
24 December 2012

I Can't Wait To..

Here's our Christmas Tree. It was set up about 5 days ago.The color theme is purple gold. We bought new Christmas tree for this year. Hubby said he wants a new tree this year, a taller tree. Our previous tree is 5 feet height, and this new one is 7 feet.

It's fun to decorate and to decide the color theme. And it is more fun and worth to decorate it with your loved one. Oh nothing can compare the satisfactions and the relieves feeling once you done with the decorations. 

Your effort was paid with the amazing and wonderful end product of your hard works. Oh, I think I never mention this before, I'm actually a perfectionist. Not that bad, or maybe could be sometime..hehe. Well, I'm trying to alter it. Sometime it is good, but maybe other would find it annoying. I always remind myself, sometime you have to accept things the way they are.  Therefore, do not expect too much. Okay, I think I shall start to list down my new resolution for the year 2013..haha!

Oh I just can't wait to unwrap my Christmas gift. Today is Christmas Eve. Perhaps I shall unwrap my gift later at 12 midnight. :D Oh wait, which one is mine?.. :P

That's it for now. How's your Christmas preparation so far?.. Blog it out and share your link. I might hop to your blogsite to read it. :D


  1. Indeed your Christmas tree is taller! Hihihi...Me oso can't wait to open my Christmas gifts...anyway, Happy Christmas to you, Richard and lil' Gabriel :)

    1. Ya, taller! hehe.. thanks. Merry Christmas to you and ur husband too Vera :)

  2. Eee.. lawa owh!!! jeles tgk christmas tree basar2! Heheheh.. mau set theme for the tree kan lbh krg mcm mau set theme for our baju raya! hehehe

    1. Sama juga, we set our baju theme too for Christmas hehe! :) It is purple color :)

    2. waa.. purplish laini kamurang semua! skrg mmg zaman set theme ba kan.. senang cari baju! hehehe

  3. the tree is so beautiful! happy holiday, Stella!! ^^

  4. hai stella,
    Cantik christmas tree ko, terbaik dari stella ni =D

    Merry xmas and happy new year 2013 dari saya juga.

    Malam ni ada reunion & christmas celebration, can't wait to share gift.. last minute beli hadiah ni hehe

  5. merry christmas moi! cantik itu christmas tree and i love the purple gold theme :)

  6. Mery Christmas to you Donny, Amanda and Jj.. Best ka celebration this year?.. hehe..
