
28 October 2012

Praise to GOD for all the good things.

Just to share with you what is happening lately for the past 3 days. My husband really wanted to treat me nice meals during this holiday season. I'm so happy to hear that. 

I don't know what is his reason for him of doing so out of sudden, but I am sure maybe this is one of his way to appreciate me for taking care of our lil son and of course for being with him until the very this day. And hoping for more to come. :D

 I am so thankful for what I had and for what I'm having now.  Praise to GOD for all the good things. :D

 Hubby treated me with Kenny Rogers Chicken since I didn't have this for a long time. He knows this is my fav!

Later after the main course, chocolate fudge cake for dessert from Kenny Rogers.

 The next day I bought an oven with a hand mixer free of charge.. yeay! :P Hubby encouraged me to buy this since I was so into baking nowadays. :)

 And that late afternoon for tea time, I steamed those red bean pau buns for my hubby and our lil Gabriel. I love this pau buns brand. Tasty and the filled in red bean was quite plenty! Try it out the Kart's brand. :D

 The next day we had our brunch at Kah Hiong Ngiu Chap. It's one of my fav food too. Hubby really remembers my fav food. :)

 Kon lo men at Tanjung Aru. My favourite kon lo men ever. We had this for breakfast on Saturday morning. Our Gabriel love to eat it too! :)

 And later in the afternoon, I baked chocolate fondant/chocolate lava cake. Hubby really love it!

Can you see the chocolate lava?..  I baked this chocolate fondant/ chocolate lava cake for the 1st time and luckily it was a success! I'll blog it out the recipe soon! :)

And last but not least, a gathering with the siblings of my hubby. We really had fun chit-chatting while having our meal at PappaRich CityMall. We never been see each other for a long time and this would be a good catch up!.. :)

Ok, that's it for now. So how's your weekend so far? :D


  1. sy pun suka kenny roger's tp mahall..haha...
    sioknya ada free hand mixer lg...makin rajin la lps ini kan..:)

  2. from what i read, i can sum up ONE thing...of all the good things you've been experiencing, you can praise the Lord for giving a very understanding and accommodating husband. :)

    1. Ya.. You're right chegucarol.. I feel blessed :) and grateful :)

  3. We are lucky to have such understanding and loving husband. And one thing I really appreciate about my hubby is he can cook! hahahehe..

  4. wah..sedapnya coklat lava kek ko, teruskan usaha membikin kek2 yg sedap k..ada suda oven baru kan...hehe

  5. adui itu choc lava baa... bikin teliur!! great hubby u have stel! Pray for forever happiness to u and family.

    1. Thanks Just :) apa lg ada oven, mem baking sj la saya ni :)

  6. I bought mine (oven) last year before Christmas. The 4L oven (can use as a microwave too) but I did not touch it till now. So sad..I used it before Christmas but now jadi display ja. Hope it still functioning. Buang duit ja nanti. I wish I have a days for baking. Sibuk saja ni huhuu

    1. Ya, Christmas is near. Siok tu baking2 :) hope ur oven still functioning :)

  7. untungnya dapat suami mcm ni.. thanks for everything

  8. Wow!! Sa mau try bake choc fondant jg la kalau mcm ni.. ;)
