Will return a visit soon. :D


  1. Happy birthday sir richard! :) ps: He gave us (UMS student) a talk back there at KKIA kudat.. Hehe..

    ps again: Nice cake sis stella! It must taste heavenly tu kan.. hehe

  2. Happy Birthday to your hubby. I wish I have baking skill like you. Sa mo belajar2 juga la ni. I don't know where I get this but I think a woman who can bake is more of a woman than those who cannot :)

    1. hahaha.. I like it! .. Jadi a woman la sya ni haha

  3. Siapa tidak touching sebab ko susah-susah buat kek smpi tengah malam and then suru dia bangun untuk blow the candle. Saya pun terharu owh..

    Recently we had a official function in Promenade hotel and I was also forget about the diet and makan sampai kenyang! hehe...

    1. Tu la wyne..Sampai new year la ni maaaaaaakan saja!

  4. Nice celebration! Happy belated bday to your darling.

  5. waaa such a lucky husband! hehehe. happy birthday to ur love :)
