
19 September 2012

Phuket Vacation: Day 2 (Part 1)- Phang Nga Bay/ James Bond Island

Here is the Day 2 of our Phuket Vacation.

On the 2nd day, we (hubby and I) altogether with the other family members went for islands hoping at Phang Nga Bay. We managed to joined with our family members this time for the island hoping. It was indeed the more people, the merrier it was. 

We were picked up from hotel at around 8.30am to the Ao-Por Pier Jetty. 

 A group photo before proceed to the jetty. I wasn't in the picture because I was the one who captured this. hehe

My sister in law and I on our way to the boat.

Coffee, tea , biscuits and fruits were served for breakfast on the boat during a short introduction by the tour guide. Soft drinks and cold drinks were served as well. The double-decker boat was full of tourist. Most of them from westerns countries. This was our first time island hoping with a lot of western tourists.

 On the boat. The guys. From left, my father in-law, my two bro in-laws and hubby.

  On the boat. The ladies plus a little girl. From left, my two beautiful sister in-laws, niece , my mother in-laws and me. :)

The journey to Phang Nga Bay took 1 hour. I was amazed by the surrounding. Fantastic view. We were enjoying taking pictures and chit-chatting while waiting for the boat to arrived at the James Bond Island. We were very excited. Trust me, you don't want to miss that spectacular view when you're on the boat. I took a lot of pictures. :)

 This picture was taken when we were just about to board.

 The 2 of us. Can you see the emerald green water, blue skies and natural limestones karsts behind us?.. Amazing view isn't it?..  :)

The Phang Nga Bay surrounding indeed a very beautiful place. That emerald green water and a sheer limestone karsts that jut vertically view was really rare. I mean, i never seen something like that so far as I know in Sabah. This natural things are protected by the national park. But I am sure Sabah has its own spectacular natural view too. :)

 I heart this view

 Here too

 We were transferred into long-tailed boat before reached at the James Bond Island

Upon arriving at James Bond Island.

 This is the James Bond Island. It first found onto the international tourist map through the James Bond movie 'The Man with the Golden Gun'. James Bond Island, with its signature rocky pinnacle, has been a major attraction ever since it was filmed in the 1974 James Bond movie. A distinctive feature of this famous bay is the number of sheer limestone cliffs that vertically jut out of the emerald-green water.

James Bond Island is under national park protection. No boats of any kind are allowed to go too close to the island because of its precarious position; big on the upper part and relatively slim at the bottom. The two best ways to view James Bond Island are from boats or from the small beach on Koh Ping Ghan.

 Took memorable pictures with the James Bond Island.

  And here is at Koh Ping Ghan. It is just next to the James Bond Island. Ko Ping Ghan is a steep limestone wall and connected with undiscovered cave. I think so because you can see there's a deep dark cave that looks like no one ever entered there. It is really a unique nature features, looks like scary too..haha. This is a must visit place. I am sure you don't want to miss this place.

Back on the boat we were served with lunch before we proceed to the next destination, which is at Hong Island. I really love the Tom Yum Soup. By the way i didn't manage to took the soup pic..haha

Relaxing.. This was on our way to Hong Island. Hong Island was called the second James Bond Island. This island was featured in James Bond Movie too.

Canoeing to Hong Island. It was fun! :)

Now, could you see that vertical thing behind us?.. That is the second James Bond Island. We didn't stop there. Just canoeing around and enjoy the sightseeing. :)

Our last destination is at Panak Island. You have to pass through a cave to get inside of the island, where there are a lot of mangrove trees found there. According to our tour guide, last time you have to pass through the cave by a canoe as the water level was so high. 

 As we reached at the Panak Island, the water level was so low, that we just have to walked through the cave. But you have to be careful, as the cave is too dark and at the same time there's limestone jut down from above, so mind your head. You have to walk with slightly bend your body.

And here we are at the Panak Island. There's a lot of Mangrove trees there and they're huge!.. Okay, you can tell it from the picture above. :)

It was indeed a fun tour. And a new experience for us. I never been to this kind of place before. We were planning to go for Krabi next time. Okay, that is just a planning. I'm in love with that mesmerizing view. It was really relaxing seeing those emerald green water, and the blue skies as well as the unique features of limestone. 

For those who want to visit Phuket, James Bond Island is a must place to go. Don't forget to bring along Swimwear, Shorts, T-shirt, Sunblock (very important), Sunglasses, Beach Towel, Camera and a little money. You might want to bring a water-proof bag too for your camera. :)

We then reached our hotel at about 6.00 pm. Next on the evening , at about 7pm, we then proceed our tour to Simon Cabaret. 

Okay, Simon Cabaret will be in the next post. This post is really long enough to include another tour story in it. 

Till then see you in the next post. :) 


  1. oh.. sa miss yang ini oo.. tia pa.. bulih atur lagi.. :D.. he h ehe..

  2. punya siok!! sia suka all the scenes!! sgt la santik mata memandang!!

  3. wah..sgt best oo! cantik2 gambar! :)

    1. Ya mmg best :) view sana mmg lawa, gmbr2 tidak payah edit suda hehe

  4. Wow wonderful pics makes me wanna go there instantly heheeh :))

  5. Hey Sexy, I miss Phuket looking at your pix. Looks like u're having a great time!

  6. Best! Nice views and memang santik. I just share my 1st day di Medan jugak in my blog. But my trip is a pilgrimage trip. :-)

  7. Bestnya honeymoon! jeles jeles! nak juga gi Phuket... but i just missed the AirAsia Free Seats... :(

  8. nice view.. cantik2 pic ko stell.. terus sy rindu krabi ni.. haha

  9. Hi StellaClaire, I am planning to go Phuket next month, but it bothers me that whether I should go for Phi Phi island trip or Phang Nga island trip, just want to know which island hopping is more suitable for kids ? cos I will be travelled with 8 kids.

    1. Hi Johnlim40,
      Both islands are suitable but too crowdy during peak season. I have not seen any family bringing more than 3 kids during my visits there but I think you will manage your kids just fine.

    2. Hi Stella, thanks for the information. Between nice photos too. Thanks again.

  10. Thanks for sharing this kind of information. People will surely like this kind of information.
    Phang Nga Tour

  11. Wow your blog are have superb info about the phuket tours, And images also awesome, Thanks for sharing a wonderful information...
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  12. Great! Thanks for the sharing all your experience. Found useful with your Pictures & Information that you have provided.
    Phang Nga Bay
