
30 October 2012

Chocolate Fondant / Lava Cake Recipe

Chocolate Fondant / Lava Cake Recipe was my 1st baking after I bought an oven on last Friday (26th October 2012). I decided to bake this cake after I saw a friend posted about it on Instagram. It's look tempting and I told myself why don't I bake it myself?.. So i decided to bake choco fondant on the next day. Most of the ingredients are really easy to find. You can find it in any bakery shop that are selling baking ingredients as well as baking utensils.

Here's the recipe:-


  3 eggs

3 tablespoon of castor sugar

1 cup of dark chocolate

5 tablespoon of butter

1 tablespoon of cocoa powder

3 tablespoon of flour

1 teaspoon of Vanilla essence

All the ingredients 


First of all, pre-heat oven at 160 degree Celsius.

 Add sugar into eggs and beat until the sugar dissolve. Set aside.

 Put the butter and dark chocolate together and melts it by using 'double boil' method.

And now slowly fold in the melted butter & dark chocolate into the mixture of egg & sugar. Add the vanilla essence afterward.

 Pour in cocoa powder and mix them well.

And finally pour in the flour. And mix them well.

 Now, done!.. :)

 I used ramekin cups for this 1st try. I bought these cups from "bake with me" at Lintas. Grease them with butter before you put in the mixture.

 And now put them in oven to bake at 160 degree Celsius for 15-18 minutes.

 Tadaaa!! And here's the result. You can decorate on your own and it's really great to have them with vanilla ice-cream. :)

 The chocolate lava in the middle. :)

Here's my second try using muffin cups. :)

Ok, that's it for now. I hope this post really helps. The process is really easy isn't it?.. :D
Blog it out once you baked the choco fondant ok.. Good luck! :)


  1. Waaa nice dlm gambar apa lg dlm mulut.. Huhu.. Thanks for sharing, nanti mo cuba buat jg ni... Belum ckup utensil mo test bikin cake. Nanti sy mau dig ko punya archive. Mo tingu resipi... yay!

  2. Ini kali sa mau turun padang! I'm goin to try this. Itu dark chocolate, butter and flour ko guna apa brand moi. Gila! Sa excited pula suda hehe!

    1. Bah wyne! nanti klu suda buat blog it out! :)
      Dark chocolate sya guna brand Beryl's, yg butter sya guna Buttercup and itu flour guna apa2 saja brand tepung gandum should be okay tu.. :)

    2. Ok. Noted. Haha, sa betul2 excited. c Just pun macam mau try juga hehe...

    3. Sya pun excited mula2.. Mcm siok kan :)

    4. hehehe.. sia diam2 ja ni.. kalau ada, ada la.. :D

    5. Just, jgn diam2 ..kasi blog out ba hehehe

  3. mcm sinang ja owh stel!! selain itu ramekin cups buli guna cups apa lg? tekejut la mumy sia kalau sia yg mau buat sendiri kunun ni.. hahaha..

    1. Just, boleh guna muffin cups and souffle cups jg.. Ba kasi terkejut mummy ko.. Kali si asai pun terkejut haha

    2. hahaha... c asai lg la nda pecaya. kalau buat time dia teda d rmh, mesti dia ckp sia p beli. hahahaha... ba, hrp2 la terbuat. kikiki...
      btw, in future kalau ko kasi resepi n the method, ko buat mcm ni entry jg aa.. sinang mau fhm. heheheh.. thanks stel!

    3. Ok, in the future sya buat post gini jg..hehe..
      Ba ko buat time dia ada d rumah la..hehe :P

  4. tu lava dia mmg sedia ada ka tu klau siap bake? eh.. ngm ka soalan ni.. hehe.. or kena buat special cream lg? :)

    1. No need to ready any special cream. Mmg jd gitu tu after ko bake :)

  5. harus d try ni..kesian tu oven lama x berasap..

  6. haiiiih simple pula..bah lama sdh sya x buka oven di kampung oo haha..mau try la ni..thanks for sharing! :D

  7. Wow Girl, punya lahh.. am impressed! Gorgeous presentations too.

  8. wah..mcm senang mo buat ni..hehe..

  9. looks easy from your pictorial...kalau sinang2 time holiday saya akan cuba copy cat ini recipe ko. Thanks for sharing :)

  10. sis.. mau tny lg.. ni fondant best served cold or warm/hot? hehe.. klau suda siap boleh simpan dlm fridge?

    1. Paling best serves time dia panas2..mkn dgn aiskrim. Boleh simpan dlm esbok..and re-heat balik if mo mkn. Kalau mo mkn sejuk2 pun ok jg

  11. sis.. suda dua kali sya buat still fail ;( jadi kek keras ne last2.. I wonder whats the problem.. the final mixing tu, I find out dia mcm ada pekat ne, tapi tgk your picture tu mcm cair lagi..
